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Wizarding Family CAF! (For Harry Potter Fans)
Use the 8-sided dice for this CAF: Your choiceSO1: Choose any name from any namebank below.
SO2: Choose any name from any namebank below.Blood-Status for each parent:
If you roll:
1, 4, 7: Pure Blood
2, 5, 8: Half Blood
3, 6: Muggle BornOccupation:
1 or 8- Ministry of Magic Employee (Go here to pick your department:
2- Curse Breaker for Gringotts
3- Shop Owner in Diagon Alley (Go here to pick your shop:
4- Shop Owner in Hogsmeade (Go here to pick your shop:
5- Professional Quidditch Player (You pick the position)
6- Writer (You pick what subject- Spell books? Romance novels? Etc)
7- Healer at St. MungosUse “Looks” list below to determine their physical attributes. If you’d like to include Hogwarts stuff from the parents’ youth (such as what how they were in), you can use the lists below as well.
Birth 1:
Birth 2:
Birth 3:
Birth 4: Roll the dice to determine the number of children per birth.If you roll:1, 4, 7- single birth
2, 5, 8- twins
3, 6- tripletsGenders for each child:Odd number- Boy
Even number- GirlNamebanks (You can roll the dice multiple times for first name, middle name, etc.)1-
Looks (You can do this for the parents as well):Hair:
1- Dark Brown
2- Dirty Blonde
3- Black
4- Brown
5- Bleach Blonde
6- Red
7- Strawberry Blonde
8- Light Brown/ HoneyHair Type:1, 5- Straight
2, 6- Curly
3, 7- Wavy
4, 8- You pickEye color:1- Green
2- Dark Brown
3- Dark Blue
4- Hazel
5- Gray
6- Light Blue
7- Light Brown/ Honey
8- Blue-GreenHouse:1, 5- Gryffindor
2, 6- Ravenclaw
3, 7- Hufflepuff
4, 8- SyltherinFavorite Subject (you can roll twice to pick two subjects):1- Defense Against the Dark Arts
2- Herbology
3- Charms
4- Transfiguration
5- Potions
6- Astronomy
7- History of Magic
8- One of the Electives: Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, Muggle StudiesQuidditch Player?Odd number- Yes
Even number- NoIf yes, what position?1, 4, 7- Chaser
2, 6- Beater
3- Keeper
5- SeekerIf yes, do they become Quidditch Captain?1 or 8- Yes
2-7- NoDoes he/ she become a prefect?Odd number- No
Even number- YesHead Boy/ Girl?
1 or 8- Yes
2-7- NoOccupation after Hogwarts? Go back up to occupations under the parents…If you roll and get Professional Quidditch player for a child that did not play Quidditch at school…just roll again.If you’d like to add anything else about each person in your family, go ahead! If you’d like to add other things, such as where you family lives, you can do that too!
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finished! The Kincaid Family Tree
Domnall D'Artagnan Kincaid has wavy honey colored hair and dark blue eyes. He was a former Slytherin student, Captain of the Quidditch team where he played seeker. He now is the seeker for the Holy Head Harpies Quidditch team.Moira Mae (Hawkins) Kincaid has wavy black hair that make her blue eyes very striking. Moira was a former Ravenclaw student where she played in the gobstones club and played chaser for the quidditch team. She now is the Chaser for the Chudley Cannons. Moira met Domnall during the Quidditch season when she was beginning her first year with the Cannon's. Domnall was instantly drawn to her dark looks with brillant blue eyes not to mention her flying skills. The two were quickly married in a fabulous scandal among the wizarding community as the two are on competing teams.The Kincaid family began to grow and lucky for the wizarding community birth is a much quicker and faster process where Moira was able to get back to quidditch very fast.Moira and Domnall had triplets on first try. Lydia Selene Kincaid has bleach blonde hair and blue eyes. Her light coloring was much a shock to the family. She quickly was sorted into the Ravenclaw house much to her mothers pride.During school Lydia's two favorite classes were defense against the dark arts and Divination. Lydia took over ownership of Obscurus books where she later featured her younger siblings as writers. Neil Percvial Kincaid has red hair and green eyes shocking the family as much as his sister Lydia in looks. Neil followed his sister to the Ravenclaw house where he enjoyed Charms and Ancient Runes. Neil became Prefect of the Ravenclaw house and later became a fixed figure at the Ministry of Magic's Department of Mysteries. Atticus Tybalt Kincaid has wavy colored hair and light blue eyes resembling his father. Atticus joined the Hufflepuff house and faced large discrimination in his family. His father was a bit dissapointed while his mother was comforting no one was quiet sure why he ended up in Hufflepuff. Atticus enjoyed care of Magical Creatures and Transfiguration while at school. Atticus took over Dervish and Bangs store in Hogsmead.

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This message was edited 8/25/2011, 5:31 PM

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LN: DarcySO1: Elissa Concordia
Owner of Gladrags in Hogsmeade
Wavy bleach blonde hair, Light blue eyes
Was in Hufflepuff, enjoyed Charms and History of Magic
Captain and Chaser on the Quidditch team
PrefectSO2: Iovis Liber
Muggle Born
Works for the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures at the Ministry of Magic
Straight brown hair, light brown/honey eyes
Was in Gryffindor, enjoyed Charms and Potions
Captain and beater on the Quidditch teamDD/DD/DD: Adhara Rhiannon / Phoebe Aisling / Angerona Tinuviel
DD/DS/DD: Guinevere Ronalda / Cavan Altair / Thurayya Selene
DS: Rigel Aramis
DS/DS/DS: Yorick Sarpedon / Deneb Numitor / Lucas PeredurAdhara Rhiannon
Healer at St. Mungo’s
Wavy brown hair, light blue eyes
Was in Gryffindor, enjoyed Herbology and Potions
Captain and Chaser on the Quidditch teamPhoebe Aisling
Writer of Astronomy guides
Curly brown hair, green eyes
Was in Ravenclaw, enjoyed Astronomy and Transfiguration
Chaser on the Quidditch teamAngerona Tinuviel “Rona”’
Curse Breaker for Gringotts
Straight brown hair, dark brown eyes
Was in Ravenclaw, enjoyed Potions and Ancient Runes
Keeper on the Quidditch teamGuinevere Ronalda “Guin”
Writes translations of ancient books
Straight dark brown hair, dark blue eyes
Was in Ravenclaw, enjoyed Potions and Ancient Runes
PrefectCavan Altair
Works for the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures at the Ministry of Magic
Straight red hair, light blue eyes
Was in Hufflepuff, enjoyed Herbology and PotionsThurayya Selene “Rayya”
Works for the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry of Magic
Straight dirty blonde hair, blue-green eyes
Was in Slytherin, enjoyed Herbology and Ancient Runes
Beater on the Quidditch teamRigel Aramis
Works for the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry of Magic
Curly dirty blonde hair, gray eyes
Was in Slytherin, enjoyed Potions and Ancient Runes
PrefectYorick Sarpedon
Professional Quidditch Keeper
Wavy dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes
Was in Ravenclaw, enjoyed Potions and History of Magic
Keeper on the Quidditch teamDeneb Numitor
Healer at St. Mungo’s
Curly brown hair, gray eyes
Was in Slytherin, enjoyed Defense Against the Dark Arts and AstronomyLucas Peredur
Eventual owner of Gladrags in Hogsmeade
Wavy dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes
Was in Gryffindor, enjoyed Defense Against the Dark Arts and History of Magic
Captain and Beater on the Quidditch team
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LN: BraddockDH: Silvanus Llyr
Ministry of Magic employee, Department of International Magical Cooperation
straight brown hair
gray eyesDW: Andromache Igraine
owner of Gladrags Wizardwear in Hogsmeade
wavy brown hair
blue-green eyesDS: Malvolio Lorcan
wavy, dark brown hair
dark brown eyes
favorite subjects: Ancient Runes, History of Magic
Keeper on the Slytherin Quidditch teamDD: Lyra Lavinia
wavy, light brown hair
light brown eyes
favorite subjects: Transfiguration, Arithmancy
Prefect in Slytherin HouseDD: Ceres Jocasta
curly brown hair
gray eyes
favorite subjects: Divination, Potions
Beater on the Slytherin Quidditch teamDS: Tavish Sebastian
wavy brown hair
blue-green eyes
favorite subjects: Defense Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy
Chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team
Head Boy in Gryffindor House
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Great idea!DH: Hector Thomas Bennett (49)
Curly dirty blonde hair, blue-green eyes
Muggle-born Wizard, works for the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, Head of the Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee
At Hogwarts, member of Slytherin House, favorite subjects were Charms and Ancient Runes. Played Keeper on the Slytherin Quidditch team, but was not Team Captain.
Was named a prefect, and became Head Boy.
DW: Niobe Persephone [Clarence] Bennett (49)
Wavy brown hair, honey colored eyes
Pure blood Witch, works for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Magical Law Enforcement Squad (Hit Witch)
At Hogwarts, member of Ravenclaw House, favorite subjects were Transfiguration and Potions. Played Chaser on the Ravenclaw Quicdditch team, and was Team Captain.
Was named a prefect, and became Head Girl.
Niobe and Hector started Hogwarts the same year and had several classes together over the years. As members of different Quidditch teams, and as a Keeper and a Chaser, by fourth year, they were rivals on the Quidditch pitch. Niobe was Ravenclaw's star Chaser, and Hector was the best Keeper on any of the four Hogwarts teams. They also often competed for the top marks in the class, and were both named prefects. Though Hector was in Slytherin, he is not as ruthless as some of his classmates, but is calculating and cunning and very charismatic. Niobe is an outgoing, well-liked, and brilliant Ravenclaw. In their seventh year, Hector and Niobe became Head Boy and Girl and began spending much more time together. By the end of the year, the formal rivals on the Quidditch pitch had fallen in love. Four years after finishing Hogwarts, both had steady jobs with the Ministry, and were married in a lovely ceremony in Hogsmeade.
DD/DD: Miranda Treasa Bennett / Minerva Aine Bennett (24)
Miranda and Minerva had straight bright blonde hair and their mother's honey-colored eyes.
At Hogwarts, Miranda was sorted into Ravenclaw and Minerva into Hufflepuff. Miranda's favorite subjects were Defense Against the Dark Arts and Arithmancy and Minerva's were Transfiguration and Charms.

