CN's Century Congrats - Round 8
Ten years have passed and the year is 1955.
Round 8
* If you feel like the congrats is getting too extensive to keep up you can choose to continue with only one family.
* People have gotten married and have had children. It is completely up to you how you want to extend the family.
* You are allowed to kill off children and/or parent/s. Surviving spouse may remarry.
* Use the name banks to name children and spouses (don't forget maiden name or last name).
You will find your family here:
Round 7:
Round 6:
Round 5:
Round 4:
General Rules
* Age and year of birth are required (date of birth optional), e.g. (25) and [1900] - round brackets for age and square brackets for year of birth.
* Maiden name is required, e.g. [Smith] - square brackets
* Do not hyperlink
* Bold all new family members
* Spelling changes, hyphenated names, nicknames and juniors are allowed
Abraham, Adrian, Albert, Alec, Alexander, Alfred, Aloysius, Amadeus, Ambrose, Amos, Andrew, Archibald, Alan, Arlington, Arthur, Arvid, Ashley, August, Austin, Basil, Barney, Bartholomew, Basil, Benedict, Benjamin, Bernard, Billy, Blair, Bobby, Boyd, Bradley, Brandon, Brent, Brian, Bruce, Bruno, Buck, Buster, Burt, Carl, Carlton, Calvin, Casey, Casper, Cecil, Cedric, Charles, Chauncey, Chester, Christian, Christopher, Claude, Clayton, Clarence, Clifford, Conrad, Colin, Cornelius, Craig, Dallas, Dale, Dana, Daniel, Darrell, David, Dennis, Denny, Derek, Dino, Dirk, Donald, Douglas, Dudley, Duncan, Earnest, Edmund, Edward, Elias, Elijah, Elliott, Ellis, Elvis, Emmanuel, Emmett, Eric, Eugene, Evan, Ezra, Felix, Floyd, Frank, Frederick, Fred, Freeman, Forrest, Fyodor, Gabriel, Garth, Gary, Gene, George, Gerald, Giles, Gilbert, Glenn, Grady, Graham, Greg, Gregory, Gustav, Guy, Hans, Hamish, Harry, Harold, Harvey, Hiram, Henry, Homer, Howard, Hubert, Hugo, Isaac, Isidore, Ivan, Jack, Jacob, James, Jan, Jasper, Jed, Jeremiah, Jerome, Jerry, Jesse, Jimmy, Joel, John, Jonathan, Jordan, Joseph, Judson, Julius, Junius, Keith, Ken, Kenneth, Kirk, Kurt, Larry, Lance, Lawrence, Lee, Levi, Leonard, Leon, Leopold, Lester, Lloyd, Louis, Lucas, Lyle, Malcolm, Marcus, Mark, Martin, Mathias, Matthew, Maurice, Melvin, Michael, Miles, Milton, Moses, Murray, Myron, Napoleon, Nathaniel, Neil, Nels, Nicholas, Noah, Noel, Norman, Oscar, Olaf, Oliver, Oren, Orson, Otto, Owen, Patrick, Paul, Peter, Perry, Philip, Pierce, Pierre, Porter, Preston, Quentin, Quincey, Quinn, Randall, Randy, Raphael, Raymond, Richard, Robert, Robin, Rocky, Roger, Roman, Roy, Ruben, Rudy, Rufus, Russell, Samuel, Sanford, Saul, Scott, Sean, Sebastian, Seth, Sheldon, Sidney, Silas, Simon, Solomon, Sonny, Spencer, Stanley, Stephen, Sterling, Stuart, Terrence, Thaddeus, Theodore, Thomas, Timothy, Tobias, Todd, Travis, Troy, Tyler, Urban, Uno, Valentine, Van, Victor, Vilhelm, Vincent, Virgil, Wade, Walter, Wayne, Wellington, Wendell, West, Wilbur, William, Xavier, Xander, Zacchaeus, Zachary, Zacharias
Abigail, Ada, Adrienne, Alberta, Alice, Alexandra, Alma, Althea, Agnes, Amanda, Amy, Annette, Antoinette, Andrea, Angelica, Anita, Anna, Ann, Annie, April, Audrey, Barbara, Barbie, Beatrice, Belle, Becky, Bernadette, Bernice, Bertha, Bessie, Betty, Beverly, Blanche, Billie, Brenda, Bridget, Bonnie, Camille, Candance, Carol, Carolina, Caroline, Carolyn, Cassandra, Catherine, Cecilia, Charlotte, Cheryl, Christina, Claire, Clara, Claudia, Clementine, Colleen, Connie, Constance, Cora, Crystal, Cynthia, Daphne, Darlene, Dawn, Deanna, Daisy, Deborah, Diane, Danielle, Denise, Delphine, Dolores, Donna, Dora, Doris, Dorothea, Dorothy, Edna, Edwina, Eileen, Emma, Emily, Elaine, Elsa, Eleanor, Elda, Elizabeth, Ellen, Eloise, Erica, Esther, Ernestine, Ethel, Eva, Eve, Evelyn, Faith, Fannie, Faye, Felicia, Felicity, Flora, Florence, Frances, Gail, Genevieve, Georgia, Geraldine, Gertrude, Gladys, Glenda, Gloria, Grace, Gretchen, Harriett, Hazel, Heather, Helen, Henrietta, Hilda, Holly, Hope, Ida, Ingrid, Imelda, Inez, Irene, Iris, Isabelle, Iva, Jacqueline, Jamesina, Jamie, Jane, Janet, Janice, Jean, Jemima, Jennifer, Jenny, Jessica, Jewel, Jill, Joan, Jocelyn, Josephine, Joyce, Judith, Julia, Juliet, June, Karen, Kathleen, Kathryn, Kay, Kelly, Laura, Lana, Leah, Lena, Leona, Lillian, Lily, Linda, Liza, Lola, Lorraine, Louisa, Louise, Lucille, Lucy, Lydia, Lynn, Lynette, Madeline, Mabel, Mae, Matilda, Marcia, Margaret, Marie, Marilyn, Marjorie, Marlene, Martha, Mary, Maxine, Maureen, Melanie, Melody, Michelle, Mildred, Minerva, Minnie, Miriam, Molly, Monica, Muriel, Myra, Nadine, Nancy, Naomi, Natalie, Neva, Nina, Nora, Norma, Odessa, Ophelia, Olga, Olivia, Ona, Opal, Orpha, Ottilia, Pamela, Patricia, Patsy, Paula, Pearl, Peggy, Penny, Philippa, Philomena, Philadelphia, Priscilla, Prudence, Polly, Rachel, Regina, Rhonda, Rita, Rebecca, Renee, Roberta, Robin, Rose, Rosemary, Roxanne, Ruby, Phyllis, Sally, Samantha, Sandra, Sandy, Sarah, Selma, Shannon, Sharon, Sheila, Shirley, Sophia, Sonja, Sophronia, Stella, Sue, Susan, Suzanne, Sylvia, Tamara, Tanya, Teresa, Temperance, Thelma, Theodora, Thomasina, Tracey, Tina, Una, Valerie, Vanessa, Velma, Vera, Veronica, Victoria, Viola, Virginia, Vivian, Vivienne, Wanda, Wilhelmina, Wilma, Xanthe, Yvonne, Yvette, Zella, Zenobia, Zita, Zora
Round 8
* If you feel like the congrats is getting too extensive to keep up you can choose to continue with only one family.
* People have gotten married and have had children. It is completely up to you how you want to extend the family.
* You are allowed to kill off children and/or parent/s. Surviving spouse may remarry.
* Use the name banks to name children and spouses (don't forget maiden name or last name).
You will find your family here:
Round 7:
Round 6:
Round 5:
Round 4:
General Rules
* Age and year of birth are required (date of birth optional), e.g. (25) and [1900] - round brackets for age and square brackets for year of birth.
* Maiden name is required, e.g. [Smith] - square brackets
* Do not hyperlink
* Bold all new family members
* Spelling changes, hyphenated names, nicknames and juniors are allowed
Abraham, Adrian, Albert, Alec, Alexander, Alfred, Aloysius, Amadeus, Ambrose, Amos, Andrew, Archibald, Alan, Arlington, Arthur, Arvid, Ashley, August, Austin, Basil, Barney, Bartholomew, Basil, Benedict, Benjamin, Bernard, Billy, Blair, Bobby, Boyd, Bradley, Brandon, Brent, Brian, Bruce, Bruno, Buck, Buster, Burt, Carl, Carlton, Calvin, Casey, Casper, Cecil, Cedric, Charles, Chauncey, Chester, Christian, Christopher, Claude, Clayton, Clarence, Clifford, Conrad, Colin, Cornelius, Craig, Dallas, Dale, Dana, Daniel, Darrell, David, Dennis, Denny, Derek, Dino, Dirk, Donald, Douglas, Dudley, Duncan, Earnest, Edmund, Edward, Elias, Elijah, Elliott, Ellis, Elvis, Emmanuel, Emmett, Eric, Eugene, Evan, Ezra, Felix, Floyd, Frank, Frederick, Fred, Freeman, Forrest, Fyodor, Gabriel, Garth, Gary, Gene, George, Gerald, Giles, Gilbert, Glenn, Grady, Graham, Greg, Gregory, Gustav, Guy, Hans, Hamish, Harry, Harold, Harvey, Hiram, Henry, Homer, Howard, Hubert, Hugo, Isaac, Isidore, Ivan, Jack, Jacob, James, Jan, Jasper, Jed, Jeremiah, Jerome, Jerry, Jesse, Jimmy, Joel, John, Jonathan, Jordan, Joseph, Judson, Julius, Junius, Keith, Ken, Kenneth, Kirk, Kurt, Larry, Lance, Lawrence, Lee, Levi, Leonard, Leon, Leopold, Lester, Lloyd, Louis, Lucas, Lyle, Malcolm, Marcus, Mark, Martin, Mathias, Matthew, Maurice, Melvin, Michael, Miles, Milton, Moses, Murray, Myron, Napoleon, Nathaniel, Neil, Nels, Nicholas, Noah, Noel, Norman, Oscar, Olaf, Oliver, Oren, Orson, Otto, Owen, Patrick, Paul, Peter, Perry, Philip, Pierce, Pierre, Porter, Preston, Quentin, Quincey, Quinn, Randall, Randy, Raphael, Raymond, Richard, Robert, Robin, Rocky, Roger, Roman, Roy, Ruben, Rudy, Rufus, Russell, Samuel, Sanford, Saul, Scott, Sean, Sebastian, Seth, Sheldon, Sidney, Silas, Simon, Solomon, Sonny, Spencer, Stanley, Stephen, Sterling, Stuart, Terrence, Thaddeus, Theodore, Thomas, Timothy, Tobias, Todd, Travis, Troy, Tyler, Urban, Uno, Valentine, Van, Victor, Vilhelm, Vincent, Virgil, Wade, Walter, Wayne, Wellington, Wendell, West, Wilbur, William, Xavier, Xander, Zacchaeus, Zachary, Zacharias
