Yet another Think/Say!
This is my daughter, Adriana (ah-dree-AH-nah) Sofia.
This is my son, Luca Nathaniel.
This is my daughter, Serafina Claire.
This is my son, Nicholas William.
This is my daughter, Anna Sophia. We call her by both names.
This is my son, Peter Jonathan.
This is my daughter, Alexandra Elena.
Thanks in advance!
This is my son, Luca Nathaniel.
This is my daughter, Serafina Claire.
This is my son, Nicholas William.
This is my daughter, Anna Sophia. We call her by both names.
This is my son, Peter Jonathan.
This is my daughter, Alexandra Elena.
Thanks in advance!
This is my daughter, Adriana (ah-dree-AH-nah) Sofia.
Think: What a beautiful name.
Say: I love her name.
This is my son, Luca Nathaniel.
Think: Is Luca short for Lucas?
Say: I would have use Lucas, but thats me.
This is my daughter, Serafina Claire.
Think: Very interessting.
Say: Um..Serafina? I love Claire, but Serafina?
This is my son, Nicholas William.
Think: Very nice.
Say: I love Nicholas, one of my favorites
This is my daughter, Anna Sophia. We call her by both names.
Think: How beautiful, I would use both names too.
Say: Beautiful, love it.
This is my son, Peter Jonathan.
Think: Very nice.
Say: How original (Sarcasim in case you didn't catch that).
This is my daughter, Alexandra Elena.
Think: Does she go by the full Alexandra?
Say: I love Alexandra, Elena not so much.
♥ Kristen ♥
Shake Your Body Like A Bellydancer.
Here is where you are
There is where you want to be
But you can't get there from here ♥
Think: What a beautiful name.
Say: I love her name.
This is my son, Luca Nathaniel.
Think: Is Luca short for Lucas?
Say: I would have use Lucas, but thats me.
This is my daughter, Serafina Claire.
Think: Very interessting.
Say: Um..Serafina? I love Claire, but Serafina?
This is my son, Nicholas William.
Think: Very nice.
Say: I love Nicholas, one of my favorites
This is my daughter, Anna Sophia. We call her by both names.
Think: How beautiful, I would use both names too.
Say: Beautiful, love it.
This is my son, Peter Jonathan.
Think: Very nice.
Say: How original (Sarcasim in case you didn't catch that).
This is my daughter, Alexandra Elena.
Think: Does she go by the full Alexandra?
Say: I love Alexandra, Elena not so much.
♥ Kristen ♥
Shake Your Body Like A Bellydancer.
Here is where you are
There is where you want to be
But you can't get there from here ♥
This is my daughter, Adriana (ah-dree-AH-nah) Sofia.
Think: Sofia is nice...
Say: Hi Adriana! Nice to meet you!
This is my son, Luca Nathaniel.
Think: cute name!
Say: Hello Luca! Great name.
This is my daughter, Serafina Claire.
Think: Serafina=emerald. Wait... Claire is fantastic!
Say: Hi Serafina! Do you have any nicknames?
This is my son, Nicholas William.
Think: Oh my goodness! I love that name!
Say: Hello Nick! You have a wonderful name!
This is my daughter, Anna Sophia. We call her by both names.
Think: How lovely! Two names! And thank goodnaess, no hyphen! tra la la!
Say: Hello Anna Sophia! Your name is really nice!
This is my son, Peter Jonathan.
Think: My dad Peter, and his best friend Jonathan. No opinion.
Say: Hi Peter!
This is my daughter, Alexandra Elena.
Think: Elena is gorgeous! Alexandra is nmsaa
Say: Hello Alexandra!
Think: Sofia is nice...
Say: Hi Adriana! Nice to meet you!
This is my son, Luca Nathaniel.
Think: cute name!
Say: Hello Luca! Great name.
This is my daughter, Serafina Claire.
Think: Serafina=emerald. Wait... Claire is fantastic!
Say: Hi Serafina! Do you have any nicknames?
This is my son, Nicholas William.
Think: Oh my goodness! I love that name!
Say: Hello Nick! You have a wonderful name!
This is my daughter, Anna Sophia. We call her by both names.
Think: How lovely! Two names! And thank goodnaess, no hyphen! tra la la!
Say: Hello Anna Sophia! Your name is really nice!
This is my son, Peter Jonathan.
Think: My dad Peter, and his best friend Jonathan. No opinion.
Say: Hi Peter!
This is my daughter, Alexandra Elena.
Think: Elena is gorgeous! Alexandra is nmsaa
Say: Hello Alexandra!
Adriana Sofia
Think: That's really beautiful!
Say: That's so beautiful!
Luca Nathaniel
Think: I love it
Say: That's such a great name
Serafina Claire
Think: Claire is beautiful, Serafina's nmsaa
Say: How very pretty
Nicholas William
Think: Nice, sort of common, but nice
Say: What a good, strong name
Anna Sophia
Think: How very, very pretty. I love that they call her by both names
Say: What an absolutly lovely name
Peter Jonathan
Think: Kind of boring
Say: That's so nice
Alexandra Elena
Think: Alexandra rocks, but Elena is just sort of blah, and in this case I don't like the double a endings
Say: I love the name Alexandra!

Do you believe?
Think: That's really beautiful!
Say: That's so beautiful!
Luca Nathaniel
Think: I love it
Say: That's such a great name
Serafina Claire
Think: Claire is beautiful, Serafina's nmsaa
Say: How very pretty
Nicholas William
Think: Nice, sort of common, but nice
Say: What a good, strong name
Anna Sophia
Think: How very, very pretty. I love that they call her by both names
Say: What an absolutly lovely name
Peter Jonathan
Think: Kind of boring
Say: That's so nice
Alexandra Elena
Think: Alexandra rocks, but Elena is just sort of blah, and in this case I don't like the double a endings
Say: I love the name Alexandra!

Do you believe?