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Re: International Neighbourhood CAF
in reply to a message by Evey
DH [32] William Noah Foster
DW [31] Mia Isabella {Clark} FosterDS [6] Aiden Daniel Foster
DS [3] James Matthew Foster
DD [1] Charlotte Avery Foster* *DH [40] Oliver Jacob Thompson
DW [38] Lily Jessica {Bourne} ThompsonDD [10] Ruby Isla Thompson
DS [8] Joshua Alfie Thompson
DS [5] Samuel Oscar Thompson
DD [3] Grace Chloe Thompson* *DH [34] Gabriel Enzo Laurent
DW [34] Inès Jade {Morel} LaurentDS [4] Hugo Raphaël Laurent
DS [2] Adam Théo Laurent* *DH [45] Jack Lewis Campbell
DW [43] Sophie Ava {Reid} CampbellDD [20] Ella Millie Campbell
DD [18] Freya Emma Campbell
DS [16] Mason Alexander Campbell
DD [13] Holly Erin Campbell
DS [11] Harris Finlay Campbell
DD [8] Anna Poppy Campbell
DS [4] Leo Ryan Campbell
DD [4] Brooke Orla Campbell* *DH [31] Adrian Pablo Sanchez
DW [32] Maria Daniela {Serrano} SanchezDS [4] Marcos Javier Sanchez
DS [18mo] Nicolas Sergio Sanchez
DD [exp] Sofia Claudia Sanchez* *DH [36] Sean Daniel Murphy
DW [36] Emma Grace {Byrne} MurphyDD [11] Amelia Lucy Murphy
DS [9] Dylan Michael Murphy
DD [7] Hannah Kate Murphy
DD [4] Leah Holly Murphy
DS [2] Jamie Liam Murphy* *DH [31] Levente Balázs Nagy
DW [31] Jázmin Nóra {Papp} NagyDD [4] Viktória Lili Nagy
DD [2] Petra Ezter Nagy
DD [exp] Gréta Zoé Nagy* *DH [28] Lucas Arthur Lambert
DW [28] Julie Marie {PeeterS} LambertDD [1] Lina Camille Lambert* *DH [33] Charlie William Olsson
DW [31] Alice Ebba {Lindberg} OlssonDS [5] Alexander Elias Olsson
DD [3] Alva Agnes Olsson
DD [9mo] Linnea Isabelle Olsson* *DH [26] Bram Levi Dekker
DW [25] Tess Fenna {Van-Dyk} DekkerDS [2] Jesse Thomas Dekker
DD [exp Sara Lotte Dekker* *DH [34] Sebastian Magnus Hagen
DW [32] Ingrid Nora {Jensen} HagenDD [6] Thea Amalie Hagen
DD [3] Olivia Vilde Hagen
DD [10mo] Frida Mathilde Hagen* *DH [30] Jakob Filip Novak
DW [28] Lara Neža {Vidmar} NovakDD [2] Ana Julija Novak
DS [nb] David Anže Novak* *DH [37] James Oliver Kelly
DW [37] Isla Charlotte {Morton} KellyDD [12] Chloe Isabella Kelly
DS [10] Hunter Samuel Kelly
DD [7] Mila Sophia Kelly
DS [4] Max Joshua Kelly
DS [4] Cooper Lachlan Kelly* *Dbf [24] Ethan Logan Taylor
Dgf [22] Ava Emily JonesDS [18mo] Benjamin Owen Taylor
DD [exp] Abigail Avery Taylor* *DH [25] Lorenzo Andrea Costa
DW [24] Aurora Giulia {Ferrari} CostaDS [3] Gabriele Tomasso Costa
DD [7mo] Alessia Gaia Costa* *DH [28] Szymon Kacper Kowalski
DW [26] Lena Zuzanna {Nowak} KowalskiDS [4] Mateusz Piotr Kowalski
DD [2] Aleksandra Natalia Kowalski
DD [4mo] Emilia Gabriela Kowalski
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