Abigail, Ada, Adrienne, Alberta, Alice, Alexandra, Alma, Althea, Agnes, Amanda, Amy, Annette, Antoinette, Andrea, Angelica, Anita, Anna, Ann, Annie, April, Audrey, Barbara, Barbie, Beatrice, Belle, Becky, Bernadette, Bernice, Bertha, Bessie, Betty, Beverly, Blanche, Billie, Brenda, Bridget, Bonnie, Camille, Candance, Carol, Carolina, Caroline, Carolyn, Cassandra, Catherine, Cecilia, Charlotte, Cheryl, Christina, Claire, Clara, Claudia, Clementine, Colleen, Connie, Constance, Cora, Crystal, Cynthia, Daphne, Darlene, Dawn, Deanna, Daisy, Deborah, Diane, Danielle, Denise, Delphine, Dolores, Donna, Dora, Doris, Dorothea, Dorothy, Edna, Edwina, Eileen, Emma, Emily, Elaine, Elsa, Eleanor, Elda, Elizabeth, Ellen, Eloise, Erica, Esther, Ernestine, Ethel, Eva, Eve, Evelyn, Faith, Fannie, Faye, Felicia, Felicity, Flora, Florence, Frances, Gail, Genevieve, Georgia, Geraldine, Gertrude, Gladys, Glenda, Gloria, Grace, Gretchen, Harriett, Hazel, Heather, Helen, Henrietta, Hilda, Holly, Hope, Ida, Ingrid, Imelda, Inez, Irene, Iris, Isabelle, Iva, Jacqueline, Jamesina, Jamie, Jane, Janet, Janice, Jean, Jemima, Jennifer, Jenny, Jessica, Jewel, Jill, Joan, Jocelyn, Josephine, Joyce, Judith, Julia, Juliet, June, Karen, Kathleen, Kathryn, Kay, Kelly, Laura, Lana, Leah, Lena, Leona, Lillian, Lily, Linda, Liza, Lola, Lorraine, Louisa, Louise, Lucille, Lucy, Lydia, Lynn, Lynette, Madeline, Mabel, Mae, Matilda, Marcia, Margaret, Marie, Marilyn, Marjorie, Marlene, Martha, Mary, Maxine, Maureen, Melanie, Melody, Michelle, Mildred, Minerva, Minnie, Miriam, Molly, Monica, Muriel, Myra, Nadine, Nancy, Naomi, Natalie, Neva, Nina, Nora, Norma, Odessa, Ophelia, Olga, Olivia, Ona, Opal, Orpha, Ottilia, Pamela, Patricia, Patsy, Paula, Pearl, Peggy, Penny, Philippa, Philomena, Philadelphia, Priscilla, Prudence, Polly, Rachel, Regina, Rhonda, Rita, Rebecca, Renee, Roberta, Robin, Rose, Rosemary, Roxanne, Ruby, Phyllis, Sally, Samantha, Sandra, Sandy, Sarah, Selma, Shannon, Sharon, Sheila, Shirley, Sophia, Sonja, Sophronia, Stella, Sue, Susan, Suzanne, Sylvia, Tamara, Tanya, Teresa, Temperance, Thelma, Theodora, Thomasina, Tracey, Tina, Una, Valerie, Vanessa, Velma, Vera, Veronica, Victoria, Viola, Virginia, Vivian, Vivienne, Wanda, Wilhelmina, Wilma, Xanthe, Yvonne, Yvette, Zella, Zenobia, Zita, Zora
LN: Nash
DH: Andrew Lee Nash (70) [1885]
DW: Vera Isabelle {Kramer} Nash (69) [1886]
DS: Dominic Leo Nash (50) [1905]
-DW: Molly Louise {Hart} Nash (50) [1905]
-DS: Samuel Dean Nash (29) [1926]
--DW: Anna Faith {Camp) Nash(28) [1927]
--DD: Charlotte Laura Nash (5) [1950]
--DS: Theodore Owen Nash (3) [1952]
-DS: Joseph Curtis Nash (27) [1928]
--DW: Heather Deanna {Pratt} Nash (27) [1928]
--DS: Isaac Mathias Nash (4) [1951]
--DS: Oliver Emmett Nash (3) [1952]
-DS: Donovan Brent Nash (24) [1931]
--DW: Robin Felicia {Hines} Nash(25) [1930]
--DD: Amanda Leah Nash (nb) [1955]
-DD: Emma Callie {Nash} Caan (22) [1933]
--DH: Tyler Ambrose Caan (23) [1932]
DS: Forrest Clark Nash (49) [1906] -Twin to Savannah-
-DW: Mina Vivien {Gray} Nash (47) [1908]
-DD: Sadie Madelyn {Nash} Lowe (25) [1930] -Twin To Amy-
--DH: Bradley Jordan Lowe (25) [1930]
--DD/DD: Adrienne Tamara Lowe / Cassandra Lena Lowe (nb) [1955]
-DD: Amy Sophia {Nash} (25) [1930] -Twin to Sadie-
--DH: Cedric Wade Bergl (27) [1928]
--DS/DS: Sterling Forrest Bergl / Mark Calvin Bergl (2) [1953]
-DS: Patrick Kyle Nash (21) [1934]
--Dgf: Melanie Brenda Hutton (20) [1935]
-DS: Zachary Levi Nash (19) [1936]
--Dgf: Eva Gretchen Butler (18) [1937]
DD: Savannah Camille {Nash} Munn (49) [1906] -Twin to Forrest-
-DH: Davis Stefan Munn (51) [1904]
-DS: Cameron Russell Munn (28) [1927] -Twin to Bryce-
--DW: Rachel Alexandra {Fraser} Munn (28) [1927]
--DS: Xander Seth Munn (7) [1948]
--DS: Austin Nathaniel Munn (6) [1949]
--DS/DD: Lance Eric Munn / Vanessa Alma Munn (4) [1951]
-DS: Bryce Andrew Munn (28) [1927] -Twin to Cameron-
--DW: Samantha Jocelyn {Clarkson} Munn (27) [1928]
--DD/DS: Naomi Hazel Munn / Gabriel Xavier Munn (7) [1948]
--DS: Colin Roy Munn (5) [1950]
-DD: Shelby Raquel {Munn} Chadwick (25) [1930] -Twin to Stephanie-
--DH: Lucas Brian Chadwick (26) [1929]
--DD: Holly Genevieve Chadwick (3) [1952]
--DD: Iris Christina Chadwick (2) [1953]
DH: Andrew Lee Nash (70) [1885]
DW: Vera Isabelle {Kramer} Nash (69) [1886]
DS: Dominic Leo Nash (50) [1905]
-DW: Molly Louise {Hart} Nash (50) [1905]
-DS: Samuel Dean Nash (29) [1926]
--DW: Anna Faith {Camp) Nash(28) [1927]
--DD: Charlotte Laura Nash (5) [1950]
--DS: Theodore Owen Nash (3) [1952]
-DS: Joseph Curtis Nash (27) [1928]
--DW: Heather Deanna {Pratt} Nash (27) [1928]
--DS: Isaac Mathias Nash (4) [1951]
--DS: Oliver Emmett Nash (3) [1952]
-DS: Donovan Brent Nash (24) [1931]
--DW: Robin Felicia {Hines} Nash(25) [1930]
--DD: Amanda Leah Nash (nb) [1955]
-DD: Emma Callie {Nash} Caan (22) [1933]
--DH: Tyler Ambrose Caan (23) [1932]
DS: Forrest Clark Nash (49) [1906] -Twin to Savannah-
-DW: Mina Vivien {Gray} Nash (47) [1908]
-DD: Sadie Madelyn {Nash} Lowe (25) [1930] -Twin To Amy-
--DH: Bradley Jordan Lowe (25) [1930]
--DD/DD: Adrienne Tamara Lowe / Cassandra Lena Lowe (nb) [1955]
-DD: Amy Sophia {Nash} (25) [1930] -Twin to Sadie-
--DH: Cedric Wade Bergl (27) [1928]
--DS/DS: Sterling Forrest Bergl / Mark Calvin Bergl (2) [1953]
-DS: Patrick Kyle Nash (21) [1934]
--Dgf: Melanie Brenda Hutton (20) [1935]
-DS: Zachary Levi Nash (19) [1936]
--Dgf: Eva Gretchen Butler (18) [1937]
DD: Savannah Camille {Nash} Munn (49) [1906] -Twin to Forrest-
-DH: Davis Stefan Munn (51) [1904]
-DS: Cameron Russell Munn (28) [1927] -Twin to Bryce-
--DW: Rachel Alexandra {Fraser} Munn (28) [1927]
--DS: Xander Seth Munn (7) [1948]
--DS: Austin Nathaniel Munn (6) [1949]
--DS/DD: Lance Eric Munn / Vanessa Alma Munn (4) [1951]
-DS: Bryce Andrew Munn (28) [1927] -Twin to Cameron-
--DW: Samantha Jocelyn {Clarkson} Munn (27) [1928]
--DD/DS: Naomi Hazel Munn / Gabriel Xavier Munn (7) [1948]
--DS: Colin Roy Munn (5) [1950]
-DD: Shelby Raquel {Munn} Chadwick (25) [1930] -Twin to Stephanie-
--DH: Lucas Brian Chadwick (26) [1929]
--DD: Holly Genevieve Chadwick (3) [1952]
--DD: Iris Christina Chadwick (2) [1953]
DH1: Horatio Percival [Hamilton] (deceased) [1885-1914]
DW: Arabella Margaret [Fitzroy] (69) [1886]
-DD: Gertrude Florence (50) [1905]
--DH: Florian Godfrey [Fairfax] (56) [1899]
---DS: Florian Godfrey, Jr. (29) [1926]
---DD: Theodora Margaret (27) [1928]
----DH: Tobias Forrest [Linton] (25) [1930]
-----DD: Edwina Lillian (2) [1953]
---DD: Lavinia Rosamond (26) [1929]
---DD: Eleanor Jane (23) [1932]
---DS: Amadeus Arthur (19) [1936]
-DS: Horatio Percival, Jr. (49) [1906]
--DW: Antigone Verena [Coleridge] (45) [1910]
---DS: Horatio Percival III (23) [1932]
---DD: Mildred Dorothy (21) [1934]
---DS: Thaddeus Wiley (20) [1935]
---DS: Bartholomew Howard (17) [1938]
---DD: Lydia Wilhelmina (15) [1940]
-DD/DS: Octavia Augusta / Edward Constantine (48) [1907]
--ODH: Melchior Jasper [Christiansen] (deceased) [1906-1942]
---DD: Magnolia Georgina (26) [1929]
----DH: Emmanuel Dudley [Grey] (27) [1928]
-----DS: Edmund Chauncey (3) [1952]
-----DS: Gilbert Martin (nb) [1955]
---DD: Adela Cordelia (23) [1932]
----DH: Bartholomew Sheldon [Doyle] (23) [1932]
---DS: Benedict Ambrose (20) [1935]
---DS/DS: Archibald Orson / Lawrence Wellington (18) [1937]
---DS: Cecil Zacchaeus (15) [1940]
--EDW: Ariadne Olympia [Jones] (46) [1909]
---DD: Phyllis Marilyn (24) [1931]
---DS: George Edward (22) [1933]
----DW: Martha Eleanor [Lee] (19) [1936]
-----DD: Agnes Delphine (nb) [1955]
---DS: Frederick Calvin (19) [1936]
-DS: Cornelius Ernest (deceased) [1908-1909]
-DD: Ophelia Josephine (deceased) [1910-1913]
-DD/DD: Georgiana Rosalia / Aurelia Millicent (44) [1911]
--GDH: Magnus Leonard [Andersen] (deceased) [1910-1944]
---DD: Minerva Doris (22) [1933]
---DD: Winifred Evangeline (20) [1935]
---DS: Richard Martin (17) [1938]
--ADH: Samuel Amadeusz [Miller] (44) [1911]
-DD/DS: Mary Virginia (43) [1912] / Ignatius Waldemar (deceased) [1912-1945]
--MDH: Gabriel Jonas [Schmidt] (45) [1910]
---DS: Cornelius Millard (23) [1932]
--IDW: Martha Temperance [Ellsworth] (44) [1911]
DW: Arabella Margaret [Fitzroy] (69) [1886]
-DD: Gertrude Florence (50) [1905]
--DH: Florian Godfrey [Fairfax] (56) [1899]
---DS: Florian Godfrey, Jr. (29) [1926]
---DD: Theodora Margaret (27) [1928]
----DH: Tobias Forrest [Linton] (25) [1930]
-----DD: Edwina Lillian (2) [1953]
---DD: Lavinia Rosamond (26) [1929]
---DD: Eleanor Jane (23) [1932]
---DS: Amadeus Arthur (19) [1936]
-DS: Horatio Percival, Jr. (49) [1906]
--DW: Antigone Verena [Coleridge] (45) [1910]
---DS: Horatio Percival III (23) [1932]
---DD: Mildred Dorothy (21) [1934]
---DS: Thaddeus Wiley (20) [1935]
---DS: Bartholomew Howard (17) [1938]
---DD: Lydia Wilhelmina (15) [1940]
-DD/DS: Octavia Augusta / Edward Constantine (48) [1907]
--ODH: Melchior Jasper [Christiansen] (deceased) [1906-1942]
---DD: Magnolia Georgina (26) [1929]
----DH: Emmanuel Dudley [Grey] (27) [1928]
-----DS: Edmund Chauncey (3) [1952]
-----DS: Gilbert Martin (nb) [1955]
---DD: Adela Cordelia (23) [1932]
----DH: Bartholomew Sheldon [Doyle] (23) [1932]
---DS: Benedict Ambrose (20) [1935]
---DS/DS: Archibald Orson / Lawrence Wellington (18) [1937]
---DS: Cecil Zacchaeus (15) [1940]
