Re: Nymbler Generation CAF
in reply to a message by Evie.
H: Ian Justus [84]
W: Rachel Joy [83]
D1: Evangeline Audrey [63]
S1: Jerome Nathaniel [61]
D2: Sarah Marjorie [58]
S2: Avery Victor [56]
D3: Frances Sadie [53]
D4: Lily Sophie [51]
D5/S3: Maeve Eliana & John Hayden [48]
* * * *
D1: Evangeline Audrey [63]
H: Callum Andrew [65]
D: Miranda Rebecca [30]
- H: Oscar Mario [31]
- S: Kilian Charles [8]
- S: Jack Dominic [6]
- D: Lyla Josie [3]
- D/S: Julia Lydia & Felix Leo [1]
* * * *
S1: Jerome Nathaniel [61]
W: Georgia Lucy [61]
D: Valeria Jenna [39]
- H: Joseph Aaron [41]
- D: Ruth Anna [9]
D: Lola Louisa [37]
- H: Gabriel Spencer [43]
- S: Sergio Jonathan [13]
- S: Nicholas Dylan [11]
- D: Gloria Isabella [8]
- D: Camila Emily [5]
- D: Molly Paloma [3]
S: Elijah Leonardo [37]
- W: Scarlett Bianca [34]
- D: Evelyn Jessica [15]
- S: Michael Julian [12]
- D: Natalia Athena [10]
- D/S: Macy Penelope & William Bradley [7]
- D: Leilani Brooklynn [4]
- D: Liliana Mercy [2]
D: Emma Maya [34]
D: Mariana Autumn [32]
- H: Shane Isaiah [30]
- D: Eva Helen [3]
D: Charlotte Samantha [29]
D: Piper Jane [27]
* * * *
D2: Sarah Marjorie [58]
H: David Elias [58]
D: Brynn Melissa [33]
- H: Jeremiah Hunter [36]
- D: Layla Jennifer [6]
- S: Javier Cedric [3]
D: Della Eileen [31]
- fiance: Liam Alexander [32]
- S/D: Luca Frank & Sara Mary [5]
- D: Sophia Jocelyn [2]
D: Daisy Marley [28]
D: Gabrielle Nicole [26]
S: Declan Caleb [20]
* * * *
S2: Avery Victor [56]
W: Annabelle Charlotte [52]
D: Zoe Madeline [27]
- bf: Jonah Roy [27]
- S: Jacob Jeffrey [2]
- D: Caroline Rosemary [expecting]
D: Leah Isabelle [24]
- Ex-bf: Forrest Mathias [25]
- D: Phoebe Katherine [7]
- S: Abraham Raymond [5]
- S: Jason Atticus [2]
D: Vanessa Mariah [21]
S: Christopher Augustus [17]
* * * *
D3: Frances Sadie [53]
H: Thomas Owen [54]
S: Ryan Alec [25]
D: Isabelle Ariana [22]
D: Sophie Nora [19]
* * * *
D4: Lily Sophie [51]
W: Layla Autumn [49]
AD: June Amelia [21]
AS: Sebastian Miguel [16]
D: Sylvia Kyra [10]
* * * *
D5: Maeve Eliana [48]
H: Ezra Christian [48]
S: Sean Riordan [15]
* * * *
S3: John Hayden [48]
W: Maria Alexis [44]
S: Raphael Franklin [14]
D: Mary Lauren [10]
Ian & Rachel; Evangeline, Jerome, Sarah, Avery, Frances, Lily, Maeve, and John.
Evangeline & Callum (Cal); Miranda.
Miranda & Oscar; Kilian, Jack, Lyla, Julia, and Felix.
Jerome (Jerry) & Georgia; Valeria, Lola, Elijah, Emma, Mariana, Charlotte (Lottie), and Piper.
Valeria (Val) & Joseph (Joe); Ruth (Ruthie).
Lola & Gabriel; Sergio, Nicholas (Nick), Gloria (Glory), Camila (Cam), and Molly.
Elijah (Eli) & Scarlett; Evelyn, Michael, Natalia (Talia), Macy, William (Will), Leilani, and Liliana.
Mariana & Shane; Eva.
Sarah (Sally) & David; Brynn, Della, Daisy, Gabrielle (Gabby), and Declan.
Brynn & Jeremiah; Layla and Javier.
Della (Dell) & Liam; Luca, Sara (Sadie), and Sophie (Sophie).
Avery & Annabelle (Annie); Zoe, Leah, Vanessa, and Christopher (Kit).
Zoe & Jonah; Jacob and Caroline.
Leah & Forrest; Phoebe (Phee), Abraham (Bram), and Jason.
Frances (Fran) & Thomas (Tom); Ryan, Isabelle (Ibby), and Sophie (Sosie).
Lily & Layla; June, Sebastian (Seb), and Sylvia (Sylvie).
Maeve (Mae) & Ezra; Sean.
