Re: Generation Combo CAF
in reply to a message by Sofie
H: Walter Ellsworth Mayweather-Bame [87]
W: Frances Delilah Kantor [83]
S1: Alphonso Laurent Mayweather-Bame [59]
D1: Caroline Shahrazad Mayweather-Bame [57]
S2: Isaiah Dell Mayweather-Bame [55]
D2: Bernadette Katherine Mayweather-Bame [53]
S3: John Michel Mayweather-Bame [53]
H: Alphonso Laurent Mayweather-Bame [59]
W: Joanna Beverly Neuhaus Mayweather-Bame [58]
D: Beatrice Corey Mayweather-Bame Ekhoff-Lipe [34]
-H: Jonathan Jody Ekhoff-Lipe [38]
-HsS: Lionel Wyatt Ekhoff-Lipe [15]
-HsS: August Konrad Ekhoff-Lipe [12]
-HsS: Elijah Colin Ekhoff-Lipe [11]
-D: Jane Quinn Ekhoff-Lipe [3]
-D: Francesca Barbara Ekhoff-Lipe [nb]
D: Rosanna Audrey Mayweather-Bame [30]
-exH: Lindsey Bartholomew Stemm [31]
-S: Nathaniel James Stemm [7]
-S: Bailey Brian Stemm [4]
-->H: Ralph Theron Brundidge [33]
-->S: Dennis Ross Brundidge [1]
-->D: Samantha Aurora Brundidge [expecting]
S: Leonardo Jeffrey Mayweather-Bame [27]
-W: Diane Marcella Oliverio Mayweather-Bame [26]
-S: Wesley Conor Mayweather-Bame [3]
-S: Arthur Jarrett Mayweather-Bame [nb]
H: Milo Eduard Handel [59]
W: Caroline Shahrazad Mayweather-Bame Handel [57]
S: Alexandre Samuel Handel [33]
-H: Adam Asa Greenlaw [31]
-S: Malachi Jonathan Greenlaw-Handel [1]
D: Helen Jane Handel Orner [31]
-H: Quentin Chadrick Gershon Orner [30]
-S: Raymond Hezekiah Gershon Orner [5]
-S: Matthias Nathaniel Gershon Orner [3]
-D: Sonia Arianna Gerhon Orner [1]
-D: Lydia Miranda Gershon Orner [expecting]
S: Nicolas James Handel [31]
-W: Emilie Elizabeth Jeschke Handel [29]
-D: Isabella Maryam Handel [7]
-D/S: Jocelyn Tessa Handel & Cameron Nathanael Handel [2]
H: Isaiah Dell Mayweather-Bame [55]
W: Carolina Hillary Gale Mayweather-Bame [54]
S: Jedidiah Joshua Mayweather-Bame [30]
-W: Katrina Jeanette Lauver Mayweather-Bame [28]
-D/S/D/D: Edith Joy, Tabitha Olive, Camilla Johanna, & Juliet Zoe [2]
D: Lucinda Nadia Mayweather-Bame [24]
- Fiance: Christian Antonio Kinnard [27]
H: Enrique August Sommerfield [55]
W: Bernadette Katherine Mayweather-Bame Sommerfield [53]
D: Constance Camille Sommerfield Blosser-Rolle [29]
-H: Christopher Sean Blosser-Rolle [33]
-HsS: Javier Ricardo Blosser-Rolle [13]
-S: Ibrahim Antoine Blosser-Rolle [4]
-D: Sage Kalista Blosser-Role [2]
-D: Isabel Desiree Blosser-Role [1]
D: Ruby Victoria Sommerfield [26]
-Fiance: Grant Brandon Cincotta [30]
-D: Maia Ximena Cincotta [3]
D: Mariana Margaret Sommerfield [23]
-Bf: Clark Herman Meiers [23]
S: Paul Ricardo Sommerfield [20]
-Gf: Silvia Ciara Greening [19]
S: Morgan Wilfred Sommerfield [17]
-Gf: Antonia Arianna Morrissey [16]
H: John Michel Mayweather-Bame
W: Dinah Ethel Tarantino Mayweather-Bame [51]
S: Walter Kevin Mayweather-Bame [26]
-W: Carina Whitney Groseclose Mayweather-Bame [24]
S: Oliver Garrison Mayweather-Bame [25]
- Fiancee: Sara Michaela Raub [25]
D: Sophie Kornelia Mayweather-Bame [23]
-Bf: Alan Devin Callas [22]
S: James William Mayweather-Bame [21]
-Gf: Joanna Norma Kersey [21]
Walt & Frannie; Alphonso, Caroline, Isaiah, Bernadette, and John.
Alphonso & Joanna; Beatrice, Rosanna, and Leonardo.
Bea & Jon; Lionel, August, Elijah, Jane, and Francesca.
Rosey & Lindsey; Nathaniel and Bailey.
Rosey & Ralph; Dennis and Samantha.
Leo & Diane; Wesley and Arthur.
Caddie & Milo; Alexandre, Helen, and Nicolas.
Sacha & Adam; Malachi.
Nell & Quentin; Raymond, Matthias, Sonia, and Lydia.
Nico & Emilie; Isabella, Jocelyn, and Cameron.
Isaiah & Lina; Jedidiah and Lucinda.
Jed & Katrina; Edith, Tabitha, Camilla, and Juliet.
Bette & Enrique; Constance, Ruby, Mariana, Paul, and Morgan.
Constance & Javier; Javier, Ibrahim, Sage, and Isabel.
Ruby & Grant; Maia.
