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Re: Classic (mostly) CAF
SO: Odelia Giselle "Odie"
SO: Peter Robert "Pete"

DD: Rose Cordelia
DS: William Ignatius
DS: Nicholas Clement "Noll"
DD: Eleanor Jessamine "Nell"
DD: Lydia Thomasine
DS: Joachim Christopher "Kim"
DD: Catherine Paulina Odie & Pete; Rose, William, Noll, Nell, Lydia, Kim, and Catherine. Doing it again, just for fun. :-) I miss the smaller Namebank CAFs sometimes when we get a whole lot of Generation CAFs. DH: Etienne Charles
DW: Helena Catherine "Leni"DD: Juliana Celeste "Julie"
DS: Guillaume Laurent
DS: Sebastian Victor "Seb"
DD: Octavia Bethany
DD: Cecilia Rosalie
DS: Florian Gabriel "Flori"
DD: Ginevra Mallory

"He was healthy to the point of heathendom and he acknowledged no power but his own."Joseph Roth, Hotel Savoy

This message was edited 7/14/2014, 12:15 PM

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