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Build-A-Family (All-in-one)
These are so much fun that I thought I'd do another one! (Besides, we need a break from the I say / You think games that have been popping up like crazy!) I'll post mine later.Round One:
You and your SO are married! Tell us about the wedding! Did you go on a honeymoon? In the midst of all this newlywed love, you find out that you're pregnant! Do you have a house to live in with your child-to-be? How's your pregnancy? What's it like looking at all the ultrasounds? Nine Months Later
Round Two:
You have a new baby boy! What's his name? What does he look like? How is his room decorated? Your in-laws come for a visit to see their new grandson- how's the visit? You decide to adopt a pet from a local shelter- what kind of pet is it? What does s/he look like? What's its name? How does your son react to it?1 1/2 Years Later
Round Three:
You've decided to adopt a little girl. Is she from your own country or a different country? How old is she? What does she look like? A week after the adoption papers are signed, you're pregnant again- this time, not one, not two, but with three babies- it's triplets! How's the pregnancy? Is your son talking yet? Walking? What about your adoptive daughter- is she old enough to be aware that she will soon be a big sister? To support your family, you've decided to move into a new house. Where is it? How big is it? Did you have to make any sacrifices to move there? The triplets are born- two girls and a boy! What are their names? Three Years Later
Round Four:Your biological son is 4 1/2 and the triplets are three. How old is your adoptive daughter? Something terrible has happened to your sister-in-law and her husband- what is it? Because of it, you are given custody of her two sons- one is a newborn and the other is six. What are their names? The older of the two is confused about what happened to his Mommy and Daddy- how do you handle telling him? Does your biological son understand what happened? How is the funeral?Four Years Later
Round Five:
Your biological son is 8 1/2 and your triplets are seven. How old is your adopted daughter? Your adopted sons are four and ten. How is their schooling going? What do they do for extracurricular activities? Who are their friends? What's their personality like? To keep your first pet company, you decide to get another pet. What kind of animal is it? What's its name? How does it look? Is it friendly? Finally, you are pregnant with your last child, a girl. How is your pregnancy? How was the birth? What does she look like? What is her name?Two Years Later
Round Six:
Someone in your family has been injured or has gotten sick. Who? What happened? You decide to go on vacation. Where do you go? What do you do? Tell us more about your family.Thirty Years Later
Round Seven:
Recap!- MelissaArielle Norah
EDD 6/4/06Proud Mother of 20 PP's.
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Round One: Wow! Everything is all happening at once. I only just got married and, after our honeymood in Paris, we moved house AND I found out I am pregnant! Good Job our new house is big enough! I had the first ultrasound this week, it was amazing! It was really emotional though, too. I can't wait to be a Mum! Nine Months Later
Round Two: Welcome, baby Harvey Elliott, our beautiful son! He is so amazing and really cute! He has dark hair like Liam and blue eyes like me, but I think his eyes will change as he gets older. We had all the grandparents over to visit last week which was great but also SO tiring, as if it wasn't enough with a new baby! Also we got a tabby cat, called Molly, from the local animal shelter. Harvey loves to watch her and they are already getting on great!1 1/2 Years Later
Round Three: We have adopted a little sister for Harvey! It's the baby of my little sister's friend, who wanted to have her baby adopted by someone close by - so we offered! Her name is Rosalie Jade. She is so beautiful: blonde hair and brown eyes. Also, I am pregnant again! With TRIPLETS! Things are going to be busy here - Harvey is walking and starting to talk and Rosie is such a handful. We are moving house soon too, because there just isn't enough room here. Our new house is quite a while away from here, but closer to Liam's parents which is nice, but it does mean that I have to leave all my friends behind.
The triplets have arrived! Say hello to Anna Rowena, Amy Summer & Alexander Jack.

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Round One:
Jamie and I were married in a small outdoor wedding. It was lovely! For our honeymoon, we went to Paris, the city of love. I guess it really is the city of love, because that night, we conceived! We rushed to finish up the house, painting the kitchen, fixing this and that, and decorating the baby's room! I've managed to find some cute maternity clothes, and I absolutely love feeling the baby kick! Round Two:
Gabriel Ryan was born! He weighed eight pounds, four ounces, and has light brown peach fuzz for hair, with soft tan skin and dark eyes. He's the most beautiful baby a mother could ask for! His room is painted a sky blue with an airplane motif- very cute. We also adopted a cat from the local shelter- she's what's called a Russian Blue and is very cute! Her name is Lulu- a cute name for a cat, in my opinion.Round Three:
We adopted a little girl from Israel named Nessa Shayna, meaning "beautiful miracle." And it is a beautiful miracle that we could adopt her- she was in need of love and a good home. She is four years old. We even got to take a lovely trip to Israel! In the midst of all this, we found out that we're expecting triplets! The first thought in my head was, "How are we ever going to survive?" But now I love the idea of having triplets! The pregnancy was great at first- I felt like I was on a natural high. But soon, I was the size of an elephant and just as graceful. At thirty-six weeks, I delivered! Alessa Rachel was first, followed by Benjamin Quinn, and finally, Violet Lena. They all have dark brown hair and the cutest little faces! It's almost impossible to entertain Nessa, feed Gabe, and change three diapers all at once, but we're going to have to manage! Finally, we moved into a new, enormous house. It has six bedrooms and three bathrooms- and I have a feeling we're going to need it!

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This message was edited 2/9/2006, 1:36 PM

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Sorry it got posted under yours, Melissa.
Round One!
Finally, after dating for two and a half years, my husband and I got married. His name is Conan Dougal (it means little wolf, dark stranger). It fits Conan pretty well. He's a bit rough around the edges and definitely is a dark stranger if you don't know him. In fact, when I first met Conan I thought he was a stalker! I'd seen him sort of following me around and trying to look inconspicuous for about a week. Finally, I took one of my friends to confront him. Turns out he was just trying to get up the nerve to ask me if I wanted to have lunch with him! After that, Conan and I immediately clicked. We both like a lot of the same things-rock climbing, swimming, reading science fiction books, and we both do horribly in math. Recently, we both graduated from college; me with a degree in child psycology and Conan with a degree in counseling. Fortunately, we were both offered jobs soon after graduation. I took at part time job at a school and Conan is going to work as a counselor for a number of the Group Homes in our area.
Our wedding ceremony took place on June 17th. It was a lovely outdoor affair with a relatively small amount of people, if you can say an attendance of 200 is small. We knew everybody there, having been to each other's family get togethers before. It was a beautiful day and it wasn't too hot or too cold. Conan and I were thankful for that. After the reception, we honeymooned by going on a Carribean cruise. Luckily neither of us is prone to seasickness, but I think Conan walked like he was on a ship for about two weeks after the cruise.
Now, we've been married for about four months. Conan and I recently purchased a three story townhouse. It has three bedrooms and 1.5 bathrooms. We love the layout of it--the kitchenette, dining room, and living room on the first floor, the master bedroom, a full bathroom, and a study/rec room/fourth bedroom on the second floor, and two bedrooms and a half-bathroom on the third floor. Good thing we bought the house when we did.

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This message was edited 2/9/2006, 3:04 PM

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