--EDW: Ariadne Olympia [Jones] (46) [1909]
---DD: Phyllis Marilyn (24) [1931]
---DS: George Edward (22) [1933]
----DW: Martha Eleanor [Lee] (19) [1936]
-----DD: Agnes Delphine (nb) [1955]
---DS: Frederick Calvin (19) [1936]
-DS: Cornelius Ernest (deceased) [1908-1909]
-DD: Ophelia Josephine (deceased) [1910-1913]
-DD/DD: Georgiana Rosalia / Aurelia Millicent (44) [1911]
--GDH: Magnus Leonard [Andersen] (deceased) [1910-1944]
---DD: Minerva Doris (22) [1933]
---DD: Winifred Evangeline (20) [1935]
---DS: Richard Martin (17) [1938]
--ADH: Samuel Amadeusz [Miller] (44) [1911]
-DD/DS: Mary Virginia (43) [1912] / Ignatius Waldemar (deceased) [1912-1945]
--MDH: Gabriel Jonas [Schmidt] (45) [1910]
---DS: Cornelius Millard (23) [1932]
--IDW: Martha Temperance [Ellsworth] (44) [1911]
LN: Williams
DH: Walter George Williams (deceased) [1885] (killed in WWI)
DW: Maude Florence White [Bates/Williams] (69) [1886]
-DD: Lucille Geraldine Harvey [Williams] (50) [1905]
--DH: James Joseph Harvey (53) [1902]
---DD: Joyce Marjorie Collins [Harvey] (32) [1923]
----DH: Wilbur Edmund Collins (32) [1923]
-----DS: Harry Michael Collins (9) [1946]
-----DD: Evelyn Joyce Collins (6) [1949]
---DS: Leroy Richard Harvey (deceased) [1925] (Died in WWII)
---DDtwin: Barbara Jean Stanwick [Harvey] (25) [1930]
----DH: Edward James Stanwick (30) [1925]
-----DD: Beverly Dawn Stanwick (5) [1950]
-----DS: Spencer James Stanwick (3) [1952]
-----DS: Saul Milton Stanwick (nb) [1955]
---DDtwin: Lois Carol Peters [Harvey] (25) [1930]
----DH: Larry Norman Peters (32) [1923]
-----DD: Dorothea Ruby Peters (3) [1952]
-----DD: Patsy Edwina Peters (1) [1954]
-----DD: Lucille Velma Peters (nb) [1955]
-DStwin: John Clarence Williams Sr. (48) [1908]
--DW: Ruth Mildred Williams [Waltz] (47) [1909]
---DS: John Clarence Williams Jr. (deceased) [1925] (Died in WWII)
---DS: Charles Frank Williams (deceased) [1927] (Died in WWII)
---DD: Nancy Helen Zimmerman [Williams] (21) [1934]
----DH: Hans Frederick Zimmerman (23) [1932]
-----DS: Vilhelm Marcus Zimmerman (2) [1953]
-----DD: Hilda Nadine Zimmerman (nb) [1955]
-DStwin: Irvin Stanley Williams (deceased) [1908] (Died at birth)
-DS: Ira Boyd Williams (deceased) [1909] (Died in WWII)
--DW: Judith Prudence Williams [Corrington] (44) [1907]
---DD: Louise Florence Boyd [Williams] (22) [1933]
----DH: Kenneth Oliver Boyd (22) [1933]
-----DS/DD: Harold George and Norma Beatrice Boyd (nb) [1955]
---DD: Elizabeth Anna Beal [Williams] (20) [1935]
----DH: Perry Myron Beal (21) [1934]
-----DD: Alexandra Carol Beal (nb) [1955]
---DS: Henry Christian Williams (14) [1941]
-DD: Ethel Hildred Brendan [Williams] (45) [1910]
--DH: Augustin Pascal Brendan (50) [1905]
DH: Walter George Williams (deceased) [1885] (killed in WWI)
DW: Maude Florence White [Bates/Williams] (69) [1886]
-DD: Lucille Geraldine Harvey [Williams] (50) [1905]
--DH: James Joseph Harvey (53) [1902]
---DD: Joyce Marjorie Collins [Harvey] (32) [1923]
----DH: Wilbur Edmund Collins (32) [1923]
-----DS: Harry Michael Collins (9) [1946]
-----DD: Evelyn Joyce Collins (6) [1949]
---DS: Leroy Richard Harvey (deceased) [1925] (Died in WWII)
---DDtwin: Barbara Jean Stanwick [Harvey] (25) [1930]
----DH: Edward James Stanwick (30) [1925]
-----DD: Beverly Dawn Stanwick (5) [1950]
-----DS: Spencer James Stanwick (3) [1952]
-----DS: Saul Milton Stanwick (nb) [1955]
---DDtwin: Lois Carol Peters [Harvey] (25) [1930]
----DH: Larry Norman Peters (32) [1923]
-----DD: Dorothea Ruby Peters (3) [1952]
-----DD: Patsy Edwina Peters (1) [1954]
-----DD: Lucille Velma Peters (nb) [1955]
-DStwin: John Clarence Williams Sr. (48) [1908]
--DW: Ruth Mildred Williams [Waltz] (47) [1909]
---DS: John Clarence Williams Jr. (deceased) [1925] (Died in WWII)
---DS: Charles Frank Williams (deceased) [1927] (Died in WWII)
---DD: Nancy Helen Zimmerman [Williams] (21) [1934]
----DH: Hans Frederick Zimmerman (23) [1932]
-----DS: Vilhelm Marcus Zimmerman (2) [1953]
-----DD: Hilda Nadine Zimmerman (nb) [1955]
-DStwin: Irvin Stanley Williams (deceased) [1908] (Died at birth)
-DS: Ira Boyd Williams (deceased) [1909] (Died in WWII)
--DW: Judith Prudence Williams [Corrington] (44) [1907]
---DD: Louise Florence Boyd [Williams] (22) [1933]
----DH: Kenneth Oliver Boyd (22) [1933]
-----DS/DD: Harold George and Norma Beatrice Boyd (nb) [1955]
---DD: Elizabeth Anna Beal [Williams] (20) [1935]
----DH: Perry Myron Beal (21) [1934]
-----DD: Alexandra Carol Beal (nb) [1955]
---DS: Henry Christian Williams (14) [1941]
-DD: Ethel Hildred Brendan [Williams] (45) [1910]
--DH: Augustin Pascal Brendan (50) [1905]
LN: Vitullo
DH: John Michael Vitullo (70) [1885]
DW: Emily Anna [Sander] Vitullo (69) [1886]
DD: Molly Cecelia [Vitullo] Catello (50)
-DH: James Robert Catello "Robbie" (52)
--DS: Joseph Edward Catello "Joey" (28)
---DW: Danielle Rose [Frazz] Catello (28)
----DS: Preston Tyler Catello (5)
----DS: Spencer Hamish Catello (3)
--DS: Michael Paul Catello "Mike" (26)
---DW: Lana Jocelyn [Colley] Catello (25)
----DS: Michael Paul Catello Jr. (1)
--DD: Anna Kathryn Catello "Annie" (22)
--DS/DS: Patrick Steven Catello / Gregory Jackson Catello (20)
--DS: James Christopher Catello "Jamie" (16)
--DD: Emily Grace Catello (12)
DS: John Michael Vitullo Jr. (48)
-DW: Emilie Jessica [Smith] Vitullo (46)
--DS: John Michael Vitullo III (23)
--DD: Maria Violet Vitullo (21)
--DS: Raymond Oliver Vitullo "Ray" (17)
DS: Anthony Raymond Vitullo (47)
-DW: Alma Jolana [Dion] Vitullo (47)
--DD: Sarah Jacqueline Vitullo (25)
--DS/DS: Robert Anthony Vitullo / Matthew Thomas Vitullo (23)
--DS: Alexander Lee Vitullo "Alex" (21)
--DS: Zachary David Vitullo "Zac" (19)
DD: Elena Christina [Vitullo] Granger "Ellie" (46)
-DH: Samuel Julian Granger "Sam" (50)
--DD: Emma Diane [Granger] Evans (27)
---DH: Brian Christopher Evans (29)
----DD: Natalie Marie Evans (2)
----DD: Cecilia Kelly Evans (1)
----DS: Benjamin Louis Evans "Ben" (nb)
--DD: Rebecca Claire [Granger] Podolsky "Becca" (26)
---DH: Gerald Conrad Podolsky (26)
----DS: Nicholas Jasper Podolsky (3)
----DD: Molly Christina Podolsky (2)
----DS: Gregory Alan Podolsky (1)
--DD: Nora Victoria [Granger] Bennett (25)
---DH: Marcus Robert Bennett (26)
----DS/DS: Marcus Robert Bennett Jr. "Marc" / Zachary David Bennett "Zac" (nb)
--DD: Iris Josephine Granger (24)
--DS: Joel Patrick Granger (23)
--DS: Simon Christopher Granger (22)
--DD: Isabelle Corinne Granger "Belle" (20)
--DD: Andrea Rose Granger "Andi" (18)
--DS/DD: Marcus Adrian Granger / Leah Jacqueline Granger (17)
DS: Daniel Paul Vitullo (45) [twin to Gracie]
DH: John Michael Vitullo (70) [1885]
DW: Emily Anna [Sander] Vitullo (69) [1886]
DD: Molly Cecelia [Vitullo] Catello (50)
-DH: James Robert Catello "Robbie" (52)
--DS: Joseph Edward Catello "Joey" (28)
---DW: Danielle Rose [Frazz] Catello (28)
----DS: Preston Tyler Catello (5)
----DS: Spencer Hamish Catello (3)
--DS: Michael Paul Catello "Mike" (26)
---DW: Lana Jocelyn [Colley] Catello (25)
----DS: Michael Paul Catello Jr. (1)
--DD: Anna Kathryn Catello "Annie" (22)
--DS/DS: Patrick Steven Catello / Gregory Jackson Catello (20)
--DS: James Christopher Catello "Jamie" (16)
--DD: Emily Grace Catello (12)
DS: John Michael Vitullo Jr. (48)
-DW: Emilie Jessica [Smith] Vitullo (46)
--DS: John Michael Vitullo III (23)
--DD: Maria Violet Vitullo (21)
--DS: Raymond Oliver Vitullo "Ray" (17)
DS: Anthony Raymond Vitullo (47)
-DW: Alma Jolana [Dion] Vitullo (47)
--DD: Sarah Jacqueline Vitullo (25)
--DS/DS: Robert Anthony Vitullo / Matthew Thomas Vitullo (23)
--DS: Alexander Lee Vitullo "Alex" (21)
--DS: Zachary David Vitullo "Zac" (19)
DD: Elena Christina [Vitullo] Granger "Ellie" (46)
-DH: Samuel Julian Granger "Sam" (50)
--DD: Emma Diane [Granger] Evans (27)
---DH: Brian Christopher Evans (29)
----DD: Natalie Marie Evans (2)
----DD: Cecilia Kelly Evans (1)
----DS: Benjamin Louis Evans "Ben" (nb)
--DD: Rebecca Claire [Granger] Podolsky "Becca" (26)
---DH: Gerald Conrad Podolsky (26)
----DS: Nicholas Jasper Podolsky (3)
----DD: Molly Christina Podolsky (2)
----DS: Gregory Alan Podolsky (1)
--DD: Nora Victoria [Granger] Bennett (25)
---DH: Marcus Robert Bennett (26)
----DS/DS: Marcus Robert Bennett Jr. "Marc" / Zachary David Bennett "Zac" (nb)
--DD: Iris Josephine Granger (24)
--DS: Joel Patrick Granger (23)
--DS: Simon Christopher Granger (22)
--DD: Isabelle Corinne Granger "Belle" (20)
--DD: Andrea Rose Granger "Andi" (18)
--DS/DD: Marcus Adrian Granger / Leah Jacqueline Granger (17)
DS: Daniel Paul Vitullo (45) [twin to Gracie]
LN: Vitullo
DH: John Michael Vitullo (70) [1885]
DW: Emily Anna [Sander] Vitullo (69) [1886]
DD: Molly Cecelia [Vitullo] Catello (50)
-DH: James Robert Catello "Robbie" (52)
--DS: Joseph Edward Catello "Joey" (28)
---DW: Danielle Rose [Frazz] Catello (28)
