Amara's Sci-Fi Congrats round #1
Hi guys. Sorry for the rather massive delay. There's a birthday in our household coming up too, so round 2 will be at least a few days away, but I hope to be speedier in the future. I'm afraid a wide array of things and (now) terrible internet speed and connection problems... have contributed to this huge delay. I'm really sorry. I'm afraid the namebank this round is a bit messy because of my terrible computer, and will better, more organised, less recycled and definitely alphabetical next round. If you can stay with this brief transmission, I'll try and whip up something special for the future :)
With no further ado...
PLOT UPDATE ~ YEAR 1, 2811. Your family welcomes a new arrival. You have a permit for the birth, but perhaps it wasn't easy to get it, and the months before your new baby was born were fraught with concern about media rumours claiming that some permits had been given illegally or erroneously to families who weren't eligable for them. Regardless, there seems to be no suggestion that your family is one of the one effected, right? Or is there? How's your new arrival, and what does he or she mean for your family?
The usual:
1. Bold your new additions each round
2. Same sex and unmarried couples are allowed
3. General forum curtesy is always appreciated
4. If you miss 3 rounds without warning, you may be dropped
5. You can do ages, but please keep up with them yourself
6. Have fun! :)
7. The plot/story element is entirely optional, and feel free to go absolutely wild with it if you do want to write anything. I'll give plot updates here and there, but other than that and beyond that... run with it!
New signups will be possible during this round. Simply fill in this form, and I'll do a dice roll to give you your first child.
Please check here --> for info.
NAME BANK --> trend update! Everyone's naming their kids after satellites and minor astrological bodies these days! Star names are considered dated and very naive, but are making a comeback, bit by bit.
GIRLS: Adhara Adrastea Ain Aitne Alchiba Alhena Alphecca Altais Aludra Alya Alycone Amalthea Ananke Ancha Anthe Aoede Arche Ascella Askella Asterope Atria Autonoe Azaleh Azha Bebhionn Belinda Bellatrix Betria Bianca Bunda Callirrhoe Callisto Calypso Capella Carme Celaeno Ceres Cleoselene Cordelia Cressida Cursa Cyllene Desdemona Despina Dione Dysnomia Echidna Elara Electra Erinome Eris Euanthe Euporie Europa Eurydome Galatea Gatria Gemma Gienah Gomeisa Halimede Hassaleh Helene Heka Hermippe Himalia Hyrrokkin Io Iocaste Izar Jarnsaxa Juliet Kallichore Kastra Keeia Ketalpha Kore Ksora Laomedeia Larisa Leda Lucida Luna Lysithea Mab Maia Meissa Merga Meridiana Merope Methone Metis Mimosa Minelava Mira Miram Miranda Mneme Naiad Namaka Nashira Navi Nereid Neso Nix Niyat Ophelia Pallene Pandora Perdita Phoebe Pleione Portia Proxima Psamathe Rana Rhea Rosalind Ruchba Sadira Sao Shaula Sinistra Sinope Sycorax Telesto Tertia Tethys Thalassa Thebe Thelxinoe Themis Themisto Thyone Titania Vanth Zoe
BOYS: Achernar Aegaeon Aegir Alaraph Alathfar Albiorix Alcor Alexhelios Alkes Alioth Alphard Alshain Altair Alzir Aradid Arcturus Ariel Arrakis Atlas Avior Azimech Beid Bergelmir Betelgeuse Biham Caliban Castor Charon Chertan Chiron Cupid Dactyl Daphnis Deimos Deneb Eltanin Enceladus Enif Epimetheus Erriapus Etamin Farbauti Fenrir Ferdinand Fornjot Francisco Gacrux Giedi Grafias Hadar Haedus Hati Heze Homam Hyperion Iapetus Jabbah Kajam Kari Kaus Keid Kraz Lesath Linus Loge Mahasim Menkar Merak Mimas Mirzam Misam Mizar Narvi Nash Navi Nembus Neso Nihal Oberon Pabu Pan Phobos Phorcys Polaris Polydeuces Prometheus Prospero Proteus Ras Rastaban Regulus Remus Rigel Romulus Sabik Saiph Salm Sao Sarir Sasin Sawiskera Schedir Secundus Segin Setebos Sheliak Sheratan Sirius Stephano Suhail Surtur Tarqeq Tarvos Thrymr Titan Trinculo Umbriel Ymir
LN: Endymion
DH: Reed Aden Endymion
DW: Lissie Alethea Parthenia
LN: Jinks
DH: Arcturus Leo Jinks
DW: Zosma Pandora (Atticus) Jinks
LN: Lancombe
DH: Zephyr Cyden Lancombe "Zeph" (27)
DW: Neela Xarina (nee Madrid) Lancombe (23)
LN: Tate-Abelli
SO: Alonzo Eliseo Abelli
SO: Jack Niles Tate
LN: Heilmann-Wiley
Dbf: Jareth "Jerry" Draven Heilmann (17)
Dgf: Evadne "Eva" Kassiopeia Wiley (15)
DD/DD/DD: Lorelei [?] Heilmann "Lora" / Xylia [?] Heilmann "Leah" / Zelda [?] Heilmann "Elly"
DD/DS: Guinevere [?] Wiley "Gwen" / Arthur [?] Wiley
LN: Hawke
SO: Amalthea Eris Vesta
SO: Darwin Lucius Hawke
LN: Connor
DW: Jasmine Danielle
DW: Georgia Jamison
LN: Northrop
DH: Orion Constantine Northrop (27)
DW: Madeleine Gloria [Damiani] Northrop (26)
LN: Baird
DH: Keane Joseph Baird
DW: Lia Marian (Huff) Baird
LN: Tasse
DH: Edmund Diamond Tasse
DW: Amethyst Sterling {Kesef} Tasse
LN: MacAndrew
