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Re: This or That CAF - Round 5
DH: Simon Thaddeus Vincent Weaver
DW: Clara Elizabeth (Biggs) WeaverDS: Cornelis Aidan August Weaver
-DW: Rachel Tamara (Freeman) Weaver
--DS: Spencer Damien Weaver
--DS: Phineas Samuel Weaver
--DD: Sidonie Dorothy Weaver
--DD/DS: Caitlin Viola Weaver & Silas Dimitri WeaverDS: Wilhelm Rafe Telmo Weaver
-DW: Cecilia Danae Emily (Barrington) Weaver
--DS: Rohan Otto Weaver
--DS/DD/DS: Seamus David Weaver & Ceridwen Estelle Weaver & Osmond Charles Weaver
--DS: Basil Nikolai Marius WeaverDD: Calliope Amabel Alice (Weaver) Lawson *triplet to Tyra and Theron*
-DH: Joseph Paul Lawson
--DD: Aurora Josette Willow Lawson
--DS: Agathon Christian Lawson
--DS: Noam Ira Lawson
--DD: Sophronia Alice Lawson
--DS: Yoan Asher Lawson
DD: Tyra Ysabel Roisin Weaver *triplet to Calliope and Theron*
DS: Theron Yves Rohan Weaver *triplet to Calliope and Tyra*
DD: Phoibe Francesca Gwen Weaver
DD: Kelda Leandra Weaver
DD: Geraldine Hebe Josiane Weaver *twin to Celestine*
DD:Celestine Yesenia Weaver *twin to Geraldine*
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