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Re: Birdy's Adoption Agency
LN: Regenbogen DH: Tobias Ulrich
Age: 39
Occupation: college English professor
Interests: children, music, teaching, English, languages, etc.
Disabilities: NA DW: Valerie Catherine
Age: 35
Occupation: stay-at-home mom, though she's a trained nurse
Interests: children, music, family, medicine, helping
Disabilities: N/A Child(ren) living with you (names, ages, interests, disabilities):
-Bonifaz Dietmar, age 18; int.: math, science, reading, writing, etc.; dis.: N/A; Tobias' nephew
-Franziska Hildegard, age 17; int.: reading, writing, music, etc.; dis.: N/A; Tobias' niece
--Helena Madison, age 1 mo.; rest N/A
--Florian Daniel, age 1 mo.; rest N/A
-Jacob Aloysius, age 10; int.: reading, science, nature, music, etc.; dis.: N/A
-Hannah Ermentrud, age 8; int.: dancing, singing, art, music, etc.; dis.: N/A
-Nathanael Benedikt, age 6; int.: learning, sports, music, etc.; dis.: N/A
-Dominic Clemens, age 4; int.: learning, music, hanging out with friends, etc.; dis.: N/A
-Christina Fabiola, age 2; int.: dancing, singing, finger painting, etc.; dis.: N/A
-Amelia Felicitas, age 2; int.: dancing, singing, finger painting, etc.; dis.: N/A
-Timothy Corbinian, age 3 mo.; rest N/A
-Thomas Dietrich, age 3 mo.; rest N/A
-Alice Gerlinde, exp.; rest N/A
-Edith Heilwig, exp.; rest N/A
-Peter Gernot, exp.; rest N/AOthers living with you (names, relations): N/A
Pet(s) (names, species): N/ALocation:
Do you travel often? If so, where to and how often: no What is/are the household’s religion(s): Roman Catholic
What language(s) do household members speak: German, English
The Adoptee(s):
How many children do you want to adopt (max. 3): 3
Ages (newborn-16): any ages, preferably not newborn-3
Gender(s): either
Preferred origin(s): British, German, Austrian, American, Canadian
Preferred language(s): German, English
Preferred religion(s): Roman Catholic, Christian
Will you accept:
-Disabilities (kinds and severity): yes, any and all
-Multiples (twins or triplets): yes, either
-Siblings and/or close relatives: yes
-Pregnant teen?: yes
-Teen mom, dad, or both: yes
--Teen mom, dad, or both WITH child: yes
-Gay/lesbian teens? If so, which or both: no
-Children with a terminal illness: yes
-Children with pets? If so, what kind(s): no Will you allow them to stay in contact with non-abusive parents/relatives/etc.: yes Other: N/A

This message was edited 4/30/2011, 9:47 PM

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