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LN: PettigrewDH: Tatius Owain
--Muggle Born
--Magic Transportation
--Brown hair
--Hazel eyes
DW: Arianrhod "Ari" Ceridwen
--Pure Blood
--Owner of Honeyduke's Sweetshop
--Dirty blonde, curly hair
--Green eyesBirth 1: Damon Tuor
--Dirty blonde, wavy hair
--Dark brown eyes
--Fave. Subjects: Herbology and Charms
--Becomes a Prefect
--Head Boy
--Department of Mysteries Birth 2: Triplets
-Francesca Eilish
--Brown, curly hair
--Dark brown eyes
--Fave. Subjects: History of Magic and Charms
--Quidditch Player
---Becomes Quidditch Captain
--Becomes a Prefect
--Becomes Owner of a Second Hand Robe Shop in Diagon Alley-Dermid Phrixus
--Brown, wavy hair
--Green eyes
--Fave. Subject: Astronomy and History of Magic
--Magical Law Enforcement Squad-Niamh Angharad
--Red hair
--Dark blue eyes
--Fave. Subjects: Herbology and Charms
--Becomes a prefect
--Healer at St. MungosBirth 3: Twins
-Duane Alistair
--Brown, curly hair
--Honey eyes
--Fave. Subjects: Care of Magical Creatures and Transfiguration
--Post Office in Hogsmeade-Fearghas Sebastian
--Red, wavy hair
--Blue-green eyes
--Fave. Subjects: Charms and Transfiguration
--Becomes a Prefect
--Writer of Science FictionBirth 4: Twins
-Yvain Astrophel
--Black, curly hair
--Blue-green eyes
-Ewan Percival
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DW: Vesta Morgan:
---House: Ravenclaw
---Blood-status: Half-Blood, muggle-born father, pure-blood mother
---Looks: Straight black hair, dark blue eyes
---Occupation: Ministry of Magic Employee, Unspeakable
DW: Aida Carina
---House: Ravenclaw
---Blood-status: Pure-blood
---Looks: Straight strawberry-blonde hair, Hazel eyes
---Occupation: Ministry of Magic Employee, Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical CreaturesDS/DS/DS: [17] Blair Helios / Llyr Sorley/ Aramis Bran
-Blair Helios:
---House: Slytherin
---Looks: Wavy dirty blonde hair, dark brown eyes
---Favorite subjects: Herbology, transfiguration
---Future occupation: Ministry of Magic Employee—Department of International Magical Cooperation
-Llyr Sorley: Ravenclaw, Wavy honey colored hair, gray eyes
---House: Ravenclaw
---Looks: Wavy honey colored hair, gray eyes
---Favorite subjects: History of Magic, Ancient Runes
---Quidditch Position: Keeper
---Future occupation: Writer, books on magical history
-Aramis Bran: Slytherin, Wavy honey colored hair, hazel eyes
---House: Slytherin
---Looks: Wavy honey colored hair, hazel eyes
---Favorite subjects: Herbology, History of Magic
---Prefect, Head boy
---Future Occupation: Shop owner in Hogsmeade, The Three Broomsticks
DD/DD/DS: [15] Semele Luned / Lyra Tilly / Lennon Rory
-Semele Luned: Gryffindor, Wavy bleach blonde hair, green eyes
---House: Gryffindor
---Looks: Wavy bleach blonde hair, green eyes
---Favorite subjects: Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts
---Quidditch Position: Beater
---Future Occupation: Ministry of Magic Employee, Auror
-Lyra Tilly
---House: Ravenclaw
---Looks: Straight honey colored hair, honey colored eyes
---Favorite subjects: Potions, Astronomy
---Quidditch Position: Chaser, Quidditch captain
---Future Occupation: Shop owner in Diagon Alley, Quality Quidditch Supplies
-Lennon Rory:
---House: Ravenclaw
---Looks: Straight honey colored hair, light blue eyes
---Favorite subjects: History of Magic, Care of Magical Creatures

