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Re: Preferences CAF
in reply to a message by CN
DH: Roman Thomas
DW: Delilah RuthDD1: Elisa Natalie
DS1: Bartholomew Isaac
DS2: Finn Edward
DD2: Lucy CassiaRoman (65) and Lilah (67) with: Lisa (42), Tolly (40), Finn (37) and Luce (32).*********DD1: Elisa Natalie
DH: Mattias BeckDS: Sebastian Dexter
DD: Nina Mary
DD: Bethany SerafinaLisa (42) and Matt (44) with: Seb (16), Nina (13) and Bethan (10).*********
DS1: Bartholomew Isaac
DW: Ruby EmmaDS: Henry Max
DS: William EmoryTolly (40) and Ruby (35) with: Harry (4) and Billy (2).*********
DS2: Finn Edward
DW: Elena AntoniaDD: Brooke Mackenzie
DD: Alice Milicent
DD: Caroline AdrienneFinn (37) and Lena (40) with: Brooke (7), Alice (4) and Cally (nb).*********DD2: Lucy Cassia
DH: Jacob QuentinDS: Cain RoanLuce (32) and Jake (32) with: Cain (nb).
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