----DS: Preston Tyler Catello (5)
----DS: Spencer Hamish Catello (3)
--DS: Michael Paul Catello "Mike" (26)
---DW: Lana Jocelyn [Colley] Catello (25)
----DS: Michael Paul Catello Jr. (1)
--DD: Anna Kathryn Catello "Annie" (22)
--DS/DS: Patrick Steven Catello / Gregory Jackson Catello (20)
--DS: James Christopher Catello "Jamie" (16)
--DD: Emily Grace Catello (12)
DS: John Michael Vitullo Jr. (48)
-DW: Emilie Jessica [Smith] Vitullo (46)
--DS: John Michael Vitullo III (23)
--DD: Maria Violet Vitullo (21)
--DS: Raymond Oliver Vitullo "Ray" (17)
DS: Anthony Raymond Vitullo (47)
-DW: Alma Jolana [Dion] Vitullo (47)
--DD: Sarah Jacqueline Vitullo (25)
--DS/DS: Robert Anthony Vitullo / Matthew Thomas Vitullo (23)
--DS: Alexander Lee Vitullo "Alex" (21)
--DS: Zachary David Vitullo "Zac" (19)
DD: Elena Christina [Vitullo] Granger "Ellie" (46)
-DH: Samuel Julian Granger "Sam" (50)
--DD: Emma Diane [Granger] Evans (27)
---DH: Brian Christopher Evans (29)
----DD: Natalie Marie Evans (2)
----DD: Cecilia Kelly Evans (1)
----DS: Benjamin Louis Evans "Ben" (nb)
--DD: Rebecca Claire [Granger] Podolsky "Becca" (26)
---DH: Gerald Conrad Podolsky (26)
----DS: Nicholas Jasper Podolsky (3)
----DD: Molly Christina Podolsky (2)
----DS: Gregory Alan Podolsky (1)
--DD: Nora Victoria [Granger] Bennett (25)
---DH: Marcus Robert Bennett (26)
----DS/DS: Marcus Robert Bennett Jr. "Marc" / Zachary David Bennett "Zac" (nb)
--DD: Iris Josephine Granger (24)
--DS: Joel Patrick Granger (23)
--DS: Simon Christopher Granger (22)
--DD: Isabelle Corinne Granger "Belle" (20)
--DD: Andrea Rose Granger "Andi" (18)
--DS/DD: Marcus Adrian Granger / Leah Jacqueline Granger (17)
DS: Daniel Paul Vitullo (45) [twin to Gracie]
DH: John Michael Vitullo (70) [1885]
DW: Emily Anna [Sander] Vitullo (69) [1886]
DD: Molly Cecelia [Vitullo] Catello (50)
-DH: James Robert Catello "Robbie" (52)
--DS: Joseph Edward Catello "Joey" (28)
---DW: Danielle Rose [Frazz] Catello (28)
----DS: Preston Tyler Catello (5)
----DS: Spencer Hamish Catello (3)
--DS: Michael Paul Catello "Mike" (26)
---DW: Lana Jocelyn [Colley] Catello (25)
----DS: Michael Paul Catello Jr. (1)
--DD: Anna Kathryn Catello "Annie" (22)
--DS/DS: Patrick Steven Catello / Gregory Jackson Catello (20)
--DS: James Christopher Catello "Jamie" (16)
--DD: Emily Grace Catello (12)
DS: John Michael Vitullo Jr. (48)
-DW: Emilie Jessica [Smith] Vitullo (46)
--DS: John Michael Vitullo III (23)
--DD: Maria Violet Vitullo (21)
--DS: Raymond Oliver Vitullo "Ray" (17)
DS: Anthony Raymond Vitullo (47)
-DW: Alma Jolana [Dion] Vitullo (47)
--DD: Sarah Jacqueline Vitullo (25)
--DS/DS: Robert Anthony Vitullo / Matthew Thomas Vitullo (23)
--DS: Alexander Lee Vitullo "Alex" (21)
--DS: Zachary David Vitullo "Zac" (19)
DD: Elena Christina [Vitullo] Granger "Ellie" (46)
-DH: Samuel Julian Granger "Sam" (50)
--DD: Emma Diane [Granger] Evans (27)
---DH: Brian Christopher Evans (29)
----DD: Natalie Marie Evans (2)
----DD: Cecilia Kelly Evans (1)
----DS: Benjamin Louis Evans "Ben" (nb)
--DD: Rebecca Claire [Granger] Podolsky "Becca" (26)
---DH: Gerald Conrad Podolsky (26)
----DS: Nicholas Jasper Podolsky (3)
----DD: Molly Christina Podolsky (2)
----DS: Gregory Alan Podolsky (1)
--DD: Nora Victoria [Granger] Bennett (25)
---DH: Marcus Robert Bennett (26)
----DS/DS: Marcus Robert Bennett Jr. "Marc" / Zachary David Bennett "Zac" (nb)
--DD: Iris Josephine Granger (24)
--DS: Joel Patrick Granger (23)
--DS: Simon Christopher Granger (22)
--DD: Isabelle Corinne Granger "Belle" (20)
--DD: Andrea Rose Granger "Andi" (18)
--DS/DD: Marcus Adrian Granger / Leah Jacqueline Granger (17)
DS: Daniel Paul Vitullo (45) [twin to Gracie]
LN: Westmancott
DH: Jesse Ira Westmancott (killed in WW1) [1885-1918]
DW: Nancy Rose Westmancott [Harvey] (69) [1886]
DD: Martha Grace Eldrige [Westmancott](50) [1905]
--DH: Walter Clarence Eldridge 'Walt' (52) [1903]
---DS: Kenneth Walter Eldridge 'Kenny' (27) [1928]
----DW: April Faith Eldridge [Chidwick] (26) [1929]
----DS: Annette Nancy Eldridge 'Annie' (3) [1952]
---DD: Edith Martha Miller [Eldridge] (23) [1932]
----DH: Zacchaeus Levi Miller 'Zach' (25) [1930]
DS: Reuben Ira Westmancott (46) [1909]
--DW: Ada Irene Westmancott [Cattermole] (44) [1911]
---DD: Esther Jean Jacobs [Westmancott] 'Essie' (26) [1929]
----DH: Gabriel James Jacobs (26) [1929]
----DD: Eve Gloria Jacobs 'Evie' (2) [1953]
---DD: Lois Joyce Davy [Westmancott] (24) [1931]
----DH: Quentin Travis Davy (27) [1928]
---DS: Aaron John Westmancott (21) [1934]
----DW: Sylvia Janet Westmancott [Regan] (20) [1935]
---DS: Isaac Joel Westmancott (died from cancer) [1936-1952]
---DD: Lydia Joan Westmancott (16) [1939]
---DS/DD: Jesse Jack Westmancott / Judith Jane Westmancott(13) [1942]
Elizabeth Maud Giovanni [Westmancott] 'Bess' (45) [1910]
--DH: Marko Elias Giovanni (48) [1907]
---DD: Phoebe Rosina Giovanni (22) [1933]
Phoebe Rose Westmancott [1910](deceased)
Solomon John Westmancott (43) [1912]
--DW: Catherine Ida Westmancott 'Kitty' [Ellis] (43) [1912]
---DD: Mabel Ida Westmancott (18) [1937]
---DS/DS: Albert Seth Westmancott 'Bertie' / Alfred Solomon Westmancott 'Alfie' (15) [1940]
Saul Matthew Westmancott (killed in WW2) [1912-1943]
--DW: Anna Valerie Westmancott [Jennings] (42) [1913]
---DS: Charles Saul Westmancott 'Charlie' (20) [1935]
---DD: Frances Annie Westmancott 'Frankie' (18) [1937]
---DS: Louis Victor Westmancott 'Louie' (14) [1941]
DD: Ruth Anne Westmancott (40) [1915]
---AD: Clementine Renee Westmancott 'Clemmie' (20) [1935]
---AD: Genevieve Yvette Westmancott (18) [1937]
DS: Jesse Victor Westmancott (killed in WW2) [1918-1940]
DH: Jesse Ira Westmancott (killed in WW1) [1885-1918]
DW: Nancy Rose Westmancott [Harvey] (69) [1886]
DD: Martha Grace Eldrige [Westmancott](50) [1905]
--DH: Walter Clarence Eldridge 'Walt' (52) [1903]
---DS: Kenneth Walter Eldridge 'Kenny' (27) [1928]
----DW: April Faith Eldridge [Chidwick] (26) [1929]
----DS: Annette Nancy Eldridge 'Annie' (3) [1952]
---DD: Edith Martha Miller [Eldridge] (23) [1932]
----DH: Zacchaeus Levi Miller 'Zach' (25) [1930]
DS: Reuben Ira Westmancott (46) [1909]
--DW: Ada Irene Westmancott [Cattermole] (44) [1911]
---DD: Esther Jean Jacobs [Westmancott] 'Essie' (26) [1929]
----DH: Gabriel James Jacobs (26) [1929]
----DD: Eve Gloria Jacobs 'Evie' (2) [1953]
---DD: Lois Joyce Davy [Westmancott] (24) [1931]
----DH: Quentin Travis Davy (27) [1928]
---DS: Aaron John Westmancott (21) [1934]
----DW: Sylvia Janet Westmancott [Regan] (20) [1935]
---DS: Isaac Joel Westmancott (died from cancer) [1936-1952]
---DD: Lydia Joan Westmancott (16) [1939]
---DS/DD: Jesse Jack Westmancott / Judith Jane Westmancott(13) [1942]
Elizabeth Maud Giovanni [Westmancott] 'Bess' (45) [1910]
--DH: Marko Elias Giovanni (48) [1907]
---DD: Phoebe Rosina Giovanni (22) [1933]
Phoebe Rose Westmancott [1910](deceased)
Solomon John Westmancott (43) [1912]
--DW: Catherine Ida Westmancott 'Kitty' [Ellis] (43) [1912]
---DD: Mabel Ida Westmancott (18) [1937]
---DS/DS: Albert Seth Westmancott 'Bertie' / Alfred Solomon Westmancott 'Alfie' (15) [1940]
Saul Matthew Westmancott (killed in WW2) [1912-1943]
--DW: Anna Valerie Westmancott [Jennings] (42) [1913]
---DS: Charles Saul Westmancott 'Charlie' (20) [1935]
---DD: Frances Annie Westmancott 'Frankie' (18) [1937]
---DS: Louis Victor Westmancott 'Louie' (14) [1941]
DD: Ruth Anne Westmancott (40) [1915]
---AD: Clementine Renee Westmancott 'Clemmie' (20) [1935]
---AD: Genevieve Yvette Westmancott (18) [1937]
DS: Jesse Victor Westmancott (killed in WW2) [1918-1940]
LN: Kennedy
DH: William John (70) [1885]
DW: Elizabeth Caroline [Henson] (deaceased) [1886-1952]
DD: Caroline Louise (50)[1905]
--DH: Jack Charles LN: Scott (52) [1903]
---DS: John Kennedy (29) [1926]
----DW: Evelyn Madeline [Brooks] (27) [1928]
-----DS: Jonathan Christopher(6)[1949]
-----DS: Andrew Bradley (4) [1951]
-----DS: Thomas Kennedy "Tom" (2) [1953]
---DS: James Matthew(28) [1927]
----DW: Grace Eloise Marie [Jennings] (24) [1931]
-----DD: Jennifer Grace (1) [1954]
-----DS: Matthew William Jack (nb) [1955]
---DD: Caroline Joan "Joan" (26) [1929]
----DH: Thaddeus Eugene "Tad" LN: Buchanan (30)[1925]
-----DS: Scott Thaddeus (4) [1951]
-----DD: Elizabeth Joy "Liza" (2) [1953]
---DD: Janet Elizabeth (23) [1932]
----DH: Gerald Frederick "Gerry" LN: Cramer(23) [1932]
-----DD: Jocelyn Caroline (nb) [1955]
---DS: Joseph Charles (19) [1936]
DS: William John Jr. (49)[1906]
--DW: Catherine Ruth [Bennet] (45) [1910]
---DS: William John III (22) [1933]
----DW: Laura Kathryn [Cramer] (22) [1933]
---DD: Kathleen Elizabeth (20) [1935]
---DS: Lawrence David (18) [1937]
---DS: Robert Bennet (16) [1939]
DS: George Henry (47) [1908]
--DW: Olivia Grace [Smith](46) [1909]
---DD: Irene Ruby Grace (24) [1931]
