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Re: Preferences CAF
in reply to a message by CN
DH: Patrick Lawrence
DW: Frances LeontineDD1: Eva Sophie
DS1: George Duncan
DS2: Robert James
DD2: Lucy Constance*********
DD1’s FamilyDW: Eva Sophie
DH: Soren BeckDS: Magnus Rune
DD: Elsa Claudia
DD: Cora Eleanor*********
DS1's FamilyDH: George Duncan
DW: Daisy AdelineDS: Henry Raphael
DS: William Hugh*********
DS2's FamilyDH: Robert James
DW: Rowena MaeveDD: Juno Iris
DD: Alice Maude
DD: Portia Mary*********
DD2's FamilyDW: Lucy Constance
DH: Samuel ReubenDS: Jasper Roan

This message was edited 10/21/2013, 1:03 PM

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