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(KUY) Choose Your Own Adventure CAF - Rd. 1
Adv. 1DH: FN- common Biblical MN- Common in 1970's LN- Italian or German
DW: FN- ends in -a, -er, or -ette MN- French but used in English-speaking countries LN- English or Dutch
DH and DW have just gotten married and are on their honeymoon! Tell us: (1) how did they meet?, (2) how long ago did they meet?, (3) what was the wedding like?, and (4) where are they going for their honeymoon?
Adv. 2BF: FN- hyphenated MN- one syllable LN- two syllables
GF: FN- Popular in 1980's MN1- word name MN2- obscure name LN- common in U.S.
BF and GF have just started dating! Tell us: (1) how did they meet?, (2) how long did it take before they decided to start dating?, (3) have they ever dated before?, and (4) do they think the other may be "the one"?
Adv. 3SO1: FN- mythological MN- Chinese or Japanese LN- hyphenated Japanese or Chinese and Irish or Scottish
SO2: FN- obscure virtue name MN1- your choice MN2- classic name MN3- favorite character from book/movie/show/etc. LN- favorite author
SO1 and SO2 have just taken another step in their relationship! Tell us: (1) what step was it?, (2) how long have they known each other?, and (3) anything else?
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Adv. 2BF: John-David Paul Fischer (21)
GF: Emily Raine Echo Smith (20)

John-David and Emily met during high school and ran in the same circles, though the two were never actually close. After graduation, they both ended up at the University of Florida. Finding comfort in a familiar face, Emily and John-David began hanging out more and more. They were close friends for almost a year and a half before John-David had an opportunity and the courage to ask Emily out. He took Emily to a Gator's game for their first date. She, being a Gator fan since she could remember, was thrilled. John-David then surprised her with a picnic under the stars. It was definitely a date for the books. John-David's convinced Emily's the one and while she may feel the same, her education and career are her top priority at the moment. The two have now been a couple for the past six months.
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DH: Seth Daniel Bahr (24)
DW: Laura Corinne (nee Houtman) Bahr (22)Seth and Laura met when she was in the fifth grade, during a school play, thay have been best friends ever since. Their wedding was in the mountains, in a field of wildflowers, by a lake. They are going to Australia for their honeymoon.
BF: Jacob-Mason Blake Bader (19)
GF: Jessica Paige Requiem Williams (18)Both are English whiz's and met book browsing in Barnes and Noble. It was only a couple of months before they started dating. After never having met before, these love skeptics had decided that there was no thing as love-at-first-sight, but proved themselves wrong and are now convinced the other is 'the one'.SO1: Raijin Akio McLaughlin-Whyte (30)
SO2: Patience Adelia Elizabeth Belle Batson (30)Raijin and Patience have just moved in together, they have known eachother since college and have been taking their relationship slow. Very slow. Even though they were aqcuaitences in college, they really didn't get to know eachother until a research trip to an island in Japan. They were working on their Phd's at the time.
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DH: Noah James Everhart
DW: Elena Genevieve Everhart (nee Miller)
Noah & Elena were high school sweethearts, something straight out of an afterschool special. He was the charming varsity quarterback, and she was the head cheerleader with the heart of gold. They'd been friends their whole lives because their mothers were best friends, their first meeting coming when Noah was 3 months old and Elena only days old. Noah & Elena being together was just a given, but as they became seniors in high school that also became the problem. They both got scholarships to college, Noah was headed to California for football, and Elena to New York for design and they began to wonder if they were together because they loved each other, or because it was expected? And with questions like that looming over them, plus the toll they knew the distance would put on their relationship they agreed to go their separate ways when they went off to college. They stayed friends as best they could, but neither ever found another person who could compare to their high school loves. Eventually after four years apart they realised that that question that they wondered about in high school was moot. They'd spent so much time wondering about the whys of what they were, they'd stopped appreciating that they just WERE. Noah graduated with a degree in business and finance and took a job in New York so he could be with Elena who was now working for an upscale fashion magazine, and the rest (much to their mothers delight) was history.

