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Re: Astronomicon's Über-CAF [part #1]
H: Adam Joseph [Haden] [98]
xW: Abigail Elizabeth 'Abby' [Power] [95]S1/S2: August Dominic & Anthony Andrew [77]
D1: Lucille Eleanora 'Lucy' [75]
S3: Jacob Everett [73]
D2: Anabella Elaine 'Bella' [71]
D3: Megan Gabriella [70]xW: Nia Meredith [Reece] [90]S4: Steffan Charles [67)W: Margarita Kharitonovna 'Maggie' [Yakovleva] [dec. aged 42] S5: Isaak Frederick [64]
D4: Aleksandrina Emily [61]
D5: Anastasiya Katharine [59]W: Emma Maria [84] [Venäläinen] -W’sD1 / W’sD2: Susanna Ester 'Anna' & Josefiina Iris 'Josie' [60]
-W’sS1: Elias Filip [58]
-W’sD3: Elsa Laila [54]
-S6: Matthew Jared 'Matt' [48]
Jennifer Nicole
...Loving the Names...
Julia Elisabeth, Kate Alexandra, Natalia Cristina, Olivia Rachel
Grant Joseph, Jacob William, John Spencer, Jude Hamilton

This message was edited 6/13/2014, 12:23 AM

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