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The Prewitt FamilySO: Rigel Silvius
-Half Blood
-Wavy, brown hair and green eyes
-Hufflepuff Keeper and Quidditch Captain
-Favorite subject: Ancient Runes
-Curse Breaker for Gringott’sSO: Marsaili Ceridwen
-Muggle born
-Curly, black hair and dark brown eyes
-Hufflepuff Seeker and Prefect
-Favorite subject: Arithmancy
-Works for the Department of International Magical CooperationEvander Gawain
-Wavy, black hair with gray eyes
-Ravenclaw Head Boy
-Favorite subject: Care of Magical Creatures
-Works for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures + Juno Elspeth
-Curly, dark brown hair and blue-green eyes
-Slytherin Head Girl
-Favorite subject: Divination
-Writer of magical bodice-rippersMaeve Alcyone
-Straight, dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes
-Slytherin Prefect, Keeper, and Quidditch Captain
-Favorite subject: Potions
-Writer for an advice column in the Daily ProphetLucasta Rhea
-Straight, light brown hair and dark blue eyes
-Ravenclaw Chaser
-Favorite subject: Potions
-Healer at St. Mungo’s+Carina Siobhan
-Straight, strawberry blonde hair and gray eyes
-Slytherin Seeker and Quidditch Captain
-Favorite subject: Transfiguration
-Professional Quidditch SeekerOwen Cormac
-Straight, strawberry blonde hair and light brown eyes
-Ravenclaw Seeker
-Favorite subject: Charms
-Professional Quidditch Seeker+ Fionnuala Ishbel
-Straight, dark brown hair and light blue eyes
-Favorite subject: Charms
-Works on the Committee On Experimental CharmsRigel and Marsaili; Evander, Juno, Maeve, Lucasta, Carina, Owen, and Fionnuala.
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I decided to tweak the occupation one and use a 10 sided die instead. Here's how I tweaked it: If I rolled a 9 I got teacher, and 10 would be free choice.LN: Prewett W: Aurora Maeve née Fitzgerald
Blood Status: Half Blood
Looks: Curly, Dark brown hair. Light brown, honey eyes.
Occupation: Healer at St. MungosSchool History:
House: Gryffindor
Favorite Subjects: Herbology
Quidditch: No, Prefect: YesH: Bran Hercules
Blood Status: Pureblood
Looks: Red curly hair, green eyes
Occupation: Shop Owner in Hogsmeade called Gladrags WizardwearSchool History:
House: Gryffindor
Favorite Subjects: Astronomy, Charms
Quidditch: Yes, Seeker, became Captain, Head Boy: YesD/D/D: Emily Minvera / Freya Victoria / Honora Brighid Looks: Curly red hair, green eyes. (These are identical triplets, so they have the same looks) Emily: Ravenclaw
Favorite Subjects: Defense Against the Dark Arts, Arithmancy
Quidditch: Chaser, Quidditch Captain
After Hogwarts: Became a professional Quidditch player Freya: Ravenclaw
Favorite Subjects: Herbology, Charms
Quidditch: No, Prefect: Yes
After Hogwarts: Healer at St. MungosHonora: Syltherin
Favorite Subjects: Astronomy, Charms
Qudditch, No, Head Girl: Yes
After Hogwarts: Moved to Germany to teach charms at Durmstrang. S/D: Evander Owain / Rhiannon OpheliaEvander: Ravenclaw
Looks: Dirty blonde, curly hair. Green eyes
Favorite Subjects: Astronomy, History of Magic
Qudditch: No
After Hogwarts: Ministry of Magic - Department of Magical TransportationRhiannon: Gryffindor
Looks: Brown wavy hair, hazel eyes.
Favorite Subject: Charms, Herbology
Quidditch: No, Prefect: Yes
After Hogwarts: Writer of historical fiction and many other things (including textbooks).S: Silvius Alexander Looks: dirty blonde, curly hair, hazel eyes.
House: Ravenclaw
Favorite subject: History of Magic, Astronomy
Quidditch: Yes, but not captain. Position: Seeker
Prefect: Yes
After Hogwarts: Professional Quidditch Player (Seeker)

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This message was edited 8/23/2011, 11:17 AM

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SuggestionI really enjoyed this! Thank you for putting it together. I would suggest if you decide to do this again, to have one of the occupations possibly be a teacher and then getting to choose which subject they taught.
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LN: Sutherlands
DH: Ares Icarus
- Pureblood, Pro Keeper, Dark brown staight hair, light blue eyes, Ravenclaw
DW: Freya Selene
- Halfblood, Owner of The Three Broomsticks, dark brown curly hair, grey eyes, SlytherinDS: Tybalt Arthur
- Wavy light brown hair, light blue eyes, Hufflepuff, Charms, prefect, Curse Breaker for GringottsDD: Aine Caitriona [triplet]
- wavy black hair, hazel eyes, hufflepuff, DADA, prefect, romance novelistDS: Kai Oberon [triplet]
- wavy bleach blonde hair, light brown eyes, Slytherin, history of magic, prefect, Owner of The Three BroomsticksDS: Nathan Boyd [triplet]
- straight strawberry blonde hair, dark brown eyes, Gryffindor, potions, Chaser, Curse Breaker for GringottsDS: Aries Evander
- wavy light brown hair, dark blue eyes, Ravenclaw, astronomy, prefect, Ministry of Magic in Dept. of MysteriesDS: Finnian Cairo
- straight strawberry blonde hair, hazel eyes, Gryffindor, Potions, Quidditch Captain Beater, prefect, Ministry of Magic employee - Dept. of Magical Games and Sports
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A lot of writers here :DLN: BlackwoodDH: Evandrus Oberon-Pure blood
-Writer. Subject of his writing: ancient runes
-Hair: curly and light brown/honey colored
-Eyes: light brown/honey
-Favourite subjects: ancient runes & transfiguration
-Quidditch captain. He was a keeper. DW: Orinthia Siobhan-Half blood
-Owner of a 'Obscurus books' shop in Diagonal Alley
-Hair: straight and light brown/honey colored
-Eyes: hazel
-Favourite subjects: herbology & astronomy
-PrefectDD: Andromeda Morgaine-Hair: wavy and red colored
-Eyes: light blue
-Favourite subjects: herbology & defense against the dark arts
-Head girl
-Writer. Subject of her books is herbology.DS: Galahad Ulysses-Hair: straight and red colored
-Eyes: blue-green
-Favourite subjects: arithmancy & herbology
-Curse breaker for GringottsDD/DS: Vivien Aurora/ Archibald Hyperion 'Archie'Vivien:
-Hair: wavy and dirty blonde
-Eyes: dark brown
-Favourite subjects: potions & defense against the dark arts
-Quidditch: Beater
-Professional quidditch player: BeaterArchie:
-Hair: wavy and bleach blonde
-Eyes: light blue
-Favourite subjects: astronomy & defense against the dark arts
-Quidditch: Beater
-Writer. He writes comic books.DD: Gaia Elizabeth-Hair: straight and dirthy blonde
-Eyes: dark blue
-Favourite subjects: herbology & defense against the dark arts
-Writer of personal growth books.
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LN: Godricsson DH: Epimetheus Quirinus Percival, Half-blood
DW: Antiope Adrasteia Parthenope, Muggle-born DH's Occupation: Department of Magical Law Enforcement (Auror)
DW's Occupation: Healer at St. Mungo'sDH's Looks:
Wavy black hair
Hazel eyesDH's House: Slytherin DW's Looks:
Straight strawberry blonde hair
Dark brown eyesDW's House: RavenclawDS: Hephaistos Edward Orpheus
DS/DD: Naoise Aries Archibald / Martha Andromeda Sophronia
DS/DD: Evander Redmond D'Artagnan / Blodeuwedd Concordia Jamesina
DD: Alastriona Elizabeth Antigone Hephaistos:
-Wavy Red Hair
-Light Brown/Honey Eyes
House: Ravenclaw
Favorite Subjects: Astronomy and Herbology
Quidditch Player: Yes, Chaser (Not Captain)
Prefect: Yes
Head Boy: No
Occupation after Hogwarts: Healer at St. Mungo'sNaoise:
-Straight Red Hair
-Grey Eyes
House: Ravenclaw
Favorite Subjects: Astronomy and History of Magic
Quidditch Player: Yes, Keeper (Not Captain)
Prefect: No
Head Boy: No
Occupation after Hogwarts: Shop Owner in Hogsmeade (Dervish and Banges) Martha:
-Curly Red Hair

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This message was edited 8/18/2011, 8:40 AM