DH: Remy Alexander
DW: Anne Elisabeth
LN: Dunst
DH: Morgan Aristotle
DW: Alyss Persimmon (nee Lowe)
LN: Tryor
DH: Endymion Neptune Tryor
DW: Narcissa Calandra [Adhara] Tryor
LN Austin
SO Ryan Timothy
SO Sophia Rose
LN: Gidley
DH: Martin Niall
DW: Calliana Kira "Callie" (Allen)
LN: Hollis
DH: Theodore Quintus 'Ted' Hollis
DW: Georgia Frances Hollis
LN: Day
DH: Jethro Sirius
DW: Verity Tamsin
LN: Stryker
SO: Mattheus Oberon "Matt"
SO: Zora Apollonia
LN: Zerofex
DH: Arai Leeso
DW: Atali Tranine Hope
LN: Taryon
DH: Deimos Aleksander
DW: Chryseis Eilidh
LN: Killough-Roth
DW: Romy Danae (23)
DW: Katherine Emmeline (19)
Hi guys. Sorry for the rather massive delay. There's a birthday in our household coming up too, so round 2 will be at least a few days away, but I hope to be speedier in the future. I'm afraid a wide array of things and (now) terrible internet speed and connection problems... have contributed to this huge delay. I'm really sorry. I'm afraid the namebank this round is a bit messy because of my terrible computer, and will better, more organised, less recycled and definitely alphabetical next round. If you can stay with this brief transmission, I'll try and whip up something special for the future :)
With no further ado...
PLOT UPDATE ~ YEAR 1, 2811. Your family welcomes a new arrival. You have a permit for the birth, but perhaps it wasn't easy to get it, and the months before your new baby was born were fraught with concern about media rumours claiming that some permits had been given illegally or erroneously to families who weren't eligable for them. Regardless, there seems to be no suggestion that your family is one of the one effected, right? Or is there? How's your new arrival, and what does he or she mean for your family?
The usual:
1. Bold your new additions each round
2. Same sex and unmarried couples are allowed
3. General forum curtesy is always appreciated
4. If you miss 3 rounds without warning, you may be dropped
5. You can do ages, but please keep up with them yourself
6. Have fun! :)
7. The plot/story element is entirely optional, and feel free to go absolutely wild with it if you do want to write anything. I'll give plot updates here and there, but other than that and beyond that... run with it!
New signups will be possible during this round. Simply fill in this form, and I'll do a dice roll to give you your first child.
Please check here --> for info.
NAME BANK --> trend update! Everyone's naming their kids after satellites and minor astrological bodies these days! Star names are considered dated and very naive, but are making a comeback, bit by bit.
GIRLS: Adhara Adrastea Ain Aitne Alchiba Alhena Alphecca Altais Aludra Alya Alycone Amalthea Ananke Ancha Anthe Aoede Arche Ascella Askella Asterope Atria Autonoe Azaleh Azha Bebhionn Belinda Bellatrix Betria Bianca Bunda Callirrhoe Callisto Calypso Capella Carme Celaeno Ceres Cleoselene Cordelia Cressida Cursa Cyllene Desdemona Despina Dione Dysnomia Echidna Elara Electra Erinome Eris Euanthe Euporie Europa Eurydome Galatea Gatria Gemma Gienah Gomeisa Halimede Hassaleh Helene Heka Hermippe Himalia Hyrrokkin Io Iocaste Izar Jarnsaxa Juliet Kallichore Kastra Keeia Ketalpha Kore Ksora Laomedeia Larisa Leda Lucida Luna Lysithea Mab Maia Meissa Merga Meridiana Merope Methone Metis Mimosa Minelava Mira Miram Miranda Mneme Naiad Namaka Nashira Navi Nereid Neso Nix Niyat Ophelia Pallene Pandora Perdita Phoebe Pleione Portia Proxima Psamathe Rana Rhea Rosalind Ruchba Sadira Sao Shaula Sinistra Sinope Sycorax Telesto Tertia Tethys Thalassa Thebe Thelxinoe Themis Themisto Thyone Titania Vanth Zoe
BOYS: Achernar Aegaeon Aegir Alaraph Alathfar Albiorix Alcor Alexhelios Alkes Alioth Alphard Alshain Altair Alzir Aradid Arcturus Ariel Arrakis Atlas Avior Azimech Beid Bergelmir Betelgeuse Biham Caliban Castor Charon Chertan Chiron Cupid Dactyl Daphnis Deimos Deneb Eltanin Enceladus Enif Epimetheus Erriapus Etamin Farbauti Fenrir Ferdinand Fornjot Francisco Gacrux Giedi Grafias Hadar Haedus Hati Heze Homam Hyperion Iapetus Jabbah Kajam Kari Kaus Keid Kraz Lesath Linus Loge Mahasim Menkar Merak Mimas Mirzam Misam Mizar Narvi Nash Navi Nembus Neso Nihal Oberon Pabu Pan Phobos Phorcys Polaris Polydeuces Prometheus Prospero Proteus Ras Rastaban Regulus Remus Rigel Romulus Sabik Saiph Salm Sao Sarir Sasin Sawiskera Schedir Secundus Segin Setebos Sheliak Sheratan Sirius Stephano Suhail Surtur Tarqeq Tarvos Thrymr Titan Trinculo Umbriel Ymir
LN: Endymion
DH: Reed Aden Endymion
DW: Lissie Alethea Parthenia
LN: Jinks
DH: Arcturus Leo Jinks
DW: Zosma Pandora (Atticus) Jinks
LN: Lancombe
DH: Zephyr Cyden Lancombe "Zeph" (27)
DW: Neela Xarina (nee Madrid) Lancombe (23)
LN: Tate-Abelli
SO: Alonzo Eliseo Abelli
SO: Jack Niles Tate
LN: Heilmann-Wiley
