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Re: Preferences CAF
in reply to a message by CN
DH: Brennan Alec Thomas
DW: Delilah Molly Thomas née BlaineDD1: Mila Sophie Thurston née Thomas
DS1: Preston Miles Thomas
DS2: Harrison James Thomas
DD2: Magnolia Lucy Sterling née Thomas*********
DD1’s Family
DW: Mila Sophie Thurston née Thomas
DH: Beck Mattias ThurstonDS: Jasper August Thurston
DD: Elsa Naomi Thurston
DD: Nora Eleanor Thurston*********
DS1's Family
DH: Preston Miles Thomas
DW: Ruby Felicity Thomas née RainierDS: Henry James Thomas
DS: William Louis Thomas*********
DS2's Family
DH: Harrison James Thomas
DW: Gemma Helena Thomas née AlexanderDD: Miranda Bella Thomas
DD: Vivian Clara Thomas
DD: Caroline Livia Thomas*********DD2's Family
DW: Magnolia Lucy Sterling née Thomas
DH: Quentin Eli SterlingDS: Cash Roan Sterling
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