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Re: Preferences CAF
in reply to a message by CN
DH: Nathaniel Thomas Rainey
DW: Elizabeth Susannah {Goldman} RaineyDD1: Sophie Madelyn {Rainey} Greer
DS1: Elliot Preston Rainey
DS2: Alexander Wesley Rainey
DD2: Laurel Charlotte {Rainey} Teague*DD1: Sophie Madelyn {Rainey} Greer
DH: Garth Mattias GreerDS: Dominic Anthony Greer
DD: Veronica Naomi Greer
DD: Georgia Luella Greer*DS1: Elliot Preston Rainey
DW: Hazel Adeline {Bassett} RaineyDS: Max Henry Rainey
DS: Hugh Louis Rainey*DS2: Alexander Wesley Rainey
DW: Euphemia Maeve {Eldridge} RaineyDD: Aurora Iris Rainey
DD: Alice Winifred Rainey
DD: Ava Cordelia Rainey*DD2: Laurel Charlotte {Rainey} Teague
DH: Seth Quentin TeagueDS: Chandler Keon Teague
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