Dbf: Jareth "Jerry" Draven Heilmann (17)
Dgf: Evadne "Eva" Kassiopeia Wiley (15)
DD/DD/DD: Lorelei [?] Heilmann "Lora" / Xylia [?] Heilmann "Leah" / Zelda [?] Heilmann "Elly"
DD/DS: Guinevere [?] Wiley "Gwen" / Arthur [?] Wiley
LN: Hawke
SO: Amalthea Eris Vesta
SO: Darwin Lucius Hawke
LN: Connor
DW: Jasmine Danielle
DW: Georgia Jamison
LN: Northrop
DH: Orion Constantine Northrop (27)
DW: Madeleine Gloria [Damiani] Northrop (26)
LN: Baird
DH: Keane Joseph Baird
DW: Lia Marian (Huff) Baird
LN: Tasse
DH: Edmund Diamond Tasse
DW: Amethyst Sterling {Kesef} Tasse
LN: MacAndrew
DH: Remy Alexander
DW: Anne Elisabeth
LN: Dunst
DH: Morgan Aristotle
DW: Alyss Persimmon (nee Lowe)
LN: Tryor
DH: Endymion Neptune Tryor
DW: Narcissa Calandra [Adhara] Tryor
LN Austin
SO Ryan Timothy
SO Sophia Rose
LN: Gidley
DH: Martin Niall
DW: Calliana Kira "Callie" (Allen)
LN: Hollis
DH: Theodore Quintus 'Ted' Hollis
DW: Georgia Frances Hollis
LN: Day
DH: Jethro Sirius
DW: Verity Tamsin
LN: Stryker
SO: Mattheus Oberon "Matt"
SO: Zora Apollonia
LN: Zerofex
DH: Arai Leeso
DW: Atali Tranine Hope
LN: Taryon
DH: Deimos Aleksander
DW: Chryseis Eilidh
LN: Killough-Roth
DW: Romy Danae (23)
DW: Katherine Emmeline (19)
This message was edited 7/8/2011, 10:15 PM
LN: Tasse
DH: Edmund Diamond Tasse
DW: Amethyst Sterling {Kesef} Tasse
DS: Sirius Avior Tasse
Edmund and Amethyst were very happy about Sirius. He was COMPLETELY legal and shame on those who say otherwise...
LN: Tasse
DH: Edmund Diamond Tasse
DW: Amethyst Sterling {Kesef} Tasse
DS: Sirius Avior Tasse
Edmund and Amethyst were very happy about Sirius. He was COMPLETELY legal and shame on those who say otherwise...
please add me
Username: Moriette
LN: Myr-Xiù
SO: Altair Takumi
SO: Kitora ‘Enakai
Username: Moriette
LN: Myr-Xiù
SO: Altair Takumi
SO: Kitora ‘Enakai
LN: Taryon
DH: Deimos Aleksander
DW: Chryseis Eilidh
DS: Stephano Ferdinand
LN: Taryon
DH: Deimos Aleksander
DW: Chryseis Eilidh
DS: Stephano Ferdinand
LN: Tate-Abelli
SO: Alonzo Eliseo Abelli
SO: Jack Niles Tate
DS: Prometheus Chiron Tate-Abelli "Prom"
In the Beginning
Jack and Alonzo are among those who have very little money. Despite increased acceptance towards same-sex couples, both were disowned by their family when they came out. They're doing their best to make it through on their own, both of them bartending to save up some money. Alonzo dreams of seeing the stars and travelling to different planets, but they can't afford to do that now. Because of that, they enter the raffle as often as possible. Jack is still enthralled by the old books and academia, and he plays his part in the virtually secret sale and trade of books and information.
Year One
Jack and Alonzo managed to secure a proper birth permit, but they had no idea what they intended to do with it. Neither one was sure that they wanted to start a family at all, let alone now, and they certainly weren't going to crawl into bed with a woman just for that. Still, they wanted the permit just in case they decided to start a family by other means.
A month after receiving their permit, a friend of Alonzo's approached the couple, frantically begging them to take her unborn child. Rumors were flying that some permits had been illegally purchased. Some of those rumors weren't completely untrue. Andromeda and Nathan had wanted a child for the past four years, but they had been unable to receive a permit. They had finally spent their entire life savings to bribe a government official into giving them what they so desperately needed. At the last minute, a week before the baby was due, fear took over Andromeda. She was afraid someone would discover what they had done, and take away her baby. She gave birth at home rather than at the hospital, and she forced Alonzo to take the child before she even had a chance to see it. She was trusting Alonzo to protect her, and by taking the baby, if questioned, he could say that he and Jack had convinced Andromeda to carry the baby for them. By doing that, both Andromeda and the child would be covered under the birth permit they held.
LN: Tate-Abelli
SO: Alonzo Eliseo Abelli
SO: Jack Niles Tate
DS: Prometheus Chiron Tate-Abelli "Prom"
In the Beginning
Jack and Alonzo are among those who have very little money. Despite increased acceptance towards same-sex couples, both were disowned by their family when they came out. They're doing their best to make it through on their own, both of them bartending to save up some money. Alonzo dreams of seeing the stars and travelling to different planets, but they can't afford to do that now. Because of that, they enter the raffle as often as possible. Jack is still enthralled by the old books and academia, and he plays his part in the virtually secret sale and trade of books and information.