----DH: John Daniel "Jack" LN: Hudson (25) [1931]
-----DS: Daniel George (3) [1952]
-----DS: John Edward (nb) [1955]
---DD: Carolyn Dorothy Elizabeth (21) [1934]
---DS: Henry George Henson (20) [1935]
DD: Alice Margaret (45) [1910]
--DH: Jonathan Phillip LN: Bauer (47) [1908]
---DS: Phillip Kennedy (23) [1932]
---DD: Audrey Alice (22) [1933]
---DS: John Patrick (20) [1935]
---DD: Lillian Elizabeth (17) [1938]
---DD/DS: Patricia Louise/ Peter William (15) [1940]
DS: Thomas Walter (44) [1911]
--DW: Amelia Lujza [Shriver] (42) [1913]
---DD: Cecilia Anita (19) [1936]
---DS: Richard Thomas (16) [1939]
---DS: Stephen William (14) [1941]
---DD: Eva Amelia Grace (13) [1942]
DD: Mary Frances Katherine (43) [1912]
--DH: Benjamin Jacob LN: Lewis (43) [1912]
DH: William John (70) [1885]
DW: Elizabeth Caroline [Henson] (deaceased) [1886-1952]
DD: Caroline Louise (50)[1905]
--DH: Jack Charles LN: Scott (52) [1903]
---DS: John Kennedy (29) [1926]
----DW: Evelyn Madeline [Brooks] (27) [1928]
-----DS: Jonathan Christopher(6)[1949]
-----DS: Andrew Bradley (4) [1951]
-----DS: Thomas Kennedy "Tom" (2) [1953]
---DS: James Matthew(28) [1927]
----DW: Grace Eloise Marie [Jennings] (24) [1931]
-----DD: Jennifer Grace (1) [1954]
-----DS: Matthew William Jack (nb) [1955]
---DD: Caroline Joan "Joan" (26) [1929]
----DH: Thaddeus Eugene "Tad" LN: Buchanan (30)[1925]
-----DS: Scott Thaddeus (4) [1951]
-----DD: Elizabeth Joy "Liza" (2) [1953]
---DD: Janet Elizabeth (23) [1932]
----DH: Gerald Frederick "Gerry" LN: Cramer(23) [1932]
-----DD: Jocelyn Caroline (nb) [1955]
---DS: Joseph Charles (19) [1936]
DS: William John Jr. (49)[1906]
--DW: Catherine Ruth [Bennet] (45) [1910]
---DS: William John III (22) [1933]
----DW: Laura Kathryn [Cramer] (22) [1933]
---DD: Kathleen Elizabeth (20) [1935]
---DS: Lawrence David (18) [1937]
---DS: Robert Bennet (16) [1939]
DS: George Henry (47) [1908]
--DW: Olivia Grace [Smith](46) [1909]
---DD: Irene Ruby Grace (24) [1931]
----DH: John Daniel "Jack" LN: Hudson (25) [1931]
-----DS: Daniel George (3) [1952]
-----DS: John Edward (nb) [1955]
---DD: Carolyn Dorothy Elizabeth (21) [1934]
---DS: Henry George Henson (20) [1935]
DD: Alice Margaret (45) [1910]
--DH: Jonathan Phillip LN: Bauer (47) [1908]
---DS: Phillip Kennedy (23) [1932]
---DD: Audrey Alice (22) [1933]
---DS: John Patrick (20) [1935]
---DD: Lillian Elizabeth (17) [1938]
---DD/DS: Patricia Louise/ Peter William (15) [1940]
DS: Thomas Walter (44) [1911]
--DW: Amelia Lujza [Shriver] (42) [1913]
---DD: Cecilia Anita (19) [1936]
---DS: Richard Thomas (16) [1939]
---DS: Stephen William (14) [1941]
---DD: Eva Amelia Grace (13) [1942]
DD: Mary Frances Katherine (43) [1912]
--DH: Benjamin Jacob LN: Lewis (43) [1912]
This message was edited 8/28/2010, 9:42 PM
LN: James
DH: Joseph "Joe" Henry (70) [1885]
DW: Clara Ethel [Graves] (69) [1886]
DD: Cora Ruth (50) [1905]
-- Clayton Wesley "Clay" Addison (51) [1904]
---DD: Anna Edith (29) [1926]
----DH: Raymond Tyler "Ray" Jarvis (31) [1924]
-----DS: Thomas Troy "Tommy" (6) [1949]
-----DS: Timothy Todd "Timmy" (4) [1951]
---DS: Richard Arthur "Ricky" (27) [1928]
----DW: Felicity Nadine [Townsend] (24) [1931]
-----DS: August Casper (1) [1954]
---DS: Kenneth Ralph "Ken" (26) [1929]
----DW: Gloria Minerva [Minor] (24) [1931]
---DD: Elizabeth Joann "Ellie" (24) [1931]
----DH: Emmett Preston Schleich (26) [1929]
-----DD: Theodora Agnes "Teddy" (2) [1953]
---DS: Russel Leroy "Russ" (23) [1932]
DD: Elizabeth Virginia (deceased) [1907-1908]
DS: Charles "Charlie" David (46) [1909]
--DW: Jane Therese [Jackson] (45) [1910]
---DS: Andrew Lee "Andy" (24) [1930]
----DW: Sally Teresa [Punch] (23) [1931]
-----DS: Elijah Leon (0) [1955]
---DS: Benjamin Keith "Ben" (23) [1931]
---DS: Rodney Oliver "Rod" (22) [1933]
---DS: Perry Jacob (20) [1935]
---DD: Emma Hope (deceased) [1937-1948]
---DS: Leonard Glenn “Leo” (15) [1940]
DS: Matthew Henry (45) [1910]
--DW: Emma Grace [Jones] (42) [1913]
--DD: Mildred Ann "Millie" (21) [1934]
----DS: Colin Dallas (3) [1952]
--DS: Nicholas Hugo “Nick” (18) [1937]
--DS: Peter Neil (16) [1939]
--DD: Grace Liza “Gracie” (14) [1941]
DS: Peter Robert (43) [1912]
--DW: Rita Sofia [Conti] (43) [1912]
---DD: Josephine Hazel "Josie" (21) [1934]
---DD: Kathleen Lena “Kat” (18) [1937]
---DS: Jesse Martin (14) [1941]
DD: Emma Mary (42) [1913]
--DH: Thomas Ivan "Tom" Riley (45) [1910]
---DS/DS: Simon Conrad / Harry Arnold (22) [1933]
---DD: Gwendolyn Ramona "Gwen" (20) [1935]
---DD: Caroline Sue “Carrie” (17) [1938]
---DS: Levi Owen (15) [1940]
DS: Jack Thomas (42) [1913]
--DW: Philomena Vera [Ambrose] (40) [1915]
---DS: Seth George (18) [1937]
---DS/DS: Elliott Noah / Elijah Nicholas (16) [1939]
DH: Joseph "Joe" Henry (70) [1885]
DW: Clara Ethel [Graves] (69) [1886]
DD: Cora Ruth (50) [1905]
-- Clayton Wesley "Clay" Addison (51) [1904]
---DD: Anna Edith (29) [1926]
----DH: Raymond Tyler "Ray" Jarvis (31) [1924]
-----DS: Thomas Troy "Tommy" (6) [1949]
-----DS: Timothy Todd "Timmy" (4) [1951]
---DS: Richard Arthur "Ricky" (27) [1928]
----DW: Felicity Nadine [Townsend] (24) [1931]
-----DS: August Casper (1) [1954]
---DS: Kenneth Ralph "Ken" (26) [1929]
----DW: Gloria Minerva [Minor] (24) [1931]
---DD: Elizabeth Joann "Ellie" (24) [1931]
----DH: Emmett Preston Schleich (26) [1929]
-----DD: Theodora Agnes "Teddy" (2) [1953]
---DS: Russel Leroy "Russ" (23) [1932]
DD: Elizabeth Virginia (deceased) [1907-1908]
DS: Charles "Charlie" David (46) [1909]
--DW: Jane Therese [Jackson] (45) [1910]
---DS: Andrew Lee "Andy" (24) [1930]
----DW: Sally Teresa [Punch] (23) [1931]
-----DS: Elijah Leon (0) [1955]
---DS: Benjamin Keith "Ben" (23) [1931]
---DS: Rodney Oliver "Rod" (22) [1933]
---DS: Perry Jacob (20) [1935]
---DD: Emma Hope (deceased) [1937-1948]
---DS: Leonard Glenn “Leo” (15) [1940]
DS: Matthew Henry (45) [1910]
--DW: Emma Grace [Jones] (42) [1913]
--DD: Mildred Ann "Millie" (21) [1934]
----DS: Colin Dallas (3) [1952]
--DS: Nicholas Hugo “Nick” (18) [1937]
--DS: Peter Neil (16) [1939]
--DD: Grace Liza “Gracie” (14) [1941]
DS: Peter Robert (43) [1912]
--DW: Rita Sofia [Conti] (43) [1912]
---DD: Josephine Hazel "Josie" (21) [1934]
---DD: Kathleen Lena “Kat” (18) [1937]
---DS: Jesse Martin (14) [1941]
DD: Emma Mary (42) [1913]
--DH: Thomas Ivan "Tom" Riley (45) [1910]
---DS/DS: Simon Conrad / Harry Arnold (22) [1933]
---DD: Gwendolyn Ramona "Gwen" (20) [1935]
---DD: Caroline Sue “Carrie” (17) [1938]
---DS: Levi Owen (15) [1940]
DS: Jack Thomas (42) [1913]
--DW: Philomena Vera [Ambrose] (40) [1915]
---DS: Seth George (18) [1937]
---DS/DS: Elliott Noah / Elijah Nicholas (16) [1939]
DH1: Abel Joseph Dempsey (deceased) [1885-1917]
DW: Evelyn Lenore [Guthrie] Sullivan (69) [1886]
--DS (twin): Jack Benton Dempsey (50) [1905]
---DW: Charlotte Alice [Bleeker] Dempsey (47) [1908]
---DS: Jack Benton Dempsey, Jr. "Ben" (deceased) [1926-1944]
---DS: Julian Walter Dempsey (28) [1927]
----DW: Priscilla Mabel [Padgett] Dempsey "Cilla" (28) [1927]
----DS: Jack Benjamin Dempsey (9) [1946]
----DS/DD: Glenn Walter Dempsey / Eleanor Diane Dempsey (2) [1953]
---DS: Jacob Leland Dempsey (27) [1928]
----DW: Lana Bernadette [Nielsen] Dempsey (23) [1932]
----DD: Kathryn Annette Dempsey (nb) [1955]
---DD: Josephine Mary Dempsey (20) [1935]
---DS: Jonathan Albert Dempsey (12) [1943]
--DD (twin): Grace Lillian [Dempsey] Prescott (50) [1905]
---DH: Loren Mitchell Prescott IV (54) [1901]
---DD: Cecilia Victoria [Prescott] Underwood (28) [1927]
----DH: Judson Lloyd Underwood (29) [1926]
---DS: Loren Mitchell Prescott V (26) [1929]
----DFiancée: Iris Jacqueline Lohse (21) [1934]
---DD: Ramona Lucille Prescott (24) [1931]
----DBf: Pierce Sterling Haversham (27) [1928]
---DS: Carlton Gerard Prescott (22) [1933]
--DS: Nathan Conrad Dempsey (48) [1907]
---DW: Viola Simone [Talbot] Dempsey (43) [1912]
---DD: Matilda Caroline Dempsey (21) [1934]
---DD: Audrey Joyce Dempsey (19) [1936]
---DS: Paul Andrew Dempsey (13) [1942]
--DS: Anthony David Dempsey (deceased) [1908-1909]
--DS: Stephen James Dempsey (45) [1910]
---DW: Stella Maria [Duquesne] Dempsey (45) [1910]
---DS/DD: George Thomas Dempsey / Ruth Virginia Dempsey (20) [1935]
---DS: Stuart Henry Dempsey (17) [1938]
---DD: Vivian Agnes Dempsey (14) [1941]
--DS: William Louis Dempsey (44) [1911]
---DW: Sarah Ingrid [Kelley] Dempsey (39) [1916]
---DD: Lillian Colleen Dempsey "Lily" (11) [1944]
---DD: Stella Deanna Dempsey (8) [1947]
---DD: Cassandra Janet Dempsey (3) [1952]
--DD: Isabelle Marian [Dempsey] Theriot (42) [1913]
---DH: Jasper Daniel Theriot (46) [1909]
DW: Evelyn Lenore [Guthrie] Sullivan (69) [1886]
--DS (twin): Jack Benton Dempsey (50) [1905]
---DW: Charlotte Alice [Bleeker] Dempsey (47) [1908]
---DS: Jack Benton Dempsey, Jr. "Ben" (deceased) [1926-1944]
