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DH: Matthew Stephen "Matty"
DW: Anne PatienceDD1: Genevieve Madeleine
-DH: Magnus Robert
--DS: Peter Leo "Pete"
--DD: Julia Madeleine "Julie"
--DD: Mariah GenevieveDD2: Katherine Amelia "Kit"
-DH: William Christopher
--DD: Jane Allison
--DD: Rose ThereseDS1: Eli David
-DW: Elaine Charlotte
--DD: Fiona Emilie
--DD: Grace CarolineDD3: Lydia Rosemarie
DS2: Moses John "Mose"
DD4: Constance Edwina "Con"
DD5: Elisabeth Clara "Lis"
"He was healthy to the point of heathendom and he acknowledged no power but his own."Joseph Roth, Hotel Savoy
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