Year One
Jack and Alonzo managed to secure a proper birth permit, but they had no idea what they intended to do with it. Neither one was sure that they wanted to start a family at all, let alone now, and they certainly weren't going to crawl into bed with a woman just for that. Still, they wanted the permit just in case they decided to start a family by other means.
A month after receiving their permit, a friend of Alonzo's approached the couple, frantically begging them to take her unborn child. Rumors were flying that some permits had been illegally purchased. Some of those rumors weren't completely untrue. Andromeda and Nathan had wanted a child for the past four years, but they had been unable to receive a permit. They had finally spent their entire life savings to bribe a government official into giving them what they so desperately needed. At the last minute, a week before the baby was due, fear took over Andromeda. She was afraid someone would discover what they had done, and take away her baby. She gave birth at home rather than at the hospital, and she forced Alonzo to take the child before she even had a chance to see it. She was trusting Alonzo to protect her, and by taking the baby, if questioned, he could say that he and Jack had convinced Andromeda to carry the baby for them. By doing that, both Andromeda and the child would be covered under the birth permit they held.
LN: Northrop
DH: Orion Constantine Northrop (28)
DW: Madeleine Gloria [Damiani] Northrop (27)
DD: Ophelia Mneme Northrop (nb)
Knowing that they'd like to have a family, Orion and Madeleine began applying for a birth permit at the same time they registered for their marriage license. They were granted their permit almost immediately, as they were both productive members of society and young and in good health, and began trying to get pregnant right away. Madeleine continued to work at her residency until well into her eighth month, when she began her maternity leave. The pregnancy went very smoothly for both parents, and Orion tended to be more nervous than Madeleine. The couple continue to frequent cultural establishments occasionally for recreation, but not so much to be alarming. Baby Ophelia joined the family just a month ago, and the doctors Northrop are delighted with her. They enjoy being parents and hope to give Ophelia little brothers and sisters in the future!
LN: Northrop
DH: Orion Constantine Northrop (28)
DW: Madeleine Gloria [Damiani] Northrop (27)
DD: Ophelia Mneme Northrop (nb)
Knowing that they'd like to have a family, Orion and Madeleine began applying for a birth permit at the same time they registered for their marriage license. They were granted their permit almost immediately, as they were both productive members of society and young and in good health, and began trying to get pregnant right away. Madeleine continued to work at her residency until well into her eighth month, when she began her maternity leave. The pregnancy went very smoothly for both parents, and Orion tended to be more nervous than Madeleine. The couple continue to frequent cultural establishments occasionally for recreation, but not so much to be alarming. Baby Ophelia joined the family just a month ago, and the doctors Northrop are delighted with her. They enjoy being parents and hope to give Ophelia little brothers and sisters in the future!
Oops forgot the note! Here it is!
I am on vacation without a computer and will keep up as best I can on my phone! I should be able to stay up to speed, but I apologize in advance if I miss a round. Thanks for hosting and being understanding!
I am on vacation without a computer and will keep up as best I can on my phone! I should be able to stay up to speed, but I apologize in advance if I miss a round. Thanks for hosting and being understanding!
Username: Flute
LN: Murray
DH: Cornelius Flynn "Corin" (37)
DW: Zinnia Eglantine "Zinn" (23)
Cornelius F. Murray, known as Corin to his close friends, associates, and wife, is the head of Ancient Literature at one of the few universities left that still offer liberal arts studies. When he was younger, he had a wife and daughter, but they were killed in an accident - though Corin isn't sure he believes it was an accident. His new wife, Zinnia, was one of his students. They fell in love and struck up a clandestine relationship until she was out of school, as which point they married. Zinn is a bright young woman, so naturally Corin worries about her safety. The two have been trying to procure a permit to start a family, but have as of yet been unsuccessful.
Username: Flute
LN: Murray
DH: Cornelius Flynn "Corin" (37)
DW: Zinnia Eglantine "Zinn" (23)
Cornelius F. Murray, known as Corin to his close friends, associates, and wife, is the head of Ancient Literature at one of the few universities left that still offer liberal arts studies. When he was younger, he had a wife and daughter, but they were killed in an accident - though Corin isn't sure he believes it was an accident. His new wife, Zinnia, was one of his students. They fell in love and struck up a clandestine relationship until she was out of school, as which point they married. Zinn is a bright young woman, so naturally Corin worries about her safety. The two have been trying to procure a permit to start a family, but have as of yet been unsuccessful.
Username: Flute
LN: Murray
DH: Cornelius Flynn "Corin" (37)
DW: Zinnia Eglantine "Zinn" (23)
LN: Murray
DH: Cornelius Flynn "Corin" (37)
DW: Zinnia Eglantine "Zinn" (23)
LN: Murray
DH: Cornelius Flynn "Corin" (38)
DW: Zinnia Eglantine "Zinn" (24)
DS: Oberon Ymir (nb)
Zinn was ecstatic when Corin finally managed to procure a permit for them to have their first child. The pair got pregnant right away, and nine months later Zinn gave birth to a boy - Oberon Ymir Murray.
Around the time of Oberon's birth, rumors started flying about illegally obtained permits, and Zinn realized that she'd never actually asked Corin how he managed to get the permit that had been evading them for so long. When she finally did ask, his answers were evasive, and she is now worried that perhaps their permit for Oberon isn't legitimate. Still, she is so in love with her baby boy that for now, it doesn't matter. Besides, even if it was a forged permit, no one seems to have noticed....
