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Re: CAF(judged)
in reply to a message by renny
DH: Maxwell James "Max" (39)
DW: Lucy Ursula (38)DD: Regina Isabel (14)
DD: Nadia Opal (12)
DS: Nathan Bryce (10)
DD: Chloe Regan (9)
DD: Sophie Kate (7)
DD: Ariana Faith (5)
DS: Grady Urias (2)
DS/DS: Fletcher James / Daniel York (2 months)Max & Lucy
Regina, Nadia, Nathan, Chloe, Sophie, Ariana, Grady, Fletcher & Daniel Image hosting by Photobucket
Ladybugs all dressed in red,
Waltzing thru the flower bed!
If I were tiny, just like you,
I'd dance among the flowers too!
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