This message was edited 10/29/2012, 2:39 AM

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DH: {25} Daniel Thomas Bauer
DW: {24} Alaina Christine {Parris} BauerDanny & Alaina met six years ago when they were freshman in college. They had a very lovely, elegant, and private ceremony with only they're closest friends and family. They chose to go to Valletta, Malta for 3 weeks for their honeymoon.
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DH: John Samuel Rosenberger "Jack"
DW: Laura Gabrielle (Jones) RosenbergerJack and Laura met in grade school and were friends until the tenth grade, when they went on their first date. They dated steadily until their junior year when Jack's father was killed by a drunk driver. Jack and his mother moved out of state, and it was no longer feasible for Jack and Laura to be together. Three years later, they got back in touch after Jack and Laura's younger brother ended up at the same college playing soccer. Jack and Laura dated for the next two years before Jack proposed (and after they'd both finished college). Laura ecstatically accepted, and the two planned their wedding for eight months afterward. Jack and Laura's wedding was a large, elegant affair. Practically everyone who knew them in high school showed up, along with college friends of both Jack and Laura's. They were married in the little church in the town where they grew up. They are going to rent an apartment in a small town not too far from where they were children. For their honeymoon, they are going on an Alaskan cruise. Laura has always wanted to see Alaska, and Jack has always been fascinated by ships. For the two of them, there was no better compromise.
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Adv. 3SO1: Rhea Emi Kato-Brody
SO2: Endurance Ronan Edward Gregory Hayden "Duran"After being together for 4 years, Rhea and Duran have bought their first own house.
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Adv. 3DBf: Leander Kazuo Akiyama-Holmes (26)
DGf: Clemency Astrid Eve Susannah Poe "Emmie" (24)Leander and Clemency have known each other for four years, ever since meeting at university, and have been dating for just under two. Now that they have both finished higher education and found jobs, they have decided to take another step in their relationship and move in together in their first shared home as a couple. They have just rented a small second floor flat in the city which seems the perfect starter home.

This message was edited 10/12/2012, 4:55 AM

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Adv 1Jacob Brian Bauer
Sophia Genevieve Beckett Bauer1: They met at a mutual friend's party in college.
2: They met 3 years ago.
3: The wedding was amazing, Sophia's sister, Kate, was maid of honor, her two best friends, Annabel and Jana were bridesmaids, and her cousin, Cara was the flower girl. Jacob's brothers, Sam and Noah, were groomsmen, and his best friend, Daniel was the best man, and his nephew, Liam, was the ring bearer.
4: They are going to Jamaica for their honeymoon.
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BF: Alexandre-James Bray Moreau "AJ" (20)
GF: Samantha Lane Palmer Wilson "Sami" (20)AJ and Sami met at the beginning of high school. They had a lot of classes together and were very close friends. They both had strong feelings for each other, but were both too shy to ever really show them. After graduation, AJ went to university in a new city and Sami worked at home. At first they kept in contact and Sami visited AJ at school a few times, but they fell out of touch somewhat. The timing never worked out for them to see each other very much after that; Sami was travelling during most of AJ's first summer back, and instead of coming home for Christmas AJ and his family spent the holiday across the country at his grandparents'. Over the last few months, though, they started emailing more frequently again, and over the last summer they were finally able to meet up. They spent a lot of time together that summer and realized they still cared deeply about each other, and this time they finally got up the courage to tell each other so. They decided to start a relationship and have both moved out to the city where AJ goes to school. Neither of them have had a serious boyfriend or girlfriend before, but they both feel like this is meant to be :)
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DW - Hero Minako Akiyama-Monroe
DW - Valour Tamora Elisabeth Alanna Pierce 'Val'Hero and Val met on tumblr and bonded over various shared fandoms. Val knew that she was attracted to Hero after a few months, but hesitated over asking her out because she didn't want to ruin their friendship, but after about eight months Hero asked Val out herself and the pair have been together ever since.They just bought a house together [after living in a dinky apartment for over a year], since Val came into some money, and they hope to start a family soon.
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BF: Castor Ren Miyamoto-Connolly [24]
BF: Sincerity Edward Stefan Cabot [22]Castor and Sin have decided that after being together for four years (and knowing each other for eight!), it was time to move in together. Castor moved into Sin's apartment since most of his stuff was over there already.
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DH: Jacob "Jake" Adam Carver (26)
DW: Coriander "Cori" Louise [Holtman] Carver (24)
(1) how did they meet?, (2) how long ago did they meet?, (3) what was the wedding like?, and (4) where are they going for their honeymoon?Cori and Jake have been best friends since Cori's family moved next door to the Carvers when she was fourteen and he was sixteen. Jake offered to help unpack and ended up bringing in most of Cori's things, as she is impaired and in a wheelchair. After getting all her stuff in, Jake and Cori sat out back by the pond and chatted. Cori discovered that Jake had a soft spot for wheelchair-bound people, because he had a little sister who was in a wheelchair but passed away two years ago at only seven. And that was what started their relationship. Six years later--Cori at 20, Jake at 22--Jake graduated from the undergrad program for physical therapy. That night at Jake's party, Cori was the last to leave. She ended up staying the night in his bed while he slept on the couch. The next morning, Cori woke up to Jake sneaking into his room to gather his things to take a shower. But that wasn't what woke her up. Jake came past her and kissed her lightly on the forehead. And from there, their relationship unfolded. Now, after four years of dating and getting even closer, Cori and Jake have just celebrated their wedding! Considering Cori's wheelchair, it made for an interesting ceremony (not to mention the party afterwards!), but everything went well. They just left today for their honeymoon--a trip to Paris.
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