LN: Stryker
SO: Mattheus Oberon "Matt"
SO: Zora Apollonia
DS: Arcturus Prometheus "Artie"
SO: Mattheus Oberon "Matt"
SO: Zora Apollonia
DS: Arcturus Prometheus "Artie"
Dbf: Jareth "Jerry" Draven Heilmann (17)
Dgf: Evadne "Eva" Kassiopeia Wiley (15)
DD/DD/DD: Lorelei "Lora" Kassandra Heilmann / Xylia "Leah" Calanthe Heilmann / Zelda "Elly" Xanthe Heilmann (3)
DD/DS: Guinevere "Gwen" Morgan Wiley / Arthur Lancelot Wiley (8 mo.)
DD: Miridiana "Mimi" Hassaleh Heilmann (nb)
Jerry and Eva are some of the unlucky few. They had a very hard time getting their permit, as they are so young. Eva was hoping that this would go more smoothly than the twins' did, but it didn't. They've discovered that theirs isn't legal. Even without the permit, their baby came anyway. Miridiana, more commonly known as Mimi, is healthy and adorable.
Dgf: Evadne "Eva" Kassiopeia Wiley (15)
DD/DD/DD: Lorelei "Lora" Kassandra Heilmann / Xylia "Leah" Calanthe Heilmann / Zelda "Elly" Xanthe Heilmann (3)
DD/DS: Guinevere "Gwen" Morgan Wiley / Arthur Lancelot Wiley (8 mo.)
DD: Miridiana "Mimi" Hassaleh Heilmann (nb)
Jerry and Eva are some of the unlucky few. They had a very hard time getting their permit, as they are so young. Eva was hoping that this would go more smoothly than the twins' did, but it didn't. They've discovered that theirs isn't legal. Even without the permit, their baby came anyway. Miridiana, more commonly known as Mimi, is healthy and adorable.
Signup :)
Username: PrincessLeia
LN: Hollis
DH: Warren Jeremiah
DW: Caroline Grace
Username: PrincessLeia
LN: Hollis
DH: Warren Jeremiah
DW: Caroline Grace
Username: PrincessLeia
LN: Hollis
DH: Warren Jeremiah
DW: Caroline Grace
LN: Hollis
DH: Warren Jeremiah
DW: Caroline Grace
Thanks! =) - Round 1
Username: PrincessLeia
LN: Hollis
DH: Warren Jeremiah
DW: Caroline Grace
DS: Sirius Castor "Siri"
Username: PrincessLeia
LN: Hollis
DH: Warren Jeremiah
DW: Caroline Grace
DS: Sirius Castor "Siri"
LN: Tryor
DH: Endymion Neptune Tryor
DW: Narcissa Calandra [Adhara] Tryor
DD: Electra Altais Nix Meridiana Tryor
LN: Tryor
DH: Endymion Neptune Tryor
DW: Narcissa Calandra [Adhara] Tryor
DD: Electra Altais Nix Meridiana Tryor
This message was edited 7/9/2011, 8:06 AM
Sorry to say that I, too, am going for a trip from this Monday to the next Monday. I'll try to get online, but if I can't, I'm sorry if I were to miss a round or two.
LN: Dunst
DH: Morgan Aristotle
DW: Alyss Persimmon (nee Lowe)
DD: Leda Merope
The next year, the Dunsts found themselves a new surprise: a birthing permit! They were a bit stunned to receive it, at first, especially since with the large age gap they didn't expect themselves to be eligible. But Alyss convinced her husband to make good use of the permit, and Morgan agreed (Alyss was, by then, the only person he'd let call him Morgan - everyone else must submit to Mr Dunst or Aristotle). When Morgan was thirty and Alyss just eighteen, their first child was born. The girl was named Leda Merope, and she inherited her mother's vivid green eyes and her father's ash-blonde hair.
LN: Dunst
DH: Morgan Aristotle
DW: Alyss Persimmon (nee Lowe)
DD: Leda Merope
The next year, the Dunsts found themselves a new surprise: a birthing permit! They were a bit stunned to receive it, at first, especially since with the large age gap they didn't expect themselves to be eligible. But Alyss convinced her husband to make good use of the permit, and Morgan agreed (Alyss was, by then, the only person he'd let call him Morgan - everyone else must submit to Mr Dunst or Aristotle). When Morgan was thirty and Alyss just eighteen, their first child was born. The girl was named Leda Merope, and she inherited her mother's vivid green eyes and her father's ash-blonde hair.
Note: I'll be out of town from next monday to friday. I'm taking my laptop with me but it will be very unlikely that I'll have any internet connection. I'd like to catch up when I'm back.
LN: Hawke
SO: Amalthea Eris Vesta
SO: Darwin Lucius Hawke
DS: Linus Prometheus Hawke
LN: Hawke
SO: Amalthea Eris Vesta
SO: Darwin Lucius Hawke
DS: Linus Prometheus Hawke
LN: MacAndrew
DH: Remy Alexander
DW: Anne Elisabeth
DD: Cordelia Calypso "Cordie"
LN: MacAndrew
DH: Remy Alexander
DW: Anne Elisabeth
DD: Cordelia Calypso "Cordie"
LN Austin
SO Ryan Timothy
SO Sophia Rose
DD: Juliet Rosalind
LN Austin
SO Ryan Timothy
SO Sophia Rose
DD: Juliet Rosalind
LN: Zerofex
DH: Arai Leeso
DW: Atali Tranine Hope
DD: Desdemona Electra
LN: Zerofex
DH: Arai Leeso
DW: Atali Tranine Hope
DD: Desdemona Electra
LN: Baird
DH: Keane Joseph Baird
DW: Lia Marian (Huff) Baird
DS: Sirius Ferdinand Baird "Siri"
LN: Baird
DH: Keane Joseph Baird
DW: Lia Marian (Huff) Baird
DS: Sirius Ferdinand Baird "Siri"
LN: Endymion
DH: Reed Aden Endymion
DW: Lissie Alethea Parthenia
DD: Elara Azaleh
Reed and Lissie were glad to be allowed to have a child. None of the neighbors really suspected anything, mostly since they didn't know Lissie's background. If they'd known she came from an influential family, they might have been more suspicious. However, most people seem to like the young couple.