---DS: Julian Walter Dempsey (28) [1927]
----DW: Priscilla Mabel [Padgett] Dempsey "Cilla" (28) [1927]
----DS: Jack Benjamin Dempsey (9) [1946]
----DS/DD: Glenn Walter Dempsey / Eleanor Diane Dempsey (2) [1953]
---DS: Jacob Leland Dempsey (27) [1928]
----DW: Lana Bernadette [Nielsen] Dempsey (23) [1932]
----DD: Kathryn Annette Dempsey (nb) [1955]
---DD: Josephine Mary Dempsey (20) [1935]
---DS: Jonathan Albert Dempsey (12) [1943]
--DD (twin): Grace Lillian [Dempsey] Prescott (50) [1905]
---DH: Loren Mitchell Prescott IV (54) [1901]
---DD: Cecilia Victoria [Prescott] Underwood (28) [1927]
----DH: Judson Lloyd Underwood (29) [1926]
---DS: Loren Mitchell Prescott V (26) [1929]
----DFiancée: Iris Jacqueline Lohse (21) [1934]
---DD: Ramona Lucille Prescott (24) [1931]
----DBf: Pierce Sterling Haversham (27) [1928]
---DS: Carlton Gerard Prescott (22) [1933]
--DS: Nathan Conrad Dempsey (48) [1907]
---DW: Viola Simone [Talbot] Dempsey (43) [1912]
---DD: Matilda Caroline Dempsey (21) [1934]
---DD: Audrey Joyce Dempsey (19) [1936]
---DS: Paul Andrew Dempsey (13) [1942]
--DS: Anthony David Dempsey (deceased) [1908-1909]
--DS: Stephen James Dempsey (45) [1910]
---DW: Stella Maria [Duquesne] Dempsey (45) [1910]
---DS/DD: George Thomas Dempsey / Ruth Virginia Dempsey (20) [1935]
---DS: Stuart Henry Dempsey (17) [1938]
---DD: Vivian Agnes Dempsey (14) [1941]
--DS: William Louis Dempsey (44) [1911]
---DW: Sarah Ingrid [Kelley] Dempsey (39) [1916]
---DD: Lillian Colleen Dempsey "Lily" (11) [1944]
---DD: Stella Deanna Dempsey (8) [1947]
---DD: Cassandra Janet Dempsey (3) [1952]
--DD: Isabelle Marian [Dempsey] Theriot (42) [1913]
---DH: Jasper Daniel Theriot (46) [1909]
LN: Hosteen
DH: Tobias Blair (70) [1885] {deceased}
DW: Gwendolyn Zenobia "Gwen" [Percival] (69) [1886] {deceased}
-DD: Christina Rebecca "Tina" (50) [1905]
--DH: William Ulysses "Liam" Jensen (52) [1903]
----DS: Kenneth William Jensen (28) [1927]
------DW: Andrea Bonnie [Thorne] Jensen (28) [1927]
--------DD: Rebecca Lorraine "Becky" Jensen (4) [1951]
--------DD: Abigail Sheila "Bia" Jensen (2) [1953]
----DD: Gloria Lorraine [Jensen] Douglass (27) [1929]
------DH: Ruben Pierre Douglass (30) [1926]
--------DS: Martin Howard "Marty" Douglass (1) [1954]
----DD/DS: Hedwig Maria "Heidi" [Jensen] Glendale / Ludwig Ralph "Lou" Jensen (25) [1931]
------Heidi's DH: Perry Conrad Glendale (25) [1931]
--------DD: Mildred Odessa "Milly" Glendale (3) [1952]
--------DS: Walter Hamish "Wally" Glendale (1) [1954]
--------DS: Archibald Darrell "Archie" Glendale (nb) [1955]
------Lou's DW: Ethel Colleen [York] Jensen (23) [1933]
--------DS: Raymond Myron "Ray" Jensen (nb) [1955]
----DD: Meredith Shirley "Mary" Jensen (23) [1933]
------DFiancé: Clarence Brandon Ulgar (25) [1931]
----DS/DS: Solomon Rupert Jensen / Clement Henry Jensen (20) [1935]
-DS/DD/DS: Reuben Conrad "Ben"/ Martha Louise Stanford / Peter Joel (48) [1907]
--Ben's DW: Carolyn Cynthia {Carlson} Hosteen (46) [1909]
----DD/DS/DD: Bertha Claire Hosteen "Betty" / Bartholomew Conrad "Bart" Hosteen / Beverly Camille Hosteen "Bev" (14) [1941]
----DD: Bernadette Cassandra Hosteen (9) [1946]
--Martha's DH: Solomon Neil Stanford (51) [1904] {deceased}
----DS: Simon Orson Stanford (12) [1943]
--Peter's DW: Rachel Cora Hosteen (48) [1907]
----DD: Phillipa Rosemary Hosteen (11) [1944] {deceased}
----DD: Thomasina Dolores Hosteen (9) [1946] {deceased}
----DD: Josephine Ingrid Hosteen (7) [1948] {deceased}
----DD: Maxine Opal Hosteen (5) [1950] {deceased}
----DS: Theodore Kurt Hosteen (3) [1952] {deceased}
-DS: Abraham Paul "Abe" (47) [1908]
--DW: Denisa Marguerite {Parlen} "Denny" Hosteen (45) [1910]
----DS: Basil Paul Hosteen (21) [1934]
DH: Tobias Blair (70) [1885] {deceased}
DW: Gwendolyn Zenobia "Gwen" [Percival] (69) [1886] {deceased}
-DD: Christina Rebecca "Tina" (50) [1905]
--DH: William Ulysses "Liam" Jensen (52) [1903]
----DS: Kenneth William Jensen (28) [1927]
------DW: Andrea Bonnie [Thorne] Jensen (28) [1927]
--------DD: Rebecca Lorraine "Becky" Jensen (4) [1951]
--------DD: Abigail Sheila "Bia" Jensen (2) [1953]
----DD: Gloria Lorraine [Jensen] Douglass (27) [1929]
------DH: Ruben Pierre Douglass (30) [1926]
--------DS: Martin Howard "Marty" Douglass (1) [1954]
----DD/DS: Hedwig Maria "Heidi" [Jensen] Glendale / Ludwig Ralph "Lou" Jensen (25) [1931]
------Heidi's DH: Perry Conrad Glendale (25) [1931]
--------DD: Mildred Odessa "Milly" Glendale (3) [1952]
--------DS: Walter Hamish "Wally" Glendale (1) [1954]
--------DS: Archibald Darrell "Archie" Glendale (nb) [1955]
------Lou's DW: Ethel Colleen [York] Jensen (23) [1933]
--------DS: Raymond Myron "Ray" Jensen (nb) [1955]
----DD: Meredith Shirley "Mary" Jensen (23) [1933]
------DFiancé: Clarence Brandon Ulgar (25) [1931]
----DS/DS: Solomon Rupert Jensen / Clement Henry Jensen (20) [1935]
-DS/DD/DS: Reuben Conrad "Ben"/ Martha Louise Stanford / Peter Joel (48) [1907]
--Ben's DW: Carolyn Cynthia {Carlson} Hosteen (46) [1909]
----DD/DS/DD: Bertha Claire Hosteen "Betty" / Bartholomew Conrad "Bart" Hosteen / Beverly Camille Hosteen "Bev" (14) [1941]
----DD: Bernadette Cassandra Hosteen (9) [1946]
--Martha's DH: Solomon Neil Stanford (51) [1904] {deceased}
----DS: Simon Orson Stanford (12) [1943]
--Peter's DW: Rachel Cora Hosteen (48) [1907]
----DD: Phillipa Rosemary Hosteen (11) [1944] {deceased}
----DD: Thomasina Dolores Hosteen (9) [1946] {deceased}
----DD: Josephine Ingrid Hosteen (7) [1948] {deceased}
----DD: Maxine Opal Hosteen (5) [1950] {deceased}
----DS: Theodore Kurt Hosteen (3) [1952] {deceased}
-DS: Abraham Paul "Abe" (47) [1908]
--DW: Denisa Marguerite {Parlen} "Denny" Hosteen (45) [1910]
----DS: Basil Paul Hosteen (21) [1934]
DH: Samuel James Grey (70) [1885]
DW: Minnie Pearl [Carter] Grey (69) [1886]
DD: Matilda Christine "Tilda" [Grey] Wexler (50) [1905]
--DH: Charles Harold Wexler (55) [1900]
--DS: Theodore Daniel Wexler (29) [1926]
----DW: Paula Marlene [Fielding] Wexler (26) [1929]
----DS: Milton Roman Wexler (2) [1953]
----DD: Nina Theodora Wexler (nb) [1955]
--DS: John Francis Wexler (25) [1930]
----DW: Lana Cheryl [Roan] Wexler (25) [1930]
--DS: Julius Carl Wexler (14) [1941]
DS: Leonard Silas Grey (49) [1906]
--DW: Emma Fay [Cross] Grey (48) [1907]
--DS: Stephen Franklin Grey (24) [1931]
----DW: Beatrice Elaine [Miller] Grey (20) [1935]
--DD: Clara Mildred Grey (21) [1934]
DD: Thelma Ruth [Grey] Mattingly (46) [1909]
--DH: Adam Gerald Mattingly (50) [1905]
--DS: Abraham Victor Mattingly (22) [1933]
--DD: Lillian Dorothea Mattingly (19) [1936]
--DD: Agnes Kathryn Mattingly (15) [1940]
DS: Abraham Victor Grey (deceased) [1909-1909]
DS: Felix Arthur Grey (45) [1910]
--DW: Dana Caroline [Donall] Grey (43) [1912]
--DD: Imelda Joan [Grey] Wellington (18) [1937]
----DH: Howard Lawrence Wellington (19) [1936]
----DS: Benedict Noah Wellington (1) [1954]
--DS: Simon Alexander Grey (15) [1940]
DD: Katherine Hazel Grey (deceased) [1912-1914]
DD: Evelyn Dorothy [Grey] Hamilton (40) [1915]
--DH: Wilbur Otto Hamilton (56) [1899]
--DD: Vivian Mabel Hamilton (10) [1945]
--DD: Vera Jocelyn Hamilton (4) [1951]
DD: Eleanore Fern [Grey] Sutton (36) [1919]
--DH: Nicolas Leopold Sutton (36) [1919]
--DS: Conrad August Sutton (11) [1944]
--DS: Thaddeus Arlington Sutton (9) [1946]
--DD: Wilma Ottilia Sutton (7) [1948]
--DS: Douglas Sanford Sutton (6) [1949]
--DD/DD: Clementine Hope Sutton & Philomena Kay Sutton (3) [1952]
--DS: Eric Bartholomew Sutton (nb) [1955]
DW: Minnie Pearl [Carter] Grey (69) [1886]
DD: Matilda Christine "Tilda" [Grey] Wexler (50) [1905]
--DH: Charles Harold Wexler (55) [1900]
--DS: Theodore Daniel Wexler (29) [1926]
----DW: Paula Marlene [Fielding] Wexler (26) [1929]
----DS: Milton Roman Wexler (2) [1953]
----DD: Nina Theodora Wexler (nb) [1955]
--DS: John Francis Wexler (25) [1930]
----DW: Lana Cheryl [Roan] Wexler (25) [1930]
--DS: Julius Carl Wexler (14) [1941]
DS: Leonard Silas Grey (49) [1906]
--DW: Emma Fay [Cross] Grey (48) [1907]
--DS: Stephen Franklin Grey (24) [1931]
----DW: Beatrice Elaine [Miller] Grey (20) [1935]
--DD: Clara Mildred Grey (21) [1934]
DD: Thelma Ruth [Grey] Mattingly (46) [1909]
--DH: Adam Gerald Mattingly (50) [1905]
--DS: Abraham Victor Mattingly (22) [1933]
--DD: Lillian Dorothea Mattingly (19) [1936]
--DD: Agnes Kathryn Mattingly (15) [1940]
DS: Abraham Victor Grey (deceased) [1909-1909]
DS: Felix Arthur Grey (45) [1910]
--DW: Dana Caroline [Donall] Grey (43) [1912]
--DD: Imelda Joan [Grey] Wellington (18) [1937]
----DH: Howard Lawrence Wellington (19) [1936]
----DS: Benedict Noah Wellington (1) [1954]
--DS: Simon Alexander Grey (15) [1940]
DD: Katherine Hazel Grey (deceased) [1912-1914]
DD: Evelyn Dorothy [Grey] Hamilton (40) [1915]
--DH: Wilbur Otto Hamilton (56) [1899]
