Game of Life
Hi! I love this game, so I thought I would post one. I've made it possible to give the parents' appearences as well as the childrens. Use the six-sided dice. Here's the link:
1,5: 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house in a small, friendly town
3: 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment in the city
3: Huge 5 bedroom 3 bathroom house on a farm
4,6: Modern suburban 3 bedroom 1 bathroom houseCar:
1,6: White Mini Van
2: Two red Volxwagon Beetles
3: One black Pick up truck and one silver BMW
4,5: Maroon SubaruDW's Career:
1: Doctor or Nurse [you pick]
2: Owns a buisness
3: Secratary
4: Author
5: Stay-at-home mom
6: LawyerDH's career:
1: Doctor or Nurse [you pick]
2: Owns a buisness
3: Secratary
4: Author
5: Stay-at-home Dad
6: LawyerNumber of births:
1= 6
2= 5
3= 4
4= 3
5= 2
6= 1Gender [repeat for each birth]:
1= girl
2= boy
3= girl
4= boy
5= girl
6= twins, you pick genderAppearences [repeat each step for each family member, including parents]:Hair Color:
1= White Blonde
2= Golden Blonde
3= Brown
4= Dark Brown
5= Black
6= Your choiceHair Texture:
1,6= Straight
2,5= wavy
3,4= curlyEye Color:
1= Blue
2= Dark Blue
3= Green
4= Hazel
5= Brown
6= Dark brownPersonalities:
1,6= sporty
2= acedemic
3= popular
4,5= individual
Archived Thread - replies disabled
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Modern suburban 3 bedroom 1 bathroom house
White Mini Van
DW: Samantha Quaine (she has curly brown hair, and hazel eyes; she has a sporty personality and she's an author (although stay-at-home/author sounds better to her)
DH: Nicholas Quaine (he has wavy white blonde hair, and brown eyes; he has an academic personality and he's a lawyer)
They have 3 children:
DS/DD: Forbes Quaine (he has straight golden blonde hair, and dark blue eyes; he has a popular personality) / Gemma Quaine (she has straight white blonde hair, and dark blue eyes; she has an individual personality)
DD: Laynie Quaine (she has straight brown hair and dark brown eyes; she has a popular personality)The Quaine Family: Samantha, Nicholas, Forbes & Gemma and Laynie
Proud Aunt to:
Catarina Lilliana nn Lily
12/20/05 @ 4:49pm
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Huge 5 bedroom 3 bathroom house on a farm
White Mini VanDW: Natalie Joy - Lawyer (Straight Brown Hair, Green eyes) Individual
DH: Colin Christopher - Owns a buisness (Wavy Golden Blonde hair, Dark brown eyes)IndividualDD: Helen Rose (Curly Golden Blonde hair, Green eyes) Individual
DD: Juliet Grace (Curly Brown hair, Dark brown eyes) Acedemic
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House: Huge 5 bedroom 3 bathroom house on a farm
Car: One black Pick up truck and one silver BMW
DW's Career: Nurse
DH's Career: Author
Number of births: 3DH: James Isaac "Jamie" (Dark brown wavy hair, Hazel eyes, Sporty)
DW: Cecilia Louise (Brown hair, Dark blue eyes, Academic)
DD/DD: Olivia Catherine and Ella Nicole (Golden blonde hair, Hazel eyes, Sporty/Popular)
DS: Evan Alexander (Dark brown straight hair, Brown eyes, Sporty)
DS: Nicholas Parker (Dark brown straight