THE HUXTABLE FAMILY Leo Andy ♥ Darcy Marie Aracely Sara Felicity Serena James Samson Raphael William Francesca Florence Claudine Renee Alister Connor & Quentin EdmundLeo & Darcy Aracely. Felicity. James. Raphael. Francesca. Claudine. and Alister & Quentin--THE LOCKWOOD FAMILY Aracely Sara ♥ Philip Laurence Glenn Gregory Lachlan Philip Chloe Isabel Morris Roman Georgiana Viola Cecily Aline Angus FranzAracely & Philip Glenn. Lachlan. Chloe. Morris. Georgiana. Cecily. and Angus THE FRYE FAMILY Felicity Serena ♥ Abraham Yaakov Noah Narcissa Isolde Georgina "Cissy" Katherina Olivera Harriet "Kate" Leonie Evelyn Valentina "Leo" Theresa Annabel Charlotte "Tessa" Felix Nikolai IndigoFelicity & Bramwell Cissy. Kate. Leo. Tessa. and Felix THE HUXTABLE FAMILY James Samson ♥ Olympe Irene Chantal Elodie Reynaud Guy Jeannot Matthias Fabien Achilles Nicoline Josephine Cloe Clarisse James & Olympe Chantal. Reynaud. Jeannot. Fabien. Nicoline. and Cloe THE HUXTABLE FAMILY Raphael William ♥ Veslemoy Milly Sylvia Carina Cecile Paula Adrian Leo Ralf Sten Kaja Antonia Emilia Katja Anniken Ase Leiv Knut Alf OyvindRaphael & Veslemoy Sylvia. Cecile. Adrian. Ralf. Kaja. Emilia. Anniken. Leiv. and Alf