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Re: Preferences CAF
in reply to a message by CN
DH: Simon Nathaniel
DW: Josephine MichaelaDD1: Ivy Amelia
DS1: Elliot Blaine
DS2: Noah Alexander
DD2: May Pearl*********
DD1’s FamilyDW: Ivy Amelia
DH: Mattias SorenDS: Sebastian August
DD: Julia Elsa
DD: Eleanor Ava *********
DS1's FamilyDH: Elliot Blaine
DW: Olivia AidaDS: Max James
DS: Louis William*********
DS2's FamilyDH: Noah Alexander
DW: Maeve OpheliaDD: Aurora Miranda
DD: Alice Wilhelmina
DD: Ava Cordelia *********DD2's FamilyDW: May Pearl
DH: Samuel Eli "Sam"DS: Drake Hunter
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