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Nyx' Choose-Your-Own-Adventure KUY CAF - Signups
Ok, the rules are pretty simple, I'll be providing two or more options, and you follow the "adventure" that suits you best. Each "adventure" will have it's own set of naming rules for that round. Stories are optional, but always enjoyed and encouraged :) I'll provide links to each previous round, so you can quickly find your family.

Adventure 1:
Your couple grew up as next door neighbors. As children, they were often seen running around one house or the other. It's no surprise that they became a couple.
DH: He has a name that dad's go for more then mom's
DW: She has a sweet, "girl next door" sort of nameAdventure 2:
Your couple never met until he moved into the neighborhood in high school. At first, they butted heads because she felt that he was too popular and good looking to have anything else to offer. The final month of school changed all of that, and they fell madly in love with each other.
DH: He has a nick-name for a first name, and a word for a middle name
DW: She has a name that is a cross between hippie and yuppieAdventure 3:
The guy was off traveling before settling down to college like a good boy. However, he met an exotic beauty who stole his heart. The two were married before anybody else even realized what was happening.
DH: He has a snooty, long first name and at least 2 middle names
DW: She has an "exotic" name
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Your couple grew up as next door neighbors. As children, they were often seen running around one house or the other. It's no surprise that they became a couple.
DH: Max Arieh Goldman
DW: Leah Rachel [Fendelman] Goldman
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Adventure 1:
Your couple grew up as next door neighbors. As children, they were often seen running around one house or the other. It's no surprise that they became a couple.DH: Gunnar Michael Solberg
DW: Julie Anna Solberg (nee Linville)
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Adventure 3:
The guy was off traveling before settling down to college like a good boy. However, he met an exotic beauty who stole his heart. The two were married before anybody else even realized what was happening.LN:BlytheDH:Fitzwilliam Archibald Carnaby
DW:Desdemona Isis
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Adventure 1:
Your couple grew up as next door neighbors. As children, they were often seen running around one house or the other. It's no surprise that they became a couple.LN: Emerson
DH: Vincent Luke
DW: Claire Elizabeth
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Theo and Ella never met until he moved into the neighborhood in high school. At first, they butted heads because she felt that he was too popular and good looking to have anything else to offer. The final month of school changed all of that, and they fell madly in love with each other.DH: Theo Birch Mendelsson
DW: Ella Tallulah Mendelsson
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AshleyMichelle Adventure 2:
DH: Charlie Beau
DW: Olive Montana

This message was edited 9/2/2010, 2:32 PM

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Adventure 3:
The guy was off traveling before settling down to college like a good boy. However, he met an exotic beauty who stole his heart. The two were married before anybody else even realized what was happening.DH: Alphonso Driscoll Louis Emmerson "Alan" (23)
DW: Kalena Wikolia Emmerson [Kamali'i] (20)Alan Emmerson grew up in a wealthy English family. He hated having to live up to their expectations, so instead of going off to college like they wanted him to, he decided to travel the world. He visited beautiful places and met all kinds of new people. While visiting a small island in Hawaii he met a gorgeous Hawaiian woman, Kalena Kamali'i. She had tan skin, dark hair, and gorgeous brown eyes. The two of them fell in love and after a small wedding on the beach with Kalena's family, Alan brought his bride home to meet his family. They were shocked and furious at him. After all, he was supposed to go to college and then marry an English girl from a wealthy family like their own. It didn't matter to Alan though. He was in love with Kalena!
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Signups welcome at any time!
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Too late to sign up?Otherwise:Adventure 2:
DH: Chuck Archer McMorris
DW: Sadie Melody [nee Turner] McMorrisChuck hated that his parents had decided to divorce. His dad moved to Flint, New Hampshire, and made Chuck come with him. It was the smallest town Chuck had ever heard of. It seemed extremely lame compared to Miami, where he was originally from. But what could he do? It was just one year left in high school, and then he could move to one of the big cities and go to college there.
In Flint, he soon became popular. He still visited Miami once a month (his mum still lived in Florida, so he went there as often as he could), and there he could by all the fanciest jeans and latest music. That simply made him cool.
Sadie was in the book club, AND had one of those "promise rings" (no sex before marriage). She was a classic, hard-working geek, and mighty proud of it. There was only one thing bothered her; Chuck. She told himself over and over again that he was just another popular kid with no brain or personality. Still, when he looked at her ... she just kiss him. The thought made her blush, and she did NOT like to blush. Especially not because of a boy. He just seemed different. Smart, cute and caring... "No," she told herself. "No, he's just a jerk, stop caring about him!". But it was hopeless. She'd already fallen in love.
Chuck was surrounded by plastic bimbos and other, hot, popular girls. He thought they looked stupid. He'd seen them all before, in Miami. He thought they were a big bore. Sadie on the other hand ... when he saw her sit and read, or smile, or concentrating hard on an English assignment - he just couldn't take his eyes off of her.
Just a month before graduation, on the annual school band concert, he went up on the stage and sang "Your Song", the entire time staring at Sadie, and she knew. The next day they went on a date, and they have been spending almost every day together since then!
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Can I still sign up?Adventure One:
DH: Frank William Jamison
DW: Annie Sarah {Evans} Jamison