Interestingly enough, Lissie's older sister did help her to secure the permit. While Lissie was disowned by her parents, her siblings are still watching out for her, and, when possible, helping her to be happy. Lissie thinks that all of her family hates her, so she has no idea that Elara's birth was only permitted because a few strings were pulled by her family.
LN: Lancombe
DH: Zephyr Cyden Lancombe "Zeph" (27)
DW: Neela Xarina (nee Madrid) Lancombe (23)
DD: Io Meridiana Lancombe
Zeph & Neela decided not long after the media attention surrounding their marriage began to die down that they should have a baby. They had their respective 'people' arrange the permits whilst they got busy with the 'fun' part of making a baby. They'd been told that it could take awhile to get pregnant so never expected to discover that they had a child on the way before their permit was finalised! Being as high profile and popular as they are has it's benefits however and the permit was rushed through once Neela's publisist explained the awkward situation to an official.
The fact that the media darlings, Zeph & Neela Lancombe, had been approved for a baby was picked up quickly by the intergalatic media and the buzz was huge, which created a problem for the Lancombe's as everyone knew when their permit had been approved, so they ran the risk of someone realising that Neela was too far along for the dates to work out. To balance this out, they told everyone that Neela was due a month later than she actually was, and she complained very publically throughout the pregnancy that she was bigger than she'd expected to be at the (fake) number of weeks she was.
Io Meridiana Lancombe was born full term weighing a health 7 pound 8, but her medical records were doctored to say that she was born 5 weeks early, weighing only 4 pound 10... They got away with the ruse and when they agreed to sell her first pictures to EARTH magazine when Io was 2 months old, they made special mention of how very pleased they were with the growth Io had achieved and she was now on par with other babies her age, and they were so very relieved that her premature birth had no lasting effect...
LN: Lancombe
DH: Zephyr Cyden Lancombe "Zeph" (27)
DW: Neela Xarina (nee Madrid) Lancombe (23)
DD: Io Meridiana Lancombe
Zeph & Neela decided not long after the media attention surrounding their marriage began to die down that they should have a baby. They had their respective 'people' arrange the permits whilst they got busy with the 'fun' part of making a baby. They'd been told that it could take awhile to get pregnant so never expected to discover that they had a child on the way before their permit was finalised! Being as high profile and popular as they are has it's benefits however and the permit was rushed through once Neela's publisist explained the awkward situation to an official.
The fact that the media darlings, Zeph & Neela Lancombe, had been approved for a baby was picked up quickly by the intergalatic media and the buzz was huge, which created a problem for the Lancombe's as everyone knew when their permit had been approved, so they ran the risk of someone realising that Neela was too far along for the dates to work out. To balance this out, they told everyone that Neela was due a month later than she actually was, and she complained very publically throughout the pregnancy that she was bigger than she'd expected to be at the (fake) number of weeks she was.
Io Meridiana Lancombe was born full term weighing a health 7 pound 8, but her medical records were doctored to say that she was born 5 weeks early, weighing only 4 pound 10... They got away with the ruse and when they agreed to sell her first pictures to EARTH magazine when Io was 2 months old, they made special mention of how very pleased they were with the growth Io had achieved and she was now on par with other babies her age, and they were so very relieved that her premature birth had no lasting effect...
LN: Killough-Roth
DW: Romy Danae (23)
DW: Katherine Emmeline (19)
DD: Bebhionn Perdita (nb)
Romy and Kate applied for a pregnancy permit the day after they were married and, upon finally getting permission they scheduled an appointment with a fertility specialist. Romy carried their daughter and, overall, had a fairly easy pregnancy. The small family are quite happy for the time being and spend most of their free time with each other.
I actually can't stand looking at un-alphabetized name lists so I organized them. You copy/paste if you like, just thought I'd tell you in case you wanted to. ...Yeah.