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LN: FidgetSO1: Leo Evander, a half-blood wizard, is currently employed in the Department of Magical Transportation. He’s a redhead bedecked with blue-green eyes.
SO2: Elaine Lunete, a muggle-born witch, is currently employed in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. She’s a brunette.Leo Fidget had a lonely childhood. He was the only child of an alcoholic muggle and a spineless witch who lacked the courage to share her magical identity; neither she nor her husband provided much comfort or companionship for the young Leo. They inhabited a home in the countryside where few children lived, leaving Leo to miserably entertain himself among the forests and fields surrounding their home. Leo had a spectacular mind, and so he assumed that the wood nymphs he saw were mere figments of his imagination. He was shocked to learn, as an eleven-year old, that the strange creatures he saw were real – and he was a wizard destined for Hogwarts.Leo was sorted into Hufflepuff, the house where loyalty and friendship mattered. He soon found himself surrounded by the friends he so desired, and he grew particularly close to Elaine Smith, a muggle-born Hufflepuff. Elaine’s childhood was similarly lonesome; she was born to 43-year old bankers who already had a sixteen-year old daughter. Although Elaine’s parents were loving, they lacked the energy and enthusiasm that they once had for childrearing, and it was clear to Elaine that they favored her older sister, Lenore. Elaine preferred the companionship of her cats, Misty and Starlight, and found her first true friend in Leo.Leo was a decent scholar, adept at Charms and uniquely endowed to sit through lectures in History of Magic. Elaine preferred Potions and Care of Magical Creatures, and was named a prefect for her academic achievements. Upon leaving Hogwarts, both Leo and Elaine found employment in the Ministry of Magic. Leo and Elaine married at the age of 21, deciding that they wanted a big family so that their future offspring were never affected by lonesomeness and isolation. They were not disappointed, having children every two years like clockwork.

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DH: Benjamin Arthur
- Muggle Born
- Owner of Gladrags Wizardwear
- Dark brown hair (straight)
- Hazel eyes
- RavenclawDW: Kassiopeia Xanthe
- Muggle Born
- Employee of the Ministry of Magic (Improper use of Magic department)
- Black hair (wavy)
- Green eyes
- HufflepuffDS/DS/DD: Pollux Oberon / Leo Percival / Ophelia Ceridwen
- Dirty blonde hair (curly) / Red hair (straight) / Strawberry blonde hair (curly)
- Green eyes / Dark brown eyes / Dark blue eyes
- Hufflepuff / Slytherin / Gryffindor
- Enjoys History of magic / Enjoys Muggle Studies / Enjoys Transfiguration
- Chaser on the Quidditch team (Captain) / Chaser on the Quidditch team (Captain) / Chaser on the Quidditch team
- Not prefect / Not prefect / Not prefect
- Not head boy / Head boy / Not head girl
- Curse breaker for Gringotts / Ministry of Magic employee (Department of Mysteries) / Owns the Post Office in HogsmeadeDS/DS: Graham Figaro / Thoth Barclay
- Strawberry blonde hair (straight) / Black hair (curly)
- Blue-green eyes / Blue-green eyes
- Hufflepuff / Hufflepuff
- Enjoys Transfiguration / Enjoys Astronomy
- Chaser on the Quidditch team / Not on Quidditch team
- Not prefect / Not prefect
- Not head boy / Head boy
- Profession Quidditch player (chaser) / Ministry of Magic employee (Department of Magical Law Enforcement) DD: Martha Europa
- Strawberry blonde hair (wavy)
- Gray eyes
- Hufflepuff
- Enjoys History of magic
- Not on Quidditch team
- Prefect
- Head Girl
- Curse Breaker for GringottsDD: Concordia Matilda
- Strawberry blonde hair (curly)
- Dark blue eyes
- Gryffindor
- Enjoys Herbology
- Keeper on the Quidditch team (Captain)
- Not prefect
- Not head girl
- Spell book writer
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LN: O'SullivanDH: William Connor (black, curly hair and dark blue eyes)
DW: Maya Larissa (straight, dark brown hair and hazel eyes)William was a Muggle Born, but was sorted into Ravenclaw the moment the Sorting Hat brushed his hair. He excelled in all his subjects and, while never becoming a prefect, devoted much of his time to tutoring others. It was through tutoring that he became close with Maya, who was two years younger and, although in Ravenclaw, not quite as bright as he, although she had great ambition and compassion. With William's help, Maya succeeded in achieving her goal of being a Healer at St. Mungo's, while William secured an intellectual and challenging job at the Department of Mysteries. DD (25): Rosie Bellona (Strawberry blonde, very curly hair and hazel eyes) Rosie was a very pretty girl, with a carefree and flirtatious manner about her. She was a Hufflepuff and enjoyed Charms - although not as much as she enjoyed 'charming' all the boys in class. She married young and writes romance novels from home, where she looks after her twin boys. DS/DD (23): Max Ewan (Dirty blonde, wavy hair and dark blue eyes) & Rhiannon Lunete (Brown, wavy hair and dark blue eyes) Brown, wavy, dark blue, hufflepuff, potions, yes, no Max and Rhiannon, although twins, could never agree on anything and fought constantly. Their parents thought it was a blessing that they were sorted into different houses, Max into Gryffindor and Rhiannon into Hufflepuff like her sister.

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LN: AudleyDW: Aurora Niamh (Connor) Audley (Writer) (half blood) (wavy red hair, hazel eyes) (Slytherin)
DH: Kieran Riley Audley (Ministry of Magic employee, Department of Mysteries) (half blood) (wavy light brown hair, gray eyes) (Slytherin)
DS/DS: Aidan Marcas Audley / Hamish Lachlan Audley (16)
DS/DS/DS: Leo Hercules Audley / Noah Numitor Audley / Aeneas Zeus Audley (14)
DD: Aoife Isobel Audley (12)
DS/DD/DS: Evander Cailean Audley / Lyra Miranda Audley / Jude Romulus Audley (11)
Aurora and Kieran w/
Aidan, Hamish, Leo, Noah, Aeneas, Aoife, Evander, Lyra and Jude
Gryffindor, curly black hair, Green eyes / history of magc / ministry of magic employee, Department of Magical Transportation


Slytherin, wavy dirty blonde hair, Gray eyes / history of magic / prefect / owner of candy shop Honeydukes Sweetshop in hogsmead


Hufflepuff, wavy dirty blonde hair, light blue eyes / Defense Against the Dark Arts / quidditch player, beater (captain) / Healer at St. MungosNoah:
Slytherin, straight bleach blonde hair, blue-green eyes / potions / quidditch player, chaser / ministry of magic employee, Department of Mysteries


Hufflepuff, wavy strawberry blonde hair, green eyes / herbology / ministry of magic employee, Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures


Gryffindor, Wavy red hair, green eyes / astronomy / Healer at St. Mungos


Slytherin, straight srawberry blonde hair, dark brown eyes / charms / quidditch player, chaser / Writer (About Quidditch)


Ravenclaw, Curly light brown hair, light blue eyes / herbology / Healer at St. Mungos


Gryffindor, Wavy dark brown hair, dark brown eyes / history of magic / Writer (History books, spell books)

This message was edited 8/18/2011, 3:38 PM

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LN: RoseSO1: Aries Gemini Rose (Half Blood) Own's Honeydukes
SO2: Andromeda Callisto Rose (Pure Blood) Auror
DS/DS: Cai
Namebanks (You can roll the dice multiple times for first name, middle name, etc.)1-
Looks (You can do this for the parents as well):Hair:
1- Dark Brown
2- Dirty Blonde
3- Black
4- Brown
5- Bleach Blonde
6- Red
7- Strawberry Blonde
8- Light Brown/ HoneyHair Type:1, 5- Straight
2, 6- Curly
3, 7- Wavy
4, 8- You pickEye color:1- Green
2- Dark Brown
3- Dark Blue
4- Hazel
5- Gray
6- Light Blue
7- Light Brown/ Honey
8- Blue-GreenHouse:1, 5- Gryffindor
2, 6- Ravenclaw
3, 7- Hufflepuff
4, 8- SyltherinFavorite Subject (you can roll twice to pick two subjects):1- Defense Against the Dark Arts
2- Herbology
3- Charms
4- Transfiguration
5- Potions
6- Astronomy
7- History of Magic
8- One of the Electives: Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, Muggle StudiesQuidditch Player?Odd number- Yes
Even number- No