This message was edited 9/2/2010, 12:15 PM

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Can I still sign up? :)
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Adventure 3:
The guy was off traveling before settling down to college like a good boy. However, he met an exotic beauty who stole his heart. The two were married before anybody else even realized what was happening.LN: BenettDH: Aloysius Benedict Algernon "Al"
DW: Aeronwy Aberash "Erin" +++As college freshman, Al and Erin were a very young married couple indeed. She was still only 18, and he was 19. Al's parents were a little angry with him for marrying at such a young age even after all of the lectures they'd given him as a child that he should wait until he was in his twenties to marry. Erin's parents were overjoyed at the prospect that their baby girl (Erin was the youngest of three) was married at such a young age. They, too, had married when they were young and found it a wonderful thing, though most people would disagree.

This message was edited 9/2/2010, 11:45 AM

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Adventure 1:
Your couple grew up as next door neighbors. As children, they were often seen running around one house or the other. It's no surprise that they became a couple.UN: LadyBug
LN: Copely
DH: Samson Joseph "Sam"
DW: Katherine Lauren [Martin] "Katie"
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Adventure 2:
Your couple never met until he moved into the neighborhood in high school. At first, they butted heads because she felt that he was too popular and good looking to have anything else to offer. The final month of school changed all of that, and they fell madly in love with each other.DH: Jamie Chase
DW: Clementine Peace
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Adventure 1:
Your couple grew up as next door neighbors. As children, they were often seen running around one house or the other. It's no surprise that they became a couple.
DH: Jack Alexander
DW: Isabella Rose
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Option 2
DH: Max Archer
DW: Summer Raine ( not sure what yuppie is so I did hippie)Max moved to Fairless Hills during his Senior year. He lived two houses down from Summer. Max fit right in at Fairless Hills HS, Max was quite popular and hung put with the in crowd. Max played HS hockey which made him one of the most desirable guys at Fairless Hills. He met Summer as soon as he moved in her parents had come to meet his. Max always thought that summer was beautiful with her blonde hair and green eyes. Max had wanted to ask her out but he was afraid that she would be to smart for him or that he wasn't her type. Summer thought Max was pompous and attention getting. Max had once dared to approach Summer but when a friend of his showed up he insulted her for being a nerd. Everything changed when Max got his first car in the last month of school. It was a beautiful camaro and the envy of much of the school. Max for weeks asked Summer to let him give her a ride to school. After 2 weeks of asking everyday Summer gave in. The first ride to school was awkward but on the ride home Summer turned to Max to confroont him for his jerk behavior and Max leaned in to kiss her. From that point on Max and Summer were inseparable.
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Love the story..."Yuppies are made fun of for their conspicuous personal consumption and obsession over social status among their peers, which is seen as vain and materialistic"
In short, considered the type of people who buy large, gas-hog vehicles for social standing, have to have the biggest and best house, and name their children "upper class"/Harvard names... name is fine, or you can alter it if you want :)
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Can I add last names?
---Adventure 1:
Your couple grew up as next door neighbors. As children, they were often seen running around one house or the other. It's no surprise that they became a couple.LN: Bowen
DH: Jesse Dallas
DW: Mary Jane (Morris)
When Jesse and Mary were both just 3, Mary moved into town. The two toddlers got together perfectly, and would spend all day playing with each other. As they went into their preteen and early teen years, their friendship was stronger than ever. It wasn't until Jesse announced that he was going to college before they finally realized that their friendship had grown into so much more. They married and lived a happy college life, and finally settled down in the little town by the stream were Mary was born.