Adhara Adrastea Ain Aitne Alchiba Alhena Alphecca Altais Aludra Alya Alycone Amalthea Ananke Ancha Anthe Aoede Arche Ascella Askella Asterope Atria Autonoe Azaleh Azha Bebhionn Belinda Bellatrix Betria Bianca Bunda Callirrhoe Callisto Calypso Capella Carme Celaeno Ceres Cleoselene Cordelia Cressida Cursa Cyllene Desdemona Despina Dione Dysnomia Echidna Elara Electra Erinome Eris Euanthe Euporie Europa Eurydome Galatea Gatria Gemma Gienah Gomeisa Halimede Hassaleh Helene Heka Hermippe Himalia Hyrrokkin Io Iocaste Izar Jarnsaxa Juliet Kallichore Kastra Keeia Ketalpha Kore Ksora Laomedeia Larisa Leda Lucida Luna Lysithea Mab Maia Meissa Merga Meridiana Merope Methone Metis Mimosa Minelava Mira Miram Miranda Mneme Naiad Namaka Nashira Navi Nereid Neso Nix Niyat Ophelia Pallene Pandora Perdita Phoebe Pleione Portia Proxima Psamathe Rana Rhea Rosalind Ruchba Sadira Sao Shaula Sinistra Sinope Sycorax Telesto Tertia Tethys Thalassa Thebe Thelxinoe Themis Themisto Thyone Titania Vanth Zoe
Achernar Aegaeon Aegir Alaraph Alathfar Albiorix Alcor Alexhelios Alkes Alioth Alphard Alshain Altair Alzir Aradid Arcturus Ariel Arrakis Atlas Avior Azimech Beid Bergelmir Betelgeuse Biham Caliban Castor Charon Chertan Chiron Cupid Dactyl Daphnis Deimos Deneb Eltanin Enceladus Enif Epimetheus Erriapus Etamin Farbauti Fenrir Ferdinand Fornjot Francisco Gacrux Giedi Grafias Hadar Haedus Hati Heze Homam Hyperion Iapetus Jabbah Kajam Kari Kaus Keid Kraz Lesath Linus Loge Mahasim Menkar Merak Mimas Mirzam Misam Mizar Narvi Nash Navi Nembus Neso Nihal Oberon Pabu Pan Phobos Phorcys Polaris Polydeuces Prometheus Prospero Proteus Ras Rastaban Regulus Remus Rigel Romulus Sabik Saiph Salm Sao Sarir Sasin Sawiskera Schedir Secundus Segin Setebos Sheliak Sheratan Sirius Stephano Suhail Surtur Tarqeq Tarvos Thrymr Titan Trinculo Umbriel Ymir
LN: Killough-Roth
DW: Romy Danae (23)
DW: Katherine Emmeline (19)
DD: Bebhionn Perdita (nb)
Romy and Kate applied for a pregnancy permit the day after they were married and, upon finally getting permission they scheduled an appointment with a fertility specialist. Romy carried their daughter and, overall, had a fairly easy pregnancy. The small family are quite happy for the time being and spend most of their free time with each other.
I actually can't stand looking at un-alphabetized name lists so I organized them. You copy/paste if you like, just thought I'd tell you in case you wanted to. ...Yeah.
Adhara Adrastea Ain Aitne Alchiba Alhena Alphecca Altais Aludra Alya Alycone Amalthea Ananke Ancha Anthe Aoede Arche Ascella Askella Asterope Atria Autonoe Azaleh Azha Bebhionn Belinda Bellatrix Betria Bianca Bunda Callirrhoe Callisto Calypso Capella Carme Celaeno Ceres Cleoselene Cordelia Cressida Cursa Cyllene Desdemona Despina Dione Dysnomia Echidna Elara Electra Erinome Eris Euanthe Euporie Europa Eurydome Galatea Gatria Gemma Gienah Gomeisa Halimede Hassaleh Helene Heka Hermippe Himalia Hyrrokkin Io Iocaste Izar Jarnsaxa Juliet Kallichore Kastra Keeia Ketalpha Kore Ksora Laomedeia Larisa Leda Lucida Luna Lysithea Mab Maia Meissa Merga Meridiana Merope Methone Metis Mimosa Minelava Mira Miram Miranda Mneme Naiad Namaka Nashira Navi Nereid Neso Nix Niyat Ophelia Pallene Pandora Perdita Phoebe Pleione Portia Proxima Psamathe Rana Rhea Rosalind Ruchba Sadira Sao Shaula Sinistra Sinope Sycorax Telesto Tertia Tethys Thalassa Thebe Thelxinoe Themis Themisto Thyone Titania Vanth Zoe
Achernar Aegaeon Aegir Alaraph Alathfar Albiorix Alcor Alexhelios Alkes Alioth Alphard Alshain Altair Alzir Aradid Arcturus Ariel Arrakis Atlas Avior Azimech Beid Bergelmir Betelgeuse Biham Caliban Castor Charon Chertan Chiron Cupid Dactyl Daphnis Deimos Deneb Eltanin Enceladus Enif Epimetheus Erriapus Etamin Farbauti Fenrir Ferdinand Fornjot Francisco Gacrux Giedi Grafias Hadar Haedus Hati Heze Homam Hyperion Iapetus Jabbah Kajam Kari Kaus Keid Kraz Lesath Linus Loge Mahasim Menkar Merak Mimas Mirzam Misam Mizar Narvi Nash Navi Nembus Neso Nihal Oberon Pabu Pan Phobos Phorcys Polaris Polydeuces Prometheus Prospero Proteus Ras Rastaban Regulus Remus Rigel Romulus Sabik Saiph Salm Sao Sarir Sasin Sawiskera Schedir Secundus Segin Setebos Sheliak Sheratan Sirius Stephano Suhail Surtur Tarqeq Tarvos Thrymr Titan Trinculo Umbriel Ymir
Yeah, it is an almighty pain. Thanks for alphabetising them. :) I would have done it myself, but with my internet as it is I just wanted to get this thing finally posted after about... two weeks of leaving it, haha.
Yeah, it is an almighty pain. Thanks for alphabetising them. :) I would have done it myself, but with my internet as it is I just wanted to get this thing finally posted after about... two weeks of leaving it, haha.
LN: Gidley
DH: Martin Niall
DW: Calliana Kira "Callie" (Allen)
DS: Remus Nihil
The paperwork was filed about six months before Callie became pregnant, and officially approved about two months before.
LN: Gidley
DH: Martin Niall
DW: Calliana Kira "Callie" (Allen)
DS: Remus Nihil
The paperwork was filed about six months before Callie became pregnant, and officially approved about two months before.