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LN: ScrivenshaftSO1: Percival Arthur (Pure Blood) owns Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop in Hogsmeade. He has straight brown hair and hazel eyes. He was in Slytherin house.
SO2: Ariadne Bridget (Half Blood) works at the Ministry of Magic, in the Department in the Improper Use of Magic Office. She has curly bleach blonde hair and dark blue eyes. She was in Hufflepuff house at school and her favourite subject was Charms.Birth 1: Fiona Eowyn & Isla Morgaine
Fiona and Isla are identical twins. They have wavy, strawberry blonde hair and light brown eyes. They were both sorted into Gryffindor house at Hogwarts and they both enjoyed History of Magic, but Fiona's real favourite subject was Transfiguration, while Isla prefered Ancient Runes. Neither of them played Quidditch at school but they both became prefects. Later, Fiona was employed in the International Magical Office of Law at the Ministry and Isla went to work at their Father's Quill shop in Hogsmeade, later taking over when he retired.Birth 2: Evadne Caitlin & Sirius Arthur
Eva and Sirius look very different – she has curly bleach blonde hair and dark brown eyes, while he and has straight brown hair and light brown eyes. Eva was in Slytherin house at school and her favourite subjects were Astronomy and potions, while Sirius was sent to Hufflepuff and enjoyed Herbology and DADA. Eva played position of chaser in the Slytherin Quidditch team, and Sirius played seeker on the Hufflepuff team so there was a lot of competition between the two! Neither of them were made prefects. After leaving school, Eva became a healer at St Mungo's and Sirius became a curse breaker for Gringotts!

Birth 3: Arwen Persephone
Arwen has curly brown hair and dark blue eyes. She was sorted into Slytherin house, like her sister Eva and their father. Her favourite subjects were Charms and Potions and she did not play Quidditch. She became a prefect in her 6th year and was later made head girl! She eventually became a curse breaker for Gringotts, working with her older brother Sirius.

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LN: SnapeDH: Silvius John (half-blood, Curse Breaker at Gringotts, black wavy hair, dark blue eyes, Gryffindor, likes Potions, Quidditch Keeper, Prefect and Head Boy)
DW: Nydia Charlotte (Muggle-born, owns Obscurus Books at Diagon Alley, bleach blonde curly hair, dark brown eyes, Slytherin, likes History of Magic, doesn't play Quidditch, not Prefect, not Head Girl)Excuse me for a moment. *rolls over laughing at the results* It all started with the name Silvius John Snape, and now look at the results! It makes too much sense to be true, except for the little bit in which it seems Silvius' and Nydia's houses are the wrong way... or is it? *laughs hysterically*DS1: Lennox Remus (curly red hair, grey eyes, Ravenclaw, likes Potions, Quidditch Chaser, not Prefect, not Head Boy, graduates to become a Curse Breaker at Gringotts)All right, now Lennox shares a few glaring resemblances to his father. But that red hair? Wonder where the genes came from... *eyes Lily Evans suspiciously*(triplets)DD1: Matilda Proserpine (stright dirty blonde hair, light blue eyes, Slytherin, likes Transfiguration, Quidditch Keeper, Prefect, not Head Girl, grew up to be a Healer at St. Mungo's)
DD2: Elspeth Andromeda (wavy light brown hair, grey eyes, Ravenclaw, likes Herbology, Quidditch Seeker, not Prefect, not Head Girl, became a writer of "Muggle life" novels detailing the excitements and idiosyncrasies of life without magic)
DS2: Euandros Merlin (straight red hair, light brown eyes, Gryffindor, likes Defense Against the Dark Arts, doesn't play Quidditch, Prefect, not Head Boy, grew up as a writer of DADA-related books)Great, now we got not one, but two red-headed Snapes! Who'da thunk it? And the other redheaded Snape boy is in Gryffindor and into DADA, go figure. I think it's pretty much clear who Silvius' mother is by now. On the other hand, Elspeth seems like the perfect Ravenclaw.(twins)DS3: Sebastian Altair (straight dirty blonde hair, green eyes, Hufflepuff, likes Potions, doesn't play Quidditch, Prefect, not Head Boy, grew up to work at Dervish and Banges at Hogsmeade)

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This message was edited 8/18/2011, 2:27 AM

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LN: GlassgaleDW: Lyra Bethany nee Norton (Pure Blood)
- Works for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures
- straight bleach blonde hair, grey eyes
- former Hufflepuff prefect; favorite subjects include astronomy and potionsDH: Nestor Ramsay (Pure Blood)
- Healer at St. Mungos
- wavy brown hair, dark blue eyes
- former Hufflepuff Head Boy; favorite subjects include Defense Against the Dark Arts and Transfigurationtheir children,DD: Arista Eponine
-- straight strawberry blonde hair, dark brown eyes
-- Slytherin prefect; quidditch chaser; favorite subjects include the history of magic and defense against the dark arts
-- after Hogwarts: runs Gladrags Wizardwear in Hogsmeade
DD: Rhiannon Bellona
-- wavy dirty blonde hair, dark brown eyes
-- Hufflepuff prefect; favorite subjects include arithmancy
- after Hogwarts: Cafe owner at Diagon Alley
DS: Rearden Castor
-- wavy brown hair, light blue eyes
-- Gryffindor student; favorite subjects include potions and herbology
- after Hogwarts: Healer at St. Mungos
DS: Rigel Sebastian
-- wavy red hair, light brown eyes
-- Ravenclaw student; favorite subjects include transfiguration and care of magical creatures
- after Hogwarts: Works for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures
DS: Atticus Evander
-- curly brown hair, light blue eyes
-- Slytherin student; quidditch beater and captain; favorite subjects include herbology and charms
- after Hogwarts: Healer at St. Mungos
DD: Electra Alexandra
-- curly light brown hair, dark blue eyes
-- Hufflepuff Head Girl; favorite subjects include transfiguration and defense against the dark arts
- after Hogwarts: writes for the Daily Prophet
DD: Mairead Lilias
-- straight dirty blonde hair, gray eyes
-- Slytherin Head Girl; quidditch keeper; favorite subjects include astronomy
- after Hogwarts: professional quidditch keeper---Mr. Nestor Glassgale and Mrs. Lyra Glassgale
Arista, Rhiannon, Rearden, Rigel, Atticus, Electra, and Mairead
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LN: ThorneDH: Atticus Rigel
Pure Blood
--Wavy brown hair and dark brown eyes
--Works for the Department of International Magical Cooperation, International Magical Office of Law
--Was a Ravenclaw
--Favorite Subjects were Ancient Runes and Astronomy
--Was a PrefectDW: Catriona Elspeth
Half Blood
--Curly light brown hair and green eyes
--Became a writer of healing spellbooks after undergoing healer training
--Well-known for her book entitled A Healer's Guide to Potions and Charms
--Was a Slytherin
--Favorite Subjects were Transfiguration and PotionsDD: Elaine Florence
--Curly red hair and dark blue eyes
--Favorite Subjects were Defense Against the Dark Arts, History of Magic
--Was neither a prefect nor a Quidditch player
--After Hogwarts became the shop owner of Dervish and Banges in Hogsmeade.
--Hopes to one day set up her own chain of shops selling Defense Against the Dark Arts objects and booksDS/DD: Logan Wallace/ Deirdre Rowan
--straight black hair and light brown eyes
--Favorite Subjects were DADA, Transfiguration
--Was a Prefect
--Became owner of Obscurus Books publishing company in Diagon Alley
--straight black hair and light brown eyes
--Favorite Subjects were Care of Magical Creatures, Arithmancy
--Chaser and Captain of the quidditch team
--Was a Prefect
--Became owner of Quality Quidditch Supplies in Diagon AlleyDD/DS/DD: Aurora Helen/ Donovan Alastair/ Lilias Bree
--Straight dirty blond hair and dark brown eyes
--Favorite Subjects were Charms, Potions
--Was a Chaser on the quidditch team
--Was a Prefect
--After Hogwarts joined the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad in the Ministry
--Curly dark brown hair and green eyes
--Favorite Subjects were Ancient Runes, Herbology
--Was a chaser on the quidditch team alongside his sister
--Became a Curse Breaker for Gringotts
--Wavy strawberry blond hair and hazel eyes