Jack & Dinah; Walter, Oliver, Sophie, and James.
W: Frances Delilah Kantor [83]
S1: Alphonso Laurent Mayweather-Bame [59]
D1: Caroline Shahrazad Mayweather-Bame [57]
S2: Isaiah Dell Mayweather-Bame [55]
D2: Bernadette Katherine Mayweather-Bame [53]
S3: John Michel Mayweather-Bame [53]
H: Alphonso Laurent Mayweather-Bame [59]
W: Joanna Beverly Neuhaus Mayweather-Bame [58]
D: Beatrice Corey Mayweather-Bame Ekhoff-Lipe [34]
-H: Jonathan Jody Ekhoff-Lipe [38]
-HsS: Lionel Wyatt Ekhoff-Lipe [15]
-HsS: August Konrad Ekhoff-Lipe [12]
-HsS: Elijah Colin Ekhoff-Lipe [11]
-D: Jane Quinn Ekhoff-Lipe [3]
-D: Francesca Barbara Ekhoff-Lipe [nb]
D: Rosanna Audrey Mayweather-Bame [30]
-exH: Lindsey Bartholomew Stemm [31]
-S: Nathaniel James Stemm [7]
-S: Bailey Brian Stemm [4]
-->H: Ralph Theron Brundidge [33]
-->S: Dennis Ross Brundidge [1]
-->D: Samantha Aurora Brundidge [expecting]
S: Leonardo Jeffrey Mayweather-Bame [27]
-W: Diane Marcella Oliverio Mayweather-Bame [26]
-S: Wesley Conor Mayweather-Bame [3]
-S: Arthur Jarrett Mayweather-Bame [nb]
H: Milo Eduard Handel [59]
W: Caroline Shahrazad Mayweather-Bame Handel [57]
S: Alexandre Samuel Handel [33]
-H: Adam Asa Greenlaw [31]
-S: Malachi Jonathan Greenlaw-Handel [1]
D: Helen Jane Handel Orner [31]
-H: Quentin Chadrick Gershon Orner [30]
-S: Raymond Hezekiah Gershon Orner [5]
-S: Matthias Nathaniel Gershon Orner [3]
-D: Sonia Arianna Gerhon Orner [1]
-D: Lydia Miranda Gershon Orner [expecting]
S: Nicolas James Handel [31]
-W: Emilie Elizabeth Jeschke Handel [29]
-D: Isabella Maryam Handel [7]
-D/S: Jocelyn Tessa Handel & Cameron Nathanael Handel [2]
H: Isaiah Dell Mayweather-Bame [55]
W: Carolina Hillary Gale Mayweather-Bame [54]
S: Jedidiah Joshua Mayweather-Bame [30]
-W: Katrina Jeanette Lauver Mayweather-Bame [28]
-D/S/D/D: Edith Joy, Tabitha Olive, Camilla Johanna, & Juliet Zoe [2]
D: Lucinda Nadia Mayweather-Bame [24]
- Fiance: Christian Antonio Kinnard [27]
H: Enrique August Sommerfield [55]
W: Bernadette Katherine Mayweather-Bame Sommerfield [53]
D: Constance Camille Sommerfield Blosser-Rolle [29]
-H: Christopher Sean Blosser-Rolle [33]
-HsS: Javier Ricardo Blosser-Rolle [13]
-S: Ibrahim Antoine Blosser-Rolle [4]
-D: Sage Kalista Blosser-Role [2]
-D: Isabel Desiree Blosser-Role [1]
D: Ruby Victoria Sommerfield [26]
-Fiance: Grant Brandon Cincotta [30]
-D: Maia Ximena Cincotta [3]
D: Mariana Margaret Sommerfield [23]
-Bf: Clark Herman Meiers [23]
S: Paul Ricardo Sommerfield [20]
-Gf: Silvia Ciara Greening [19]
S: Morgan Wilfred Sommerfield [17]
-Gf: Antonia Arianna Morrissey [16]
H: John Michel Mayweather-Bame
W: Dinah Ethel Tarantino Mayweather-Bame [51]
S: Walter Kevin Mayweather-Bame [26]
-W: Carina Whitney Groseclose Mayweather-Bame [24]
S: Oliver Garrison Mayweather-Bame [25]
- Fiancee: Sara Michaela Raub [25]
D: Sophie Kornelia Mayweather-Bame [23]
-Bf: Alan Devin Callas [22]
S: James William Mayweather-Bame [21]
-Gf: Joanna Norma Kersey [21]
Walt & Frannie; Alphonso, Caroline, Isaiah, Bernadette, and John.
Alphonso & Joanna; Beatrice, Rosanna, and Leonardo.
Bea & Jon; Lionel, August, Elijah, Jane, and Francesca.
Rosey & Lindsey; Nathaniel and Bailey.
Rosey & Ralph; Dennis and Samantha.
Leo & Diane; Wesley and Arthur.
Caddie & Milo; Alexandre, Helen, and Nicolas.
Sacha & Adam; Malachi.
Nell & Quentin; Raymond, Matthias, Sonia, and Lydia.
Nico & Emilie; Isabella, Jocelyn, and Cameron.
Isaiah & Lina; Jedidiah and Lucinda.
Jed & Katrina; Edith, Tabitha, Camilla, and Juliet.
Bette & Enrique; Constance, Ruby, Mariana, Paul, and Morgan.
Constance & Javier; Javier, Ibrahim, Sage, and Isabel.
Ruby & Grant; Maia.
Jack & Dinah; Walter, Oliver, Sophie, and James.