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Re: Preferences CAF
in reply to a message by CN
DH: Nathaniel RomanDW: Charlotte ViolaDD1: Zoe AmeliaDS1: Elliot MilesDS2: Spencer JamesDD2: Constance Marian*********
DD1’s FamilyDW: Zoe AmeliaDH: Soren KirkDS: Rune LinusDD: Julia NaomiDD: Eleanor Lucia*********
DS1's FamilyDH: Elliot MilesDW: Willow EmilyDS: James HenryDS: William Emory*********
DS2's FamilyDH: Spencer JamesDW: Liliana JulietDD: Miranda IrisDD: Clara VivianDD: Livia Caroline*********DD2's FamilyDW: Constance MarianDH: Jacob AndersonDS: Hunter Jude
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