Re: Generation CAF '42
in reply to a message by Evey
DH - Gideon Nathaniel Stalling [81]
DW - Elodie Astrid {Samuel} Stalling [81]
DD1 - Wilhelmina Adelaide {Stalling} Pack [59]
-DH - Louis William Pack [60]
-DD - Audrey Bernadine {Pack} Abernathy [28]
--DH - Dean Samuel Abernathy [31]
--DS - Roland Gustave [1]
DD2 - Melisande Elsbeth {Stalling} Wilkes [58]
-DH - Simon Marshall Wilkes [58]
-DD - Zelda Claudia {Wilkes} Granger [32]
--DH - Magnus Armand Granger [35]
--DS - Levi Florian [5]
--DS - Ezra Jackson [3]
-DD - Alice Abigail {Wilkes} Napier [30]
--DH - Isaac Valentin Napier [30]
--DS - David Berthold [3]
--DD - Mercy Louise [1]
-DD - Aida Marilla Wilkes [27]
--Dbf - Graham Sinclair Weir [26]
--DS - Roman Archibald [Expecting]
DD3 - Corinne Lorelei {Stalling} Burroughs [54]
-DH - Asher Vincent Burroughs Sr. [54]
-DD - Aurora Camilla {Burroughs} Siegel [30]
--DH - Montgomery Richmond Siegel [32]
--DD - Anita Magdalen [6]
--DD - Leora Jacqueline [3]
--DS - Asa Ulrich [10 months]
-DD - Scarlett Julia {Burroughs} Christie [28]
--DH - Gilbert Derek Christie [28]
--DS - Ezekiel Andrew [7]
--DD - Stella Gertrude [5]
--DD - Ursula Karin [2]
--DD - Danica Celeste [Expecting]
-DD - Davina Geraldine Burroughs [25]
--Dgf - Eleanor Camille Atwood [22]
-DS - Asher Vincent Jr. [23]
-DS - Roger Bernhard Burroughs [20]
--Dgf - Delphine Winifred Otto [19]
--DD - Aviva Miriam [nb]
-DS - Oscar Leopold [18]
DD4 - Alberta Gretchen {Stalling} Fournier [52]
-DH - Tobin Everett Fournier Sr. [49]
-DS - Tobin Everett Fournier Jr. [22]
--Dgf - Lydia Verena Wolff [23]
--DS - Reid Maxwell [Expecting]
-DS - Ismael Bartholomew [19]
-DD - Christina Piper [17]
-DS - Zachariah Walter [13]
DS1 - Matthias Barrett Stalling [49]
-DW - Estella Josephine {Thorne} Stalling [49]
-DS - Evander Wilbert [16]
DD5 - Annalise Joanna {Stalling} Svenson [47]
-DH - Jefferson Cassius Svenson [46]
-DD - Marie Madeleine Svenson [18]
--DD - Laura Gabrielle [Expecting]
-DD - Priscilla Rosabel [15]
Gideon and Elodie Stalling - Billie, Mel, Cora, Ally, Matt, and Anna Stalling.
-Billie and Louis Pack - Audrey Pack.
--Audrey and Dean Abernathy - Roland Abernathy.
-Mel and Simon Wilkes - Zelda, Alice, and Aida Wilkes.
--Zelda and Magnus Granger - Levi, and Ezra Granger.
--Alice and Isaac Napier - David, and Mercy Napier.
--Aida Wilkes and Graham Weir - Roman Weir.
-Cora and Asher Burroughs - Aurora, Scarlett, Davina, AJ, Roger, and Oscar Burroughs.
--Aurora and Monty Siegel - Anita, Leora, and Asa Siegel.
--Scarlett and Gilbert Christie - Ezekiel, Stella, Ursula, and Danica Christie.
--Davina Burroughs and Nora Atwood.
--Roger Burroughs and Delphine Otto - Aviva Otto.
-Ally and Tobin Fournier - TJ, Ismael, Tina, and Zach Fournier.
--TJ Fournier and Lydia Wolff - Reid Wolff.
-Matt and Estella Stalling - Evander Stalling.
-Anna and Jefferson Svenson - Marie, and Priscilla Svenson.
--Marie Svenson - Laura Svenson.