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This message was edited 8/17/2011, 10:58 PM

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This was hecka fun. LN: HawlinsDH: Erskine Bayard "Bay"
DW: Juno Alexandra DD: Una Angelica
DS/DS: Tasgall Paris "Taz" / Tadhg Morpheus
DS: Stanley Icarus "Stan"
DD/DS: Jean Elaine / Munro BedivereBayard Hawlins was born to American Muggle parents and plays professional Quidditch as a Beater for the Appleby Arrows, and on the US National Team. He has straight, thick brown hair and dark blue eyes.Juno Hawlins (née Grimshaw) is an English Pure Blood who excelled at Hogwarts (she was in Ravenclaw, after all). But given her husband's success on the Quidditch pitch, she decided to follow her truest and least ambitious dreams, and now works as a bartender in the Hog's Head, in Hogsmeade. She enjoys tending to the mixed crowd that arrives in the bar, and practicing her skills from her favorite class at Hogwarts, the much-maligned Divination, for which she has a natural gift. She has hazel eyes and wavy, light brown hair streaked with blonde and red.At Hogwarts, she played Quidditch as a Keeper, but now only breaks out the broom to horse around with Bayard and their kids.Their first daughter, Una Hawlins, has green eyes and straight, bleach blonde hair (they're not sure where she got that from). She's cerebral like her mother and ends up in Ravenclaw, as well. She takes immediately to Herbology, at least once they begin handling dangerous plants. Like her father, she excels as a Beater in Quidditch, and goes on to become Team Captain. She also becomes a Prefect, which helps her land a job on the botanical taskforce at the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes.

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This message was edited 8/17/2011, 8:45 PM

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Loved all of your detail :-) glad you enjoyed it
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I got a Gryffindor Pro Quidditch player as the father, so I decided to be nerdy and use a real Harry Potter name: Oliver Wood, who plays for Puddlemere United. Here's his story (though i always wanted him to get with Katie Bell):LN: Wood
DH: Oliver Ulysses
Pure Blood, Professional Quidditch Player (Keeper)
Straight, Light Brown Hair and Light Blue Eyes
DW: Freya Scarlett
Muggle Born, Healer at St. Mungo's
Wavy, Dark Brown Hair and Dark Brown Eyes
Gryffindor-DD/DS: Morgaine Lilias and Gareth Lennox
Curly Brown Hair and Green Eyes
Morgaine: Hufflepuff, likes Astronomy and Arithmancy, plays Quidditch as Keeper, becomes Prefect and Head Girl, and goes on to work at the Ministry of Magic, in the Department of International Magical Cooperation
Gareth: Hufflepuff, likes Defense Against the Dark Arts and Charms, does not play Quidditch, becomes Prefect but not Head Boy, and becomes a writer of DADA textbooks, and also of mysteries for young witches and wizards-DS: Callum Evander
Straight Brown Hair and Light Brown/Honey Eyes
Gryffindor, favorite subjects are Ancient Runes and Charms, plays Seeker on his House Team, though doesn't become Quidditch Captain, doesn't become Prefect or Head Boy, and signs onto a pro Quidditch teams once graduating from Hogwarts-DS: Atticus Peredur
Wavy Light Brown Hair and Light Blue Eyes
Hufflepuff, favorite subjects are Herbology and Charms, plays Quidditch as Chaser, while he doesn't become Quidditch Captain, he does make Prefect (though not Head Boy), is a Ministry of Magic Employee like his sister Morgaine in the Department of International Magical Cooperation

-DD: Astraea Vivien
Straight Dark Brown Hair and Honey Eyes
Gryffindor, favorite subjects are Potions and Transfiguration, plays Seeker on the Gryffindor team (Chaser while her brother Callum was on it), becomes Quidditch Captain and Prefect and Head Girl, and later becomes a Healer at St. Mungo's.
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DH: Evander Remus Kinnaird
--Blood Status: Pure Blood
--Occupation: Curse Breaker for Gringotts
--Hair: Straight Dark Brown
--Eyes: Blue-Green
--Hogwarts House: Slytherin

DW: Isla Catriona [nee Blair] Kinnaird
--Blood Status: Pure Blood
--Occupation: Works in the Department of International Magical Cooperation
--Hair: Curly Strawberry Blonde
--Eyes: Dark Brown
--Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
DD: Calypso Selene Kinnaird
--Blood Status: Pure Blood
--Hair: Wavy Light Brown/Honey
--Eyes: Light Blue
--House: Slytherin
--Fav Subject: Charms
--Quidditch Player/Position/Captain: Yes/ Beater/ No
--Prefect/Head Girl: Yes/ No
--Occupation after Hogwarts: Writer for the Daily Prophet
DS: Sebastian Kieran Kinnaird
--Blood Status: Pure Blood
--Hair: Wavy Bleach Blonde
--Eyes: Light Brown/ Honey
--House: Hufflepuff
--Fav Subject: Transfiguration
--Quidditch Player: No
--Prefect: No
--Occupation after Hogwarts: Runs Magical Menagerie in Diagon Alley
DS: Leander Zephyr Kinnaird
TRIPLET of Rhiannon and Aisling
--Blood Status: Pure Blood
--Hair: Straight Strawberry Blonde
--Eyes: Green
--House: Ravenclaw
--Fav Subject: Potions
--Quidditch Player: No
--Prefect/Head Boy: Yes/ No
--Occupation after Hogwarts: Owner of The Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade
DD: Rhiannon Enid Kinnaird
TRIPLET of Leander and Aisling
--Blood Status: Pure Blood
--Hair: Straight Brown
--Eyes: Dark Brown
--House: Hufflepuff
--Fav Subject: Potions
--Quidditch Player: No
--Prefect/Head Girl: Yes/ No
--Occupation after Hogwarts: Writer of Children's Literature
DD: Aisling Brianna Kinnaird
TRIPLET of Leander and Rhiannon
--Blood Status: Pure Blood
--Hair: Wavy Dark Brown
--Eyes: Blue-Green
--House: Hufflepuff
--Fav Subject: Potions
--Quidditch Player: No
--Prefect/Head Girl: Yes/ No
--Occupation after Hogwarts: Works in the Department of Mysteries
DS: Orion Hector Kinnaird
--Blood Status: Pure Blood
--Hair: Curly Dark Brown
--Eyes: Green
--House: Gryffindor
--Fav Subject: Charms
--Quidditch Player/Position/Captain: Yes/ Beater/ Yes
--Prefect/Head Girl: Yes/ No
--Occupation after Hogwarts: Professional Quidditch Player