--DD: Vivian Mabel Hamilton (10) [1945]
--DD: Vera Jocelyn Hamilton (4) [1951]
DD: Eleanore Fern [Grey] Sutton (36) [1919]
--DH: Nicolas Leopold Sutton (36) [1919]
--DS: Conrad August Sutton (11) [1944]
--DS: Thaddeus Arlington Sutton (9) [1946]
--DD: Wilma Ottilia Sutton (7) [1948]
--DS: Douglas Sanford Sutton (6) [1949]
--DD/DD: Clementine Hope Sutton & Philomena Kay Sutton (3) [1952]
--DS: Eric Bartholomew Sutton (nb) [1955]
This message was edited 8/28/2010, 12:45 PM
LN: Pleasant
DH: Arthur William Pleasant (deceased) (1885-1939)
ExW: Nora Virginia (Rutherford) Pleasant (deceased) (1886-1914)
DW: Violet Estelle (Hennery) Pleasant (55) (1900)
DS: Edward Isaac Pleasant (50) (1905)
--DW: Stella Pauline (Loyal) Pleasant (47) (1908)
---DD: Nova Winifred Pleasant (27) (1928)
-----DH: Jeremiah Seth Mueller (30) (1925)
-------DS: Leopold Lyle Mueller "Leo" (2) (1953)
---DD: Adelina Pearl (Pleasant) Blackbridge (26) (1929)
-----DH: Spencer Eugene Blackbridge (27) (1928)
---DS/DS: Edward Isaac Pleasant II / Albin Logan Pleasant (22) (1933)
DD: Imogene Evelyn Pleasant (deceased) (1906-1906)
DS: James Anthony Pleasant (48) (1907)
--DW: Julia Anna (Durwood) Pleasant (45) (1910)
---DS: Joel Alton Pleasant (24) (1931)
---DD: Joy Alma Pleasant (21) (1934)
---DD: Jocelyn Amanda Pleasant (18) (1937)
---DD: Judith Audrey Pleasant (16) (1939)
---DS: Jacob Aloysius Pleasant (13) (1942)
---DS/DD: Jasper Ambrose Pleasant / Jamesina Alexandra Pleasant "Jam" (9) (46)
DD: Rosemary Clara (Pleasant) O'Connor "Rose" (46) (1909)
--DH: Patrick Alfred O'Connor (50) (1905)
---DD: Nina-Rosalia Sylvia (O'Connor) Bowie "Nina" (29) (1926)
-----DH: Felix Elliot Bowie (29) (1926)
-------DD: Miriam Naomi Bowie (3) (1952)
-------DD: Eloise Regina Bowie (0) (1955)
---DS: Wesley Harvey O'Connor (23) (1932)
---DD: Mary-Ellen Philippa O'Connor "Mary" (19) (1936)
---DS/DD: Solomon George O'Connor / Juliet-Lucille Wilhelmina O'Connor "Lucy" (15) (1940)
DS: David Claude Pleasant (deceased) (1910-1910)
DS/DS: Jack Oscar Pleasant / Philip Rufus Pleasant (43) (1912)
--Jack's DW: Liliana Dorothy (Dotter) Pleasant "Lily" (deceased) (1912-1954)
---DD: Theodora Eleanor Pleasant "Thea" (14) (1941)
---DD: Camille Cecilia Pleasant (12) (1943)
--Philip's DW: Matilda Clementine (Troy) Pleasant (43) (1912)
---DS: Alexander Bartholomew Pleasant "Xander" (18) (1937)
---DD: Philomena Lydia Pleasant "Mena" (16) (1939)
---DD: Mildred Ophelia Pleasant "Milly" (13) (1942)
LN: Pleasant
DH: Arthur William Pleasant (deceased) (1885-1939)
ExW: Nora Virginia (Rutherford) Pleasant (deceased) (1886-1914)
DW: Violet Estelle (Hennery) Pleasant (55) (1900)
DS: Edward Isaac Pleasant (50) (1905)
--DW: Stella Pauline (Loyal) Pleasant (47) (1908)
---DD: Nova Winifred Pleasant (27) (1928)
-----DH: Jeremiah Seth Mueller (30) (1925)
-------DS: Leopold Lyle Mueller "Leo" (2) (1953)
---DD: Adelina Pearl (Pleasant) Blackbridge (26) (1929)
-----DH: Spencer Eugene Blackbridge (27) (1928)
---DS/DS: Edward Isaac Pleasant II / Albin Logan Pleasant (22) (1933)
DD: Imogene Evelyn Pleasant (deceased) (1906-1906)
DS: James Anthony Pleasant (48) (1907)
--DW: Julia Anna (Durwood) Pleasant (45) (1910)
---DS: Joel Alton Pleasant (24) (1931)
---DD: Joy Alma Pleasant (21) (1934)
---DD: Jocelyn Amanda Pleasant (18) (1937)
---DD: Judith Audrey Pleasant (16) (1939)
---DS: Jacob Aloysius Pleasant (13) (1942)
---DS/DD: Jasper Ambrose Pleasant / Jamesina Alexandra Pleasant "Jam" (9) (46)
DD: Rosemary Clara (Pleasant) O'Connor "Rose" (46) (1909)
--DH: Patrick Alfred O'Connor (50) (1905)
---DD: Nina-Rosalia Sylvia (O'Connor) Bowie "Nina" (29) (1926)
-----DH: Felix Elliot Bowie (29) (1926)
-------DD: Miriam Naomi Bowie (3) (1952)
-------DD: Eloise Regina Bowie (0) (1955)
---DS: Wesley Harvey O'Connor (23) (1932)
---DD: Mary-Ellen Philippa O'Connor "Mary" (19) (1936)
---DS/DD: Solomon George O'Connor / Juliet-Lucille Wilhelmina O'Connor "Lucy" (15) (1940)
DS: David Claude Pleasant (deceased) (1910-1910)
DS/DS: Jack Oscar Pleasant / Philip Rufus Pleasant (43) (1912)
--Jack's DW: Liliana Dorothy (Dotter) Pleasant "Lily" (deceased) (1912-1954)
---DD: Theodora Eleanor Pleasant "Thea" (14) (1941)
---DD: Camille Cecilia Pleasant (12) (1943)
--Philip's DW: Matilda Clementine (Troy) Pleasant (43) (1912)
---DS: Alexander Bartholomew Pleasant "Xander" (18) (1937)
---DD: Philomena Lydia Pleasant "Mena" (16) (1939)
---DD: Mildred Ophelia Pleasant "Milly" (13) (1942)
LN: Samuels
DH: Josiah Ezekiel Samuels (70) [1885]
DW: Hazel Charlotte [Willis] Samuels (69) [1886]
DD1: Miriam Frances 'Miri' (50) [1905]
DD2: Gwendolyn Florence 'Gwen' (Deceased) [1907 - 1911]
DD3: Clara Antonia (47) [1908]
DD4: Wilhelmina Corinne 'Mina' (45) [1910]
DD5: Lillian Dora 'Lilly' (43) [1912]
DD6: Eleanor Molly 'Nora' (41) [1914]
DS1: William Arthur 'Liam' (38) [1917]
DD7: Amelia Veronica 'Amy' (35) [1920]
DD8/DD9: Winifred Josephine 'Winnie' & Adelaide Katharine 'Addy' (32) [1923]
DS2: Matthew Jeremiah 'Matt' (Deceased) [1924]
DS3: Theodore Ronald 'Theo' (28) [1927]
DD10: Katherine Jacqueline 'Katie' (26) [1929]
DD11: Angelina Bernadette 'Lina' (25) [1930]
DD: Miriam Frances [Samuels] Richmond 'Miri' (50) [1905]
-DH: Victor Emerson Richmond (50) [1905]
-DD: Celeste Romaine {Richmond} Holt (28) [1927]
--DH: Alexander Thaddeus Holt (29) [1926]
--DS: Philip Martin Holt 'Phil' (7) [1948]
--DD: Eleanor Miriam Holt 'Ella' (4) [1951]
--DD: Lucille Mabel Holt 'Lucy' (2) [1953]
--DS: Victor Marcus Holt (nb) [1955]
-DS: Zane Addison Richmond (26) [1929]
--DW: Olivia Holly {James} Richmond (25) [1930]
--DD: Jessica Victoria Richmond (5) [1950]
--DD: Melanie Clara Richmond (3) [1952]
--DS/DS: Tobias Gabriel 'Toby' & Gregory Tyler Richmond 'Greg' (1) [1954]
-DD: Octavia Lavinia {Richmond} Lange (24) [1931]
--DH: Michael Adrian Lange 'Mike' (24) [1931]
--DS: Peter Donald Lange (2) [1953]
-DS: Spencer Nolan Richmond (20) [1935]
--DW: Rhonda Faith {Evans} Richmond (20) [1935]
-DD: Prudence Audrey Richmond (17) [1938]
-DS: Elias Raphael Richmond (15) [1940]
-DS: Leonard Howard Richmond (9) [1946]
DD: Clara Antonia [Samuels] Coleman (47) [1908]
-DH: Walter Gabriel Coleman (Deceased) [1906 - 1942]
-DS: Vincent Walter Coleman (29) [1926]
--DW: Emily Veronica {Ness} Coleman (30) [1925]
--DD: Philippa Delphine Coleman 'Pippa' (8) [1947]
--DD: Sylvia Claudia Coleman (6) [1949]
DH: Josiah Ezekiel Samuels (70) [1885]
DW: Hazel Charlotte [Willis] Samuels (69) [1886]
DD1: Miriam Frances 'Miri' (50) [1905]
DD2: Gwendolyn Florence 'Gwen' (Deceased) [1907 - 1911]
DD3: Clara Antonia (47) [1908]
DD4: Wilhelmina Corinne 'Mina' (45) [1910]
DD5: Lillian Dora 'Lilly' (43) [1912]
DD6: Eleanor Molly 'Nora' (41) [1914]
DS1: William Arthur 'Liam' (38) [1917]
DD7: Amelia Veronica 'Amy' (35) [1920]
DD8/DD9: Winifred Josephine 'Winnie' & Adelaide Katharine 'Addy' (32) [1923]
DS2: Matthew Jeremiah 'Matt' (Deceased) [1924]
DS3: Theodore Ronald 'Theo' (28) [1927]
DD10: Katherine Jacqueline 'Katie' (26) [1929]
DD11: Angelina Bernadette 'Lina' (25) [1930]
DD: Miriam Frances [Samuels] Richmond 'Miri' (50) [1905]
-DH: Victor Emerson Richmond (50) [1905]
-DD: Celeste Romaine {Richmond} Holt (28) [1927]
--DH: Alexander Thaddeus Holt (29) [1926]
--DS: Philip Martin Holt 'Phil' (7) [1948]
--DD: Eleanor Miriam Holt 'Ella' (4) [1951]
--DD: Lucille Mabel Holt 'Lucy' (2) [1953]
--DS: Victor Marcus Holt (nb) [1955]
-DS: Zane Addison Richmond (26) [1929]
--DW: Olivia Holly {James} Richmond (25) [1930]
--DD: Jessica Victoria Richmond (5) [1950]
--DD: Melanie Clara Richmond (3) [1952]
--DS/DS: Tobias Gabriel 'Toby' & Gregory Tyler Richmond 'Greg' (1) [1954]
-DD: Octavia Lavinia {Richmond} Lange (24) [1931]
--DH: Michael Adrian Lange 'Mike' (24) [1931]
--DS: Peter Donald Lange (2) [1953]
-DS: Spencer Nolan Richmond (20) [1935]
--DW: Rhonda Faith {Evans} Richmond (20) [1935]
-DD: Prudence Audrey Richmond (17) [1938]
-DS: Elias Raphael Richmond (15) [1940]
-DS: Leonard Howard Richmond (9) [1946]
DD: Clara Antonia [Samuels] Coleman (47) [1908]
-DH: Walter Gabriel Coleman (Deceased) [1906 - 1942]
-DS: Vincent Walter Coleman (29) [1926]
--DW: Emily Veronica {Ness} Coleman (30) [1925]
--DD: Philippa Delphine Coleman 'Pippa' (8) [1947]
--DD: Sylvia Claudia Coleman (6) [1949]
LN: Thompson
DH: William Alexander "Wil" [1885-1949]
DW: Rebekah Faith "Bekah" [North] [1886-1955]
Both Wil and Bekah Thompson have passed away in the last ten years. Wil was sixty-four years old when he passed away after suffering a stroke. Bekah was devastated by the loss of her husband of close to fifty years. She was never quite the same afterward. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1951. The cancer spread throughout her body, and she died earlier this year (1955) after four years.