Silence is no certain token that no secret grief is there; Sorrow which is never spoken is the heaviest load to bear. – Francis Ridley Havergal
DW - Elodie Astrid {Samuel} Stalling [81]
DD1 - Wilhelmina Adelaide {Stalling} Pack [59]
-DH - Louis William Pack [60]
-DD - Audrey Bernadine {Pack} Abernathy [28]
--DH - Dean Samuel Abernathy [31]
--DS - Roland Gustave [1]
DD2 - Melisande Elsbeth {Stalling} Wilkes [58]
-DH - Simon Marshall Wilkes [58]
-DD - Zelda Claudia {Wilkes} Granger [32]
--DH - Magnus Armand Granger [35]
--DS - Levi Florian [5]
--DS - Ezra Jackson [3]
-DD - Alice Abigail {Wilkes} Napier [30]
--DH - Isaac Valentin Napier [30]
--DS - David Berthold [3]
--DD - Mercy Louise [1]
-DD - Aida Marilla Wilkes [27]
--Dbf - Graham Sinclair Weir [26]
--DS - Roman Archibald [Expecting]
DD3 - Corinne Lorelei {Stalling} Burroughs [54]
-DH - Asher Vincent Burroughs Sr. [54]
-DD - Aurora Camilla {Burroughs} Siegel [30]
--DH - Montgomery Richmond Siegel [32]
--DD - Anita Magdalen [6]
--DD - Leora Jacqueline [3]
--DS - Asa Ulrich [10 months]
-DD - Scarlett Julia {Burroughs} Christie [28]
--DH - Gilbert Derek Christie [28]
--DS - Ezekiel Andrew [7]
--DD - Stella Gertrude [5]
--DD - Ursula Karin [2]
--DD - Danica Celeste [Expecting]
-DD - Davina Geraldine Burroughs [25]
--Dgf - Eleanor Camille Atwood [22]
-DS - Asher Vincent Jr. [23]
-DS - Roger Bernhard Burroughs [20]
--Dgf - Delphine Winifred Otto [19]
--DD - Aviva Miriam [nb]
-DS - Oscar Leopold [18]
DD4 - Alberta Gretchen {Stalling} Fournier [52]
-DH - Tobin Everett Fournier Sr. [49]
-DS - Tobin Everett Fournier Jr. [22]
--Dgf - Lydia Verena Wolff [23]
--DS - Reid Maxwell [Expecting]
-DS - Ismael Bartholomew [19]
-DD - Christina Piper [17]
-DS - Zachariah Walter [13]
DS1 - Matthias Barrett Stalling [49]
-DW - Estella Josephine {Thorne} Stalling [49]
-DS - Evander Wilbert [16]
DD5 - Annalise Joanna {Stalling} Svenson [47]
-DH - Jefferson Cassius Svenson [46]
-DD - Marie Madeleine Svenson [18]
--DD - Laura Gabrielle [Expecting]
-DD - Priscilla Rosabel [15]
Gideon and Elodie Stalling - Billie, Mel, Cora, Ally, Matt, and Anna Stalling.
-Billie and Louis Pack - Audrey Pack.
--Audrey and Dean Abernathy - Roland Abernathy.
-Mel and Simon Wilkes - Zelda, Alice, and Aida Wilkes.
--Zelda and Magnus Granger - Levi, and Ezra Granger.
--Alice and Isaac Napier - David, and Mercy Napier.
--Aida Wilkes and Graham Weir - Roman Weir.
-Cora and Asher Burroughs - Aurora, Scarlett, Davina, AJ, Roger, and Oscar Burroughs.
--Aurora and Monty Siegel - Anita, Leora, and Asa Siegel.
--Scarlett and Gilbert Christie - Ezekiel, Stella, Ursula, and Danica Christie.
--Davina Burroughs and Nora Atwood.
--Roger Burroughs and Delphine Otto - Aviva Otto.
-Ally and Tobin Fournier - TJ, Ismael, Tina, and Zach Fournier.
--TJ Fournier and Lydia Wolff - Reid Wolff.
-Matt and Estella Stalling - Evander Stalling.
-Anna and Jefferson Svenson - Marie, and Priscilla Svenson.
--Marie Svenson - Laura Svenson.
Silence is no certain token that no secret grief is there; Sorrow which is never spoken is the heaviest load to bear. – Francis Ridley Havergal