This message was edited 8/17/2011, 11:29 PM

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LN: BlackSO1: Atticus Caspian
- Pure Blood (Gryffindor)
- Professional Quidditch Player - Keeper
- Wavy Strawberry Blond Hair and Hazel EyesSO2: Charlotte Grace
- Pure Blood (Gryffindor)
- Professional Quidditch Player - Chaser
- Curly Strawberry Blonde hair and gray eyesChildren
Son: Atlas Evander (twin to Phoebe)
Wavy black hair and light brown eyes
When our son Atlas went to Hogwarts he was sorted into Hufflepuff. His favorite subject was Potions. When he finished school he became a writer of teen wizard fiction.Daughter: Phoebe Alexandra (twin to Atlas)
Straight brown hair and dark brown hair
Phoebe was sorted into Gryffindor and her favorite subject was Defense Against the Dark Arts. She became a beater on the Gryffindor quidditch team. She also was a prefect. After Hogwarts Phoebe began working at the Ministry of Magic for the Department of Magical Transportation.Son: Graham Thomas (Dylan’s twin)
Wavy light brown hair and green eyes
Two years after Atlas and Phoebe started Hogwarts it was time for our second set of twins to start as well. Graham was sorted into Slytherin and his favorite subjects where Transfiguration and Astronomy. He was the Slytherin seeker and eventually became quidditch captain. After Hogwarts Graham started working at the Ministry of Magic as an Auror.Son: Dylan Orion
Wavy light brown hair and green eyes (though slightly more blue than Graham’s, otherwise they are identical)

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WFLLN: Townsend H: Rory Alasdair
half blood
Auror in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement
straight light brown hair, green eyes
was in Ravenclaw at HogwartsW: Lilias Helen (nee Gordon)
pure blood
healer at St. Mungos
wavy strawberry blonde hair, dark brown eyes
was in Gryffindor at Hogwarts * Children;D1: Emilia Guinevere Townsend
S1/D2: Alexander Linus Townsend / Helena Xanthe Townsend
S2/S3/S4: Desmond Arthur Townsend / Fergus Kenneth Townsend / Leo Malcolm Townsend
D3/D4: Lucinda Vivien Townsend / Isobel Penelope TownsendRory & Lilias; Emilia, Alexander, Helena, Desmond, Fergus, Leo, Lucinda and Isobel.Rory & Lily Townsend, Mia, Alex, Nell, Des, Gus, Leo, Lucy and Bell. *Emilia Guinevere Townsend
-curly black hair, gray eyes
House: Hufflepuff
Favourite subjects: Defense Against the Dark Arts and Care of Magical Creatures
-plays Quidditch as a Chaser.
Head Girl
Occupation after Hogwarts: shopowner in Diagon Alley – owns Whizz Hard Books*Alexander Linus Townsend
-curly light brown hair, dark blue
House: Gryffindor
Favourite subjects: Defense Against the Dark Arts and History of Magic
Occupation after Hogwarts: writer of books about the history of magic*Helena Xanthe Townsend
-wavy black hair, blue-green eyes
House: Slytherin
Favourite subjects: Transfiguration and potions
Occupation after Hogwarts: Ministry of Magic employee – works as an Auror in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement*
twelve Desmond Arthur Townsend
-wavy bleach blonde hair, green eyes
House: Slytherin
Favourite subjects: History of Magic and Potions
Fergus Kenneth Townsend
- 6 - 3 - 8 - 6 - 1 - 7 - 8 - 8 - 6 - 2 - 4 - 5
Leo Malcolm Townsend
-1 - 4 - 6 - 5 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 5 - 6 - 3 - 4 - 8
Lucinda Vivien Townsend
-2 - 6 - 5 - 6 - 2 - 4 - 5 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 4 - 8
Isobel Penelope Townsend
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DH - Eoin Leo Kerry (51)
Hair - Bleach blonde, curly
Eyes - Hazel
House - Hufflepuff
Favourite Subjects - Potions & Herbology
Quidditch? Yes, Beater
--Team Captain? No
Prefect? No
Job - Owns the post office in Hogsmeade
Blood Status - Muggle BornDW - Vesta Elaine {Randall} Kerry (50)
Hair - Strawberry blonde, curly
Eyes - Gray
House - Ravenclaw
Favourite Subjects - Charms & Astronomy
Quidditch? Yes, Keeper
--Team Captain? Yes
Prefect? Yes
--Head Girl? No
Job - Retired Professional Quidditch Player [Keeper]
Blood Status - Pure BloodDS - Roderick Cairbre (30)
Hair - Dirty blonde, curly
Eyes - Green
House - Ravenclaw
Favourite Subjects - Defense Against the Dark Arts & Charms
Quidditch Player? No
Prefect? Yes
--Head Boy? Yes
Job - Curse breaker for GringottsDS - Linus Caspian (27)
Hair - Bleach blonde, curly
Eyes - Blue-Green
House - Slytherin
Favourite Subjects - Transfiguration & Charms
Quidditch Player? Yes, Seeker
--Team Captain? No
Prefect? Yes
--Head Boy? No
Job - Works in Department of Magical TransportationDD - Malina Aurora (27)
Hair - Bleach blonde, curly
Eyes - Gray
House - Gryffindor
Favourite Subjects - Transfiguration & Potions
Quidditch Player? No
Prefect? No
Job - Owns Magical Menagerie in Diagon AlleyDD - Penelope Elissa (27)
Hair - Red, straight
Eyes - Green
House - Slytherin
Favourite Subjects - Transfiguration & History of Magic
Quidditch Player? Yes, Beater
--Team Captain? No
Prefect? No
Job - Works in the Department of Magical Law EnforcementDD - Miranda Branwen (23)
Hair - Black, straight
Eyes - Light brown
House - Ravenclaw
Favourite Subjects - Charms & History of Magic
Quidditch Player? Yes, Seeker
--Team Captain? Yes
Prefect? No
Job - Works in Department of MysteriesDS - Damon Marcas (20)
Hair - Dirty blonde, wavy
Eyes - Light brown
House - Ravenclaw
Favourite Subjects - History of Magic & Transfiguration
Quidditch Player? Yes, Chaser
--Team Captain? No
Prefect? No
Job - Works in Department of International Magical CooperationDS - Alan Percival (20)
Hair - Dark brown, straight
Eyes - Gray
House - Gryffindor
Favourite Subjects - Transfiguration & Charms
Quidditch Player? Yes, Beater
--Team Captain? No
Prefect? Yes
--Head Boy? No
Job - Works in Department of Magical Games and SportsDS - Arthur Sherlock (20)
Hair - Light brown, curly
Eyes - Light blue
House - Slytherin
Favourite Subjects - History of Magic & Herbology
Quidditch Player? No
Prefect? Yes
--Head Boy? Yes
Job - Writes Muggle Sci-Fi novels

This message was edited 8/17/2011, 5:22 PM

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LN: DowlingDH: Theseus Irvine
--Half Blood
--Writer of History Books
--Straight Brown Hair, Dark Blue Eyes
--Was a Gryffindor at Hogwarts, Favorite Subjects were History of Magic and Charms
--Beater for the House Quidditch Team, Later Became the Captain
--Became a PrefectDW: Rhiannon Matilda (Frost)
--Pure Blood
--Curse Breaker for Gringotts
--Curly Light Brown Hair, Green Eyes
--Was a Hufflepuff at Hogwarts, Favorite Subjects were Ancient Runes and Astronomy
--Became a Prefect
DD: Penelope Eireann
--Straight Dirty Blonde Hair, Blue-Green Eyes
--Hufflepuff; Defense Against the Dark Arts, Muggle Studies
--Became a Prefect
--Now a Writer of Spell BooksDS/DD/DS: Gareth Malcolm / Cassandra Daphne / Reuben Leary
--Straight Bleach Blonde Hair, Gray Eyes
--Gryffindor; Charms, Transfiguration
--Chaser for the House Quidditch Team
--Became Prefect
--Now a Healer at St. Mungos
--Curly Brown Hair, Dark Brown Eyes
--Slytherin; Herbology, Charms
--Chaser for the House Quidditch Team
--Became a Prefect
--Now a Healer at St. Mungos
--Straight Bleach Blonde Hair, Hazel Eyes
--Gryffindor; Charms, Potions
--Now the owner of Dervish and BangesDS/DD: Angus Owain / Malvina Igraine
--Straight Strawberry Blonde Hair, Hazel Eyes
--Slytherin; Herbology and Potions
--Now works in Floo Regulation at the Ministry of Magic
--Wavy Red Hair, Gray Eyes
--Hufflepuff; Herbology and Astronomy
--Keeper for the House Quidditch Team
--Became a Prefect
--Now a Healer at St. MungosDD: Deirdre Selene
--Straight Light Brown Hair, Light Brown Eyes
--Ravenclaw; Divination, History of Magic
--Became a Prefect
--Now a Member of the Magical Law Enforcement Squad at the Ministry of Magic
Theseus and Rhiannon
Penelope, Gareth, Cassandra, Reuben, Angus, Malvina, and Deirdre