This message was edited 7/8/2011, 6:47 PM
LN: Day
DH: Jethro Sirius
DW: Verity Tamsin
DS: Ferdinand Umbriel
LN: Day
DH: Jethro Sirius
DW: Verity Tamsin
DS: Ferdinand Umbriel
Add me
Username: GG
LN: Zyxanlik
DH: Daniel Isrod (22)
DW: Tali Neshama (21)
*DAH-nee-ehl EE-srod
**TAH-lee Neh-SHA-ma
Username: GG
LN: Zyxanlik
DH: Daniel Isrod (22)
DW: Tali Neshama (21)
*DAH-nee-ehl EE-srod
**TAH-lee Neh-SHA-ma
LN: Zyxanlik
DH: Daniel Isrod (22)
DW: Tali Neshama (21)
LN: Zyxanlik
DH: Daniel Isrod (22)
DW: Tali Neshama (21)
LN: Zyxanlik
DH: Daniel Isrod (22)
DW: Tali Neshama (21)
DD: Juliet Phoebe
DH: Daniel Isrod (22)
DW: Tali Neshama (21)
DD: Juliet Phoebe
New Sign Up! :)
Username: tilltheend
LN: Remmington
DH: Homam Enif Remmington
DW: Niyat Sadira (née Paulette) Remmington
Username: tilltheend
LN: Remmington
DH: Homam Enif Remmington
DW: Niyat Sadira (née Paulette) Remmington
thank you :)
LN: Remmington
DH: Homam Enif Remmington (21)
DW: Niyat Sadira (née Paulette) Remmington (22)
DS: Alshain "Shain" Prometheus (nb)
LN: Remmington
DH: Homam Enif Remmington (21)
DW: Niyat Sadira (née Paulette) Remmington (22)
DS: Alshain "Shain" Prometheus (nb)
Mine indeed :)
LN: Jinks
DH: Arcturus Leo Jinks
DW: Zosma Pandora (Atticus) Jinks
DS: Fenrir Oberon Jinks
UPDATE FROM ROUND 0: Zosma Jinks is an odd creature, a minute figure with an apparent bladder apparently the size of a walnut, terrible circulation, freezing hands and a fierce temper. Zosma is the daughter of Madame Athaliah, a television persona akin to Mystic Meg in today's UK, or perhaps the UK of yesteryear. A sham of a mystic, Madame Athaliah made a fortune on her professed psychic gifts and yet Zosma has never really felt all that much warmth towards her mother. Zosma herself makes a living as a personality in circus performances, both live and televised, shooting herself out of a cannon. Well, not literally, but she's the gal being shot of it. She loves it. She's genuinely a bit of a sharp-talking live wire, a sarcastic, savvy, maternal creature who's come to find her profession her life's blood. In her spare time she frequents failing museum and collects now controversial books, but she can't find the strength to be militant for the cause and honestly doesn't know what to do sometimes.
Arcturus Jinks is a member of a governmental body which is a mere rumour. You know when they talk about museums burning down, people dying, people being dragged off never to be seen again? That's Arcturus' business. He doesn't, to be honest, care for it. He hates it, vaguely, in the sense that he's had better jobs than being a government thug who enforces their petty rules. He honestly doesn't care for their ideas, but they pay him. He's seen as a cold, fastidious man, but he's one of those cold people who work on impression and illusion, and in reality he's the same as many individuals.
Arcturus and Zosma met through a business contact of her mother. While initially hating each other and being almost opposite, people often comment about how they bounce off of each other and balance each other's extremes. They rarely team up, and often argue pettily, but when they do they work well together.
LN: Jinks
DH: Arcturus Leo Jinks
DW: Zosma Pandora (Atticus) Jinks
DS: Fenrir Oberon Jinks
UPDATE FROM ROUND 0: Zosma Jinks is an odd creature, a minute figure with an apparent bladder apparently the size of a walnut, terrible circulation, freezing hands and a fierce temper. Zosma is the daughter of Madame Athaliah, a television persona akin to Mystic Meg in today's UK, or perhaps the UK of yesteryear. A sham of a mystic, Madame Athaliah made a fortune on her professed psychic gifts and yet Zosma has never really felt all that much warmth towards her mother. Zosma herself makes a living as a personality in circus performances, both live and televised, shooting herself out of a cannon. Well, not literally, but she's the gal being shot of it. She loves it. She's genuinely a bit of a sharp-talking live wire, a sarcastic, savvy, maternal creature who's come to find her profession her life's blood. In her spare time she frequents failing museum and collects now controversial books, but she can't find the strength to be militant for the cause and honestly doesn't know what to do sometimes.
Arcturus Jinks is a member of a governmental body which is a mere rumour. You know when they talk about museums burning down, people dying, people being dragged off never to be seen again? That's Arcturus' business. He doesn't, to be honest, care for it. He hates it, vaguely, in the sense that he's had better jobs than being a government thug who enforces their petty rules. He honestly doesn't care for their ideas, but they pay him. He's seen as a cold, fastidious man, but he's one of those cold people who work on impression and illusion, and in reality he's the same as many individuals.
Arcturus and Zosma met through a business contact of her mother. While initially hating each other and being almost opposite, people often comment about how they bounce off of each other and balance each other's extremes. They rarely team up, and often argue pettily, but when they do they work well together.
This message was edited 7/8/2011, 4:51 PM
LN: Hollis
DH: Theodore Quintus 'Ted' Hollis
DW: Georgia Frances Hollis
DD: Cressida Rosalind Hollis
DH: Theodore Quintus 'Ted' Hollis
DW: Georgia Frances Hollis
DD: Cressida Rosalind Hollis