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Re: Preferences CAF
in reply to a message by CN

DH: Roman Thomas
DW: Susannah JosephineDD1: Leah Elisa
DS1: Miles Elliot
DS2: Alexander Benjamin
DD2: Rosemary Lucy*********
DD1’s FamilyDW: Leah Elisa
DH: Mattias GarthDS: Riley Magnus
DD: Veronica Naomi
DD: Ava Lucia
DS1's FamilyDH: Miles Elliot
DW: Ruby OliviaDS: Raphael Henry
DS: Louis Hugh
DS2's FamilyDH: Alexander Benjamin
DW: Matilda MaeveDD: Anna Juno
DD: Alice Maude
DD: Emma Tara
DD2's FamilyDW: Rosemary Lucy
DH: Reuben JacobDS: Jasper Drake
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