in reply to a message by beethoven
Woo this took ages!
1. The Hopewells
Husband (1889): Chilton Ives
Wife (1898): Lucky Missie
Son (1919): Howard Vermont
Daughter (1921): Cleopatra Fredonia
Son (1924): Jabez Profit
Daughter (1927): Zulmira Margaret
Daughter/Daughter (1929): Lyla Faynell // Texanna Sydney
The Tarwaters
Husband (1886): Boots Graham
Wife (1900): Martha Maudestine
D/D/D (1920): Darthula Maylene / Nelrose Euretha / Tosca Rodessa
Son (1926): Converse Pellegrino
Son (1928): Void Richard
Daughter (1930): Stamacia Berlin
The Raybers
Husband (1902): Fenwick Robin
Wife (1883): Fortuna Gustava
Son (1920): Armistice Herod
Daughter (1926): Lorna Maydene
The Shortleys
Husband (1890): Everest Orestes
Wife (1890): Holly Chrysanthe
Daughter (1912): Wynetta Narcissus
Daughter (1913): Arlo English
Son (1916): Jarl Cody
1. The Hopewells
Husband (1889): Chilton Ives
Wife (1898): Lucky Missie
Son (1919): Howard Vermont
Daughter (1921): Cleopatra Fredonia
Son (1924): Jabez Profit
Daughter (1927): Zulmira Margaret
Daughter/Daughter (1929): Lyla Faynell // Texanna Sydney
The Tarwaters
Husband (1886): Boots Graham
Wife (1900): Martha Maudestine
D/D/D (1920): Darthula Maylene / Nelrose Euretha / Tosca Rodessa
Son (1926): Converse Pellegrino
Son (1928): Void Richard
Daughter (1930): Stamacia Berlin
The Raybers
Husband (1902): Fenwick Robin
Wife (1883): Fortuna Gustava
Son (1920): Armistice Herod
Daughter (1926): Lorna Maydene
The Shortleys
Husband (1890): Everest Orestes
Wife (1890): Holly Chrysanthe
Daughter (1912): Wynetta Narcissus
Daughter (1913): Arlo English
Son (1916): Jarl Cody