This message was edited 8/17/2011, 8:23 PM

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LN: BlackburnSO1: Amelia Phaedra (Greybank) Blackburn, Spell book writer with wavy black hair and dark blue eyes. Former Ravenclaw
SO2: Evander Isaac Blackburn, Ministry employee in the department of mysteries with light brown straight hair and green eyes. Former Gryffindor.DS1/DD1: Leander Numitor Blackburn "Leo" / Lucina Eithne Blackburn "Lucy"
(( Leo and Lucy are fraternal twins, Leo with his father's straight light brown hair and light blue eyes and Lucy with dark brown hair and green eyes. Leo is a Ravenclaw while Lucy joined the house of Hufflepuff. Leo's favourite subjects are charms and transfiguration, while Lucy's are astronomy and herbology. Leo does not play quidditch. Lucy is a Hufflepuff Chaser. She becomes team captain. Leo does not choose to become a prefect, while Lucy does but does not become Head Girl.))
DD2/DD3/DS2: Nimue Isla Blackburn "Nia" / Pandora Eithne Blackburn "Pan" / Altair Sebastian Blackburn "Al"
(( Nimue is a Hufflepuff with brown, straight hair and green eyes. Her favourite classes are Herbology and Transfiguration. She too plays quidditch as a Hufflepuff Chaser but does not become captain. She becomes a prefect but not Head Girl. Pandora is a Gryffindor with black, straight hair and green eyes. Her favourite classes are Ancient Runes and Transfiguration. She does not play quidditch. She becomes a prefect and is eventually Head Girl. Altair is a Hufflepuff with brown, curly hair and grey eyes. His favourite classes are Defense against the Dark Arts and Potions. He plays quidditch as the Hufflepuff Seeker. He chooses not to become a prefect.))
DD4/DS3: Eleanor Saoirse Blackburn "Lenore" / Charon Jove Blackburn "Charlie"
((Lenore is a Gryffindor with black, straight hair and hazel eyes. Charlie is a Slytherin with brown, straight hair and grey eyes. Eleanor's favourite subjects are Potions and Defense against the Dark Arts, while Charlie prefers History of Magic and Charms. Lenore does not play quidditch. Charlie does, and is a Slytherin Chaser. Neither become captain. Lenore is a prefect but does not become Head Girl. Charlie is a prefect too, yet become Head Boy.))

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This message was edited 8/17/2011, 4:52 PM

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DH: Orion Altair Prewett
- Half-blood
- Owns Flourish and Blotts in Diagon Alley
- Wavy light brown hair and blue eyes
- Gryffindor
- Played as a Chaser in Quidditch
- Prefect and Head Boy
DW: Cressida Vivien (Doge) Prewett
- Pure-blood
- Curse breaker for Gringotts
- Straight strawberry blond hair and hazel eyes
- Ravenclaw
- Played as a Seeker in Quidditch, and was Quidditch Captain
- PrefectDS: Remus Caspian Prewett (Evander's twin)
- straight red hair, dark blue eyes
- Ravenclaw
- Favorite subject: Transfiguration
- Played as a Beater in Quidditch
- Prefect
- After Hogwarts: co-owned Flourish and Blotts with Orion
DS: Evander Aramis Prewett (Remus's twin)
- straight red hair, dark blue eyes
- Ravenclaw
- Favorite subject: Defense Against the Dark Arts
- Played as a Beater in Quidditch
- After Hogwarts: Ministry of Magic, Department of Magical Law Enforcement, as an Auror
DD: Nerissa Phoebe Prewett
- Wavy black hair, green eyes
- Gryffindor
- Favorite subject: Astronomy
- Prefect
- After Hogwarts: Ministry of Magic, Department of Mysteries, "Unspeakable"
DD: Ophelia Greer Prewett
- Curly red hair, light brown eyes
- Ravenclaw
- Favorite subject: Astronomy
- Played as a Chaser in Quidditch
- Prefect and Head Girl
- After Hogwarts: Curse Breaker for Gringotts
DS: Pollux Frederick Prewett (triplet to Rhea and Vulcan)
- Wavy black hair and dark brown eyes
- Gryffindor
- Favorite subject: History of Magic
- Prefect
- After Hogwarts: Ministry of Magic, Department of International Magical Cooperation
DD: Rhea Florence Prewett (triplet to Pollux and Vulcan)
- Wavy red hair and green eyes
- Gryffindor
- Favorite subject: Charms
- Prefect
- After Hogwarts: Curse Breaker for Gringotts
DS: Vulcan Sebastian Prewett (triplet to Pollux and Rhea)
- Wavy black hair and dark brown eyes
- Gryffindor
- Favorite subject: Astronomy
- Played as a Keeper in Quidditch
- After Hogwarts: Owned Dervish and Banges in Hogsmeade

This message was edited 8/17/2011, 7:15 PM

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LN: DaviesDH: Ewan Campell
-----Muggle Born
-----Healer at St. Mungos
-----Curly Brown Hair, Brown Eyes
-----Was a Hufflepuff at Hogwarts; Favorite Subjects: Charms and Herbology
-----Played Keeper on the House Quidditch Team
DW: Ariadne Ceridwen
-----Wavy Dark Brown Hair, Dark Blue Eyes
-----A Ravenclaw at Hogwarts; Favorite Subjects: Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts
-----Played Chaser on the House Quidditch Team
-----Was a Prefect
DS: Aries Evander
-----Curly Dark Brown Hair, Blue-Green Eyes
-----Gryffindor; Defense Against the Dark Arts, Care of Magical Creatures
-----Played Chaser on the House Quidditch Team; Was Captain
-----Became a Professional Quidditch PlayerDS: Caspian Luca
-----Wavy Black Hair, Brown Eyes
-----Ravenclaw; Charms, Arithmancy
-----Was a Prefect and Head Boy
-----Became a Writer, History Books and Spell BooksDD/ DD: Leda Selene/ Esme Penelope
-----Wavy Brown Hair, Gray Eyes
-----Ravenclaw; Transfiguration, Ancient Runes
-----Was a Prefect
-----Works for the Wizengamot and Wizengamot Administration Services Council of Magical Law
-----Straight Blonde Hair, Light Blue Eyes
-----Hufflepuff; Herbology and Potions
-----Was a Prefect
-----Works as a Healer at St. MungosDS/DD/DD: Pax Oliver/ Rhiannon Fantine/ Athena Grace
-----Straight Light Brown Hair, Hazel Eyes
-----Slytherin; Potions and Arithmancy
-----Played Seeker for the House Quidditch Team
-----Was a Prefect
-----Curse Breaker for Gringotts
-----Curly Strawberry Blonde Hair, Green Eyes
-----Hufflepuff; Herbology and Divination
-----Works at the Apothecary in Diagon Alley
-----Wavy Brown Hair, Blue-Green Eyes
-----Gryffindor; Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration
-----Played Seeker for the House Quidditch Team
-----Was a Prefect
-----Reporter for the Daily Prophet
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