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Re: Generation CAF : Celebrities Kids Names.
in reply to a message by Evie.
DH [66] Matteo Aiden "Teo"
DW [66] Morgan avaDD1 [42] Lotus Katherine "Lo"
DD2 [40] Sadie Reese
DD3 [37] Hillary Madison
DD4 [35] Malena Rose "Lena"
DD5 [30] Junia Stella "Juni"* * * *
DD1 [42] Lotus Katherine "Lo"
DH [45] Max AbrahamDS [19] Elijah Flynn "Eli"
DS [17] Jude Zachary
- Dgf [17] Ruby Adalynn
- DS / DS [expecting] Hayes Alexander/Benjamin Nicolas "Benji"
DS [14] Joel Michael
DD [12] Mae Grace
DS [9] Bowen Miles
DD [7] Eve Sailor* * * *
DD2 [40] Sadie Reese
DH [38] Gideon EdwardDD [13] Harper Ray
DS [10] Bear Lee
DS [8] Ronan Christopher
DS [5] Leo James
DS [3] Cruz Thomas* * * *
DD3 [37] Hillary Madison
DH [37] Lydon JulianDS [9] Dylan Luke
DD [7] Blue India
DS [4] Axel Gavin
DD [1] Pearl Florence* * * *
DD4 [35] Malena Rose "Lena"
DH [38] Mason DashDS [3] Tobin Rocco* * * *
DD5 [30] Junia Stella "Juni"
Dbf [32] Hugo JonathanDD [2] Genevieve Marie "Vieve"
DD / DD [nb] Renn Violet/Bryn Molly
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