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Re: Generation Combo CAF
in reply to a message by Sofie
DH [74]: Franklin Joseph Dunneback Dunneback
DW [70]: Melva Kaye (Canady) DunnebackDD1 [50]: Catharine Darleen Dunneback "Cathy"
DS1 [48]: Gregory Stephon Dunneback "Greg"
DD2 [45]: Stacy Constance Dunneback
DS2 [43]: Christopher Marcel Dunneback "Chris"* * * * *DD1 [50]: Catharine Darleen (Dunneback) Tupper "Cathy"
-DH [55]: Lance Martin Tupper-DS [32]: Josiah Nicholas Tupper
--DW [30]: Amanda Lizette (Stauffer) Tupper
--DD [5]: Marianna Aurora Tupper "Mari"
--DS/DS [2]: Nico Cristian Tupper and Finnegan Louis Tupper "Finn"
--DD [nb]: Kyla Rosemary Tupper-DS [29]: Emmett Kendrick Tupper
--DW [30]: Cheryl Josephine (Mick) Tupper
--DS [6]: Elliott Micah Tupper
--DD [3]: Caroline Talia Tupper
--DD [1]: Bridget Janelle Tupper-DD [27]: Katelyn Paige Tupper
--DH [33]: Eric Kenneth Esters
--DD [2]: Abigail Cailyn Tupper-Esters "Abby"
--DS [nb]: Jamison Timothy Tupper-Esters-DS [25]: Curtis Blake Tupper "Blake"
--DGF [21]: Sofia Dora Altamirano* * * * *DS1 [48]: Gregory Stephon Dunneback "Greg"
-DW [48]: Victoria Marta (Kremer) Dunneback "Vicky"-DS [23]: Darren Shea Dunneback
--DW [22]: Emily Celia (Strode) Dunneback
--DS [nb]: Samuel Francis Dunneback "Sam"-DD [21]: Brittney Allison Dunneback
--DBF [25]: Thomas Harrison Bohlen "Tommy"-DD/DD [18]: Casey Claire Dunneback and Molly Caitlin Dunneback-DS [16]: Oliver Alan Dunneback-DS [13]: Max Leonard Dunneback* * * * *DD2 [45]: Stacy Constance (Dunneback) Burnside
-DH [48]: Victor Wallace Burnside "Vic"-DD [21]: Kari Megan Burnside
--DBF [24]: Joshua Alexander Markowski "Josh"
-DD [nb]: Phoebe Nataliei Markowski-DS [19]: Dalton Norman Burnside
--DGF [18]: Clare Alison Muntz-DS [15]: Chase Dante Burnside
-DD [13]: Aubrey Elyssa Burnside
-DS [11]: Derek Cordell Burnside
-DD [8]: Meredith Carmen Burnside* * * * *DS2 [43]: Christopher Marcel Dunneback "Chris"
-DW [40]: Elizabeth Kirsten (Jenney) Dunneback "Beth"-DS [17]: Desmond Jayden Dunneback
--DGF [16]: Jalisa Kasey Kimmons-DD [15]: Sophie Christine Dunneback
-DD [12]: Caitlin Isabelle Dunneback
-DS [9]: Patrick John Dunneback
-DD [5]: Lily Parker Dunneback
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