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Yes - I forgot last names... opps
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Adventure 2DH: Jamie Mason Alban
DW: Susanna Piper "Sunny" [Rossi] AlbanJamie and Sunny didn't meet until freshman year of high school. Jamie and his family moved to the house across the street from Rossis, and Sunny immediately took a dislike to Jamie. She took offense at his staring at her (which she dubbed leering) and resented how he charmed everyone in school without even doing anything. Jamie, on the other hand, was fascinated with Sunny--she was beautiful, brilliant, and funny--but her prickly attitude frustrated him. She thought he was concieted, vain, and sleazy and he thought she was arrogant, acerbic, and touchy. Neither were really any of these things, but the two held on to these beliefs with an almost religious fervor. They butted heads so often that teachers would dread having them in classes together. The situation was only worsened, of course, by the fact they couldn't stand that they both knew that they were attracted to one another. Gradually they couldn't help getting to know one another, and though neither would admit it, both began to see that the other was really a kind, fun, and down-to-earth person (to everyone except each other, that is). By senior year, however, both realized they didn't even remember why it was they disliked one another, and they reconciled much to their friends' relief. As soon as they put it aside, what their friends had bet one another would happen did--they fell in love and would never admit it. Around the middle of May Jamie got up the courage to finally do what he had wanted to do for years--ask Sunny to prom.

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Wonderful story - and the names are perfect :-)
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Adventure 1: Your couple grew up as next door neighbors. As children, they were often seen running around one house or the other. It's no surprise that they became a couple.LN: Jeffries
DH: Nicholas John
DW: Helen Maria
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Adventure 1:
Your couple grew up as next door neighbors. As children, they were often seen running around one house or the other. It's no surprise that they became a couple.
DH: Arthur William "Art"
DW: Sadie Elizabeth Its no surprise that Art and Sadie ended up together. Both of them were the eldest of three children, and they met...well...pretty much the day they were born. Art was born two weeks before Sadie, and the two of them have spent a whole lot of time together. The couple just graduated from college (they went to the same one, of course). Art got a degree in computer engineering, and Sadie went to the school's nursing program. Both are now seeking out jobs in their respective industries.
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Adventure 2Your couple never met until he moved into the neighborhood in high school. At first, they butted heads because she felt that he was too popular and good looking to have anything else to offer. The final month of school changed all of that, and they fell madly in love with each other.DH: Chris Bay Emerson
DW: Raine Sophia Ellis
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Adventure 2:LN: CordellDH: Nick Dusty
DW: Serenity Jade
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Adventure 3:
The guy was off traveling before settling down to college like a good boy. However, he met an exotic beauty who stole his heart. The two were married before anybody else even realized what was happening.
LN: Marquering
DH: Spalding Alphonse Silas
DW: Hokulani Maile Morris
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Adventure 1:
Your couple grew up as next door neighbors. As children, they were often seen running around one house or the other. It's no surprise that they became a couple.
DH: Alexander Jack "Alex"
DW: Sarah Elizabeth
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Adventure 2:
DH: Jack Sterling
DW: Elizabeth Summer "Liz"
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UN: JessamineDH: Archibald Raymond Charles Everhart "Archie"
DW: Irina Gavriila (Vasilyeva) Everhart Adv. 3

This message was edited 9/2/2010, 9:44 AM

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