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Re: Astronomicon's Über-CAF [part #1]
H: Adam Joseph Hanley 98]
xW: Leontyne Tamsyn [Street] Hanley [95]
S1/S2: August Caelan Hanley & Barnaby Andrew Hanley [77]
D1: Matilda Valary Hanley [75]
S3: Vincent David Hanley [73]
D2: Olive Rowena Hanley [71]
D3: Isolde Mabel Hanley [70]xW: Gwenneth Eirlys Reece-Cadwallader [90]S4:Reece Damian Hanley [67)W: Lara Lavrentyevna Hanley-Yakovleva [dec. aged 42]S5: Andrei Solomon Hanley-Yakovleva [64]
D4: Agata Peony Hanley-Yakovleva [61]
D5: Anastasiya Alexandria Hanley-Yakovleva [59]W: Emma Tatiana (Tähtinen) Hanley [84] -W’sD1 / W’sD2: Saari Fredrika Tähtinen & Lumi Katariina Tähtinen [60]
-W’sS1: Kalevi Ari Tähtinen [58]
-W’sD3: Nora Laila Tähtinen [54]
-S6: Sebastian Hugh Hanley [48]
Monsters are real, and ghost are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win
- Stephen King
PNL: rated: Alice and Henry
Bottom: Lykke and Isak
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