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This was great! :)
in reply to a message by CN
Jeremy Ewan ♥ Flora Frances
Amelia Sophie "Millie"
John Stephen "Jack"
Edward Frederick "Ned"
Verity AutumnJem & Flora
Millie. Jack. Ned. and Verity
Millie's Family
Bjorn Leif ♥ Amelia Sophie "Millie"
Elsa Victoria
Lucia Eleanor Bjorn & Millie
Sebastian. Elsa. and Lucia
Jack's Family
John Stephen "Jack" ♥ Daisy Emma
Raphael Henry
Rupert WilliamJack & Daisy
Raphael. and Rupert
Ned's Family
Edward Frederick "Ned" ♥ Elena JulietBonnie Scarlett
Annabel Daphne
Elizabeth Emma Ned & Elena
Bonnie. Annabel. and Lizzie

*********Verity's Family
Sterling Byron ♥ Verity Autumn
Jagger DonovanSterling & Verity

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