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Re: Generation CAF {Nymbler using Stella & Regis}
H: Henry Ignatius [90]
W: Charlotte Ruby [85] S1: Oliver Leo [63]
S2: Pascal Vincent [61]
S3: Claudio Cory [60]
S4: Benjamin Dominic [58]
S5: Ethan Barnabas [55]
S6: Alexander Liam [54]
D1: Rose Augusta [52] - S1: Oliver Leo [63]
W: Christabel Lucy [62]S: James Lucius [38]
- W: Natalie Amelia [36]
- S: Levi Roman [11]
- S: Silas Rufus [10]
- D: Estelle Beatrice [8]
- S: Magnus Benedict [7]
- D: Nora Elizabeth [5]
- D: Audrey Leontine [2]
- D: Hannah Elodie [2] S: Dominic Axel [35]
- W: Lorraine Isadora [32]
- WsS: Montgomery Lucian [15]
- D: Julia Eleanor [3]
- D: Amandine Constance [3]
- S: Maximilian Casimir [3]
- S: Martino Horatio [nb] D: Octavia Clara [32]
- H: Samuel Roland [35]
- S: Guillaume Virgil [8]
- S: Michael Mathieu [nb] D: Celestine Maya [32]
- H: Bastien Clarence [36]
- D: Leah Oona [1]S: Sylvester Brice [32]
- W: Adele Valentina [29]
- D: Flora Germaine [3]
- S: Alphonse Ezra [2]
- D: Annabel Evelyn [1]
- S: Gavin Charles [nb]-S2: Pascal Vincent [61]
W: Emily Vivian [58] D: Josephine Alice [33]
- H: Didier Raymond [37]
- HsS: Andrew Salvatore [12]
- HsS: John Hayden [10]
- HsS: Thelonius Evan [8]
- HsD: Lillian Melisande [6]
- HsS: Simon Maxwell [6]
- S: Giles Thomas [nb] -S3: Claudio Cory [60]
W: Romaine Sandrine [56] S: Ezekiel Lawrence [35]
- W: Olive Georgia [32]
- D: Lydia Jane [3]
- D: June Gabrielle [3]
- D: Isla Sabina [3]
- S: Nathaniel Clark [nb] D: Colette Manon [30]
- H: Vince Travis [31]
- S: Mark Harrison [4]
- D: Matilda Penelope [2]
- D: Fiona Camille [nb] S: Reid Bennett [27]
- W: Quinn Celine [23]
- D: Viola Zinnia [1] S: Viktor Basil [23]- S4: Benjamin Dominic [58]
W: Melina Diana [53] S: Lance Paul [29]
- W: Alberta Iris [30]
- S: Tarquin Everett [nb] S: Dylan Frank [25]
- W: Damiana Martina [26] S: Cecil Carter [22]
S: Anthony Cicero [20]
S: Damon Mercer [18] -S5: Ethan Barnabas [55]
W: Lorelei Grazia [51]S: Evander Gregory [26]
S: Alban Emmett [23]
D: Myra Adelaide [20]
D: Willow Veronica [16]
D: Felicia Arabella [14]
S: Errol Peter [14] - S6: Alexander Liam [54]
W: Brynn Paula [54] D: Alexandra Mary [30]
- H: Riley Zachary [36]
- HsS: Crispin Albert [11]
- HsS: Percival Edward [9]
- HsD: Paris Rosabel [6]
- HsD: Virginia Samantha [6]
- HsD: Elsa Frances [6]
- D: Elaine Eveline [nb] D: Daphne Bridget [26]
S: Christopher Declan [23] -D1: Rose Augusta [52]
H: Arne Elliot [55] D: Allison Thomasina [25]
S: Archer Abraham [25]
D: Darlene Astrid [20]
S: Hubert Jethro [20] Henry & Charlotte; Oliver, Pascal, Claudio, Benjamin, Ethan, Alexander, and Rose.
Oliver & Christabel; James (Jimmy), Dominic (Dom), Octavia (Tavy), Celestine, and Sylvester.
Jimmy & Natalie; Levi, Silas, Estelle (Stella), Magnus (Gus), Nora, Audrey, and Hannah.
Dom & Lorraine; Montgomery, Julia, Amandine, Maximilian (Maxim), and Martino (Martin).
Tavy & Samuel; Guillermo and Michael.
Celestine & Bastien; Leah.
Sylvester & Adele; Flora, Alphonse, Annabel, and Gavin.
Pascal (Cal) & Emily; Josephine (Josie).
Josie & Didier; Andrew, John, Thelonius (Theo), Lillian (Lily), Simon, and Giles.
Claudio & Romaine (Roma); Ezekiel (Zeke), Colette, Reid, and Viktor.
Zeke & Olive (Livvy); Lydia, June, Isla, and Nathaniel (Nate).
Colette & Vince; Mark, Matilda (Tilda), and Fiona.
Reid & Quinn; Viola.
Benjamin (Jamie) & Melina (Lina); Lance, Dylan, Cecil, Anthony (Tony), and Damon.
Lance & Alberta; Tarquin.
Ethan & Lorelei; Evander (Ander), Alban, Myra, Willow, Felicia (Lissy), and Errol.
Alexander & Brynn; Alexandra (Sasha), Daphne, and Christopher (Topher).
Sasha & Riley; Crispin, Percival, Paris, Virginia, Elsa (Elsie), and Elaine (Lainie).
Rose (Rosie) & Arne; Allison, Archer, Darlene, and Hubert.
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