John & Maria; Raphael and Mary.
W: Rachel Joy [83]
D1: Evangeline Audrey [63]
S1: Jerome Nathaniel [61]
D2: Sarah Marjorie [58]
S2: Avery Victor [56]
D3: Frances Sadie [53]
D4: Lily Sophie [51]
D5/S3: Maeve Eliana & John Hayden [48]
* * * *
D1: Evangeline Audrey [63]
H: Callum Andrew [65]
D: Miranda Rebecca [30]
- H: Oscar Mario [31]
- S: Kilian Charles [8]
- S: Jack Dominic [6]
- D: Lyla Josie [3]
- D/S: Julia Lydia & Felix Leo [1]
* * * *
S1: Jerome Nathaniel [61]
W: Georgia Lucy [61]
D: Valeria Jenna [39]
- H: Joseph Aaron [41]
- D: Ruth Anna [9]
D: Lola Louisa [37]
- H: Gabriel Spencer [43]
- S: Sergio Jonathan [13]
- S: Nicholas Dylan [11]
- D: Gloria Isabella [8]
- D: Camila Emily [5]
- D: Molly Paloma [3]
S: Elijah Leonardo [37]
- W: Scarlett Bianca [34]
- D: Evelyn Jessica [15]
- S: Michael Julian [12]
- D: Natalia Athena [10]
- D/S: Macy Penelope & William Bradley [7]
- D: Leilani Brooklynn [4]
- D: Liliana Mercy [2]
D: Emma Maya [34]
D: Mariana Autumn [32]
- H: Shane Isaiah [30]
- D: Eva Helen [3]
D: Charlotte Samantha [29]
D: Piper Jane [27]
* * * *
D2: Sarah Marjorie [58]
H: David Elias [58]
D: Brynn Melissa [33]
- H: Jeremiah Hunter [36]
- D: Layla Jennifer [6]
- S: Javier Cedric [3]
D: Della Eileen [31]
- fiance: Liam Alexander [32]
- S/D: Luca Frank & Sara Mary [5]
- D: Sophia Jocelyn [2]
D: Daisy Marley [28]
D: Gabrielle Nicole [26]
S: Declan Caleb [20]
* * * *
S2: Avery Victor [56]
W: Annabelle Charlotte [52]
D: Zoe Madeline [27]
- bf: Jonah Roy [27]
- S: Jacob Jeffrey [2]
- D: Caroline Rosemary [expecting]
D: Leah Isabelle [24]
- Ex-bf: Forrest Mathias [25]
- D: Phoebe Katherine [7]
- S: Abraham Raymond [5]
- S: Jason Atticus [2]
D: Vanessa Mariah [21]
S: Christopher Augustus [17]
* * * *
D3: Frances Sadie [53]
H: Thomas Owen [54]
S: Ryan Alec [25]
D: Isabelle Ariana [22]
D: Sophie Nora [19]
* * * *
D4: Lily Sophie [51]
W: Layla Autumn [49]
AD: June Amelia [21]
AS: Sebastian Miguel [16]
D: Sylvia Kyra [10]
* * * *
D5: Maeve Eliana [48]
H: Ezra Christian [48]
S: Sean Riordan [15]
* * * *
S3: John Hayden [48]
W: Maria Alexis [44]
S: Raphael Franklin [14]
D: Mary Lauren [10]
Ian & Rachel; Evangeline, Jerome, Sarah, Avery, Frances, Lily, Maeve, and John.
Evangeline & Callum (Cal); Miranda.
Miranda & Oscar; Kilian, Jack, Lyla, Julia, and Felix.
Jerome (Jerry) & Georgia; Valeria, Lola, Elijah, Emma, Mariana, Charlotte (Lottie), and Piper.
Valeria (Val) & Joseph (Joe); Ruth (Ruthie).
Lola & Gabriel; Sergio, Nicholas (Nick), Gloria (Glory), Camila (Cam), and Molly.
Elijah (Eli) & Scarlett; Evelyn, Michael, Natalia (Talia), Macy, William (Will), Leilani, and Liliana.
Mariana & Shane; Eva.
Sarah (Sally) & David; Brynn, Della, Daisy, Gabrielle (Gabby), and Declan.
Brynn & Jeremiah; Layla and Javier.
Della (Dell) & Liam; Luca, Sara (Sadie), and Sophie (Sophie).
Avery & Annabelle (Annie); Zoe, Leah, Vanessa, and Christopher (Kit).
Zoe & Jonah; Jacob and Caroline.
Leah & Forrest; Phoebe (Phee), Abraham (Bram), and Jason.
Frances (Fran) & Thomas (Tom); Ryan, Isabelle (Ibby), and Sophie (Sosie).
Lily & Layla; June, Sebastian (Seb), and Sylvia (Sylvie).
Maeve (Mae) & Ezra; Sean.
John & Maria; Raphael and Mary.