DD: Loretta Margaret [Thompson] Jenkins "Lori" [1905](50)
--DH: Thomas Edward Jenkins [1902-1940]
--DS: Asa Thomas Jenkins [1926](29)
----DW: Samantha Crystal [McIntire] Jenkins "Sam" [1926](29)
----DS: Edward Thomas Alexander Jenkins "Eddie" [1951](4)
----DD: Emma Margaret Jenkins [1954](1)
--DS: Nelson Edward Jenkins "Nel" [1928-1951]
--DS: Larry Benjamin Jenkins [1930](25)
----DW: Tina Elizabeth [Curry-Fames] Jenkins [1934](21)
----DD/DD: Lillian Hazel Jenkins "Lilly" and Leona Blanche Jenkins [1955](0)
--DD: Annette Dawn Jenkins [1936](19)
Lori and Thomas' family is growing steadily. Most of their own children are married now. Unfortunately, in 1951, their son Nelson died in an accident at the steel plant where he worked. He was twenty-three years old, and left behind no family. Their eldest son Asa married Sam McIntire five years ago. Asa and Sam have two rambunctious children--Eddie and Emma. Larry married Tina Curry-Fames two years ago. The couple recently welcomed twin girls Lilly and Leona into their family! Annette is nineteen. She is in a serious dating relationship, and hopes to be married within the next year or two.
DD: Alice Rosalind [Thompson][Carroll] Smith [1906](49)
--DH1: Jonathan Albert Carroll [1906-1932]
--DH2: James Roland Smith Jr. [1904](51)
--AD: Rosemary Ines [Smith] Shaughnessy [1925](30)
----DH: Owen Patrick Shaughnessy [1920](35)
----DS: Clayton Porter Shaughnessy "Clay" [1949](6)
----DS: Roman Hamish Shaughnessy [1950](5)
DH: William Alexander "Wil" [1885-1949]
DW: Rebekah Faith "Bekah" [North] [1886-1955]
Both Wil and Bekah Thompson have passed away in the last ten years. Wil was sixty-four years old when he passed away after suffering a stroke. Bekah was devastated by the loss of her husband of close to fifty years. She was never quite the same afterward. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1951. The cancer spread throughout her body, and she died earlier this year (1955) after four years.
DD: Loretta Margaret [Thompson] Jenkins "Lori" [1905](50)
--DH: Thomas Edward Jenkins [1902-1940]
--DS: Asa Thomas Jenkins [1926](29)
----DW: Samantha Crystal [McIntire] Jenkins "Sam" [1926](29)
----DS: Edward Thomas Alexander Jenkins "Eddie" [1951](4)
----DD: Emma Margaret Jenkins [1954](1)
--DS: Nelson Edward Jenkins "Nel" [1928-1951]
--DS: Larry Benjamin Jenkins [1930](25)
----DW: Tina Elizabeth [Curry-Fames] Jenkins [1934](21)
----DD/DD: Lillian Hazel Jenkins "Lilly" and Leona Blanche Jenkins [1955](0)
--DD: Annette Dawn Jenkins [1936](19)
Lori and Thomas' family is growing steadily. Most of their own children are married now. Unfortunately, in 1951, their son Nelson died in an accident at the steel plant where he worked. He was twenty-three years old, and left behind no family. Their eldest son Asa married Sam McIntire five years ago. Asa and Sam have two rambunctious children--Eddie and Emma. Larry married Tina Curry-Fames two years ago. The couple recently welcomed twin girls Lilly and Leona into their family! Annette is nineteen. She is in a serious dating relationship, and hopes to be married within the next year or two.
DD: Alice Rosalind [Thompson][Carroll] Smith [1906](49)
--DH1: Jonathan Albert Carroll [1906-1932]
--DH2: James Roland Smith Jr. [1904](51)
--AD: Rosemary Ines [Smith] Shaughnessy [1925](30)
----DH: Owen Patrick Shaughnessy [1920](35)
----DS: Clayton Porter Shaughnessy "Clay" [1949](6)
----DS: Roman Hamish Shaughnessy [1950](5)
This message was edited 8/28/2010, 8:42 AM
LN: Madigan
DH: Samuel Thomas "Sam" (70) [November 3, 1885]
DW: Elizabeth Amelia [Harper] (69) [May 16, 1886]
-DD: Rose Amelia (50) [March 21, 1905]
--DH: Caleb Theodore [Lebeau] (50) [October 3, 1904]
---DD: Hannah Elizabeth (29) [May 30, 1926]
----DH: Oren Lyle [Jamisen] (30) [January 3, 1925]
-----DS: Quinn Lyle (5) [August 19, 1950]
-----DD: Vanessa Carol (nb) [April 4, 1955]
---DS: Aaron Theodore (26) [October 2, 1929]
---DD: Lydia Caroline (22) [June 16, 1933]
----DH: David Floyd (25) [February 25, 1930]
---DD: Julie Grace (22) [June 16, 1933]
-DD: Gwendolyn Hope "Gwen" (48) [September 24, 1907]
--DH: Gabriel Nicholas [Bertrand] (48) [July 19, 1907]
---DD: Nora Katherine (28) [August 25, 1927]
----DH: Austin Basil [Menkoff] (28) [November 2, 1927]
-----DD: Sara Gwendolyn (2) [June 5, 1953]
DH: Samuel Thomas "Sam" (70) [November 3, 1885]
DW: Elizabeth Amelia [Harper] (69) [May 16, 1886]
-DD: Rose Amelia (50) [March 21, 1905]
--DH: Caleb Theodore [Lebeau] (50) [October 3, 1904]
---DD: Hannah Elizabeth (29) [May 30, 1926]
----DH: Oren Lyle [Jamisen] (30) [January 3, 1925]
-----DS: Quinn Lyle (5) [August 19, 1950]
-----DD: Vanessa Carol (nb) [April 4, 1955]
---DS: Aaron Theodore (26) [October 2, 1929]
---DD: Lydia Caroline (22) [June 16, 1933]
----DH: David Floyd (25) [February 25, 1930]
---DD: Julie Grace (22) [June 16, 1933]
-DD: Gwendolyn Hope "Gwen" (48) [September 24, 1907]
--DH: Gabriel Nicholas [Bertrand] (48) [July 19, 1907]
---DD: Nora Katherine (28) [August 25, 1927]
----DH: Austin Basil [Menkoff] (28) [November 2, 1927]
-----DD: Sara Gwendolyn (2) [June 5, 1953]
LN: Maxwell
DH: Jasper Edward Maxwell (70) [1885]
DW: Leonie Frances [Reed] Maxwell (69) [1886]
DD: Lila Edith [Maxwell] Thornton (50) [1905]
---DH: Leander Anthony Thornton (56) [1899]
---DD: Leila Antonia [Thornton] Ellis (28) [1927]
------DH: John Lucas Ellis (41) [1914]
------DD/DD: Felicity Lorraine Ellis (1) [1954] / Melody Kathryn Ellis (1) [1954]
---DD: Laurel Edith Thornton (25) [1930]
---DS: Lucius Maxwell Thornton (21) [1934]
------DF: Genevieve Rosemary "Genny" Price (22) [1933]
---DS: Lawrence Quentin Thornton (deceased) [1940-1942]
---DS: Lee David Thornton (12) [1943]
DS: Stephen Felix Maxwell (stillborn) [1907]
DD: Rhea Aurelia [Maxwell] Gray (47) [1908]
---DH: Julian Vincent Gray (deceased) [1906-1953]
---DS: Julian Vincent Gray Jr. (26) [1929]
------DW: Thomasina Xanthe "Tamsin" [Scott] Gray] (23) [1932]
------DS: Julian Scott "Scotty" Gray (nb) [1955]
---DS/DD: Elias Raymond Gray (22) [1933] / Aurelia Rosemary Gray (22) [1933]
------DF(Elias): Zenobia Opal "Zena" West (19) [1936]
---DD: Olivia Mabel "Liv" Gray (18) [1937]
---DD: Claire Ingrid Gray (13) [1942]
DS: Edward Victor Maxwell (45) [1910]
---DW: Astra Eleanor [Hollis] Maxwell (39) [1916]
---DD: Victoria Eleanor Maxwell (14) [1941]
---DS: Edward Hollis "Eddie" Maxwell (8) [1947]
---DD: Stella Temperance Maxwell (2) [1953]
DS/DS: John Hollis Maxwell (stillborn) [1911] / Leo Forest Maxwell (deceased) [1911-1912]
DS: Jasper Reed "JR" Maxwell (42) [1913]
---DW: Katherine Julianna [Miles] Maxwell (39) [1916]
---DD: Amelia Katherine Maxwell (20) [1935]
---DS: Jasper Miles Maxwell (14) [1941]
---DS: Stephen Blair Maxwell (9) [1946]
---DD: Juliet Helen Maxwell (7) [1948]
---DD: Maureen Janet Maxwell (3) [1952]
DD/DD: Cordelia Frances [Maxwell] Arlington (40) [1915] / Therese Rosalind "Tess" [Maxwell] Rafferty (40) [1915]
---DH(Cordelia): Graham Walter Arlington (40) [1915]
---DD: Sophronia Frances "Sophy" Arlington (12) [1943]
LN: Maxwell
DH: Jasper Edward Maxwell (70) [1885]
DW: Leonie Frances [Reed] Maxwell (69) [1886]
DD: Lila Edith [Maxwell] Thornton (50) [1905]
---DH: Leander Anthony Thornton (56) [1899]
---DD: Leila Antonia [Thornton] Ellis (28) [1927]
------DH: John Lucas Ellis (41) [1914]
------DD/DD: Felicity Lorraine Ellis (1) [1954] / Melody Kathryn Ellis (1) [1954]
---DD: Laurel Edith Thornton (25) [1930]
---DS: Lucius Maxwell Thornton (21) [1934]
------DF: Genevieve Rosemary "Genny" Price (22) [1933]
---DS: Lawrence Quentin Thornton (deceased) [1940-1942]
---DS: Lee David Thornton (12) [1943]
DS: Stephen Felix Maxwell (stillborn) [1907]
DD: Rhea Aurelia [Maxwell] Gray (47) [1908]
---DH: Julian Vincent Gray (deceased) [1906-1953]
---DS: Julian Vincent Gray Jr. (26) [1929]
------DW: Thomasina Xanthe "Tamsin" [Scott] Gray] (23) [1932]
------DS: Julian Scott "Scotty" Gray (nb) [1955]
---DS/DD: Elias Raymond Gray (22) [1933] / Aurelia Rosemary Gray (22) [1933]
------DF(Elias): Zenobia Opal "Zena" West (19) [1936]
---DD: Olivia Mabel "Liv" Gray (18) [1937]
---DD: Claire Ingrid Gray (13) [1942]
DS: Edward Victor Maxwell (45) [1910]
---DW: Astra Eleanor [Hollis] Maxwell (39) [1916]
---DD: Victoria Eleanor Maxwell (14) [1941]
---DS: Edward Hollis "Eddie" Maxwell (8) [1947]
---DD: Stella Temperance Maxwell (2) [1953]
DS/DS: John Hollis Maxwell (stillborn) [1911] / Leo Forest Maxwell (deceased) [1911-1912]
DS: Jasper Reed "JR" Maxwell (42) [1913]
---DW: Katherine Julianna [Miles] Maxwell (39) [1916]
---DD: Amelia Katherine Maxwell (20) [1935]
---DS: Jasper Miles Maxwell (14) [1941]
---DS: Stephen Blair Maxwell (9) [1946]
---DD: Juliet Helen Maxwell (7) [1948]
---DD: Maureen Janet Maxwell (3) [1952]
DD/DD: Cordelia Frances [Maxwell] Arlington (40) [1915] / Therese Rosalind "Tess" [Maxwell] Rafferty (40) [1915]
---DH(Cordelia): Graham Walter Arlington (40) [1915]
---DD: Sophronia Frances "Sophy" Arlington (12) [1943]
This message was edited 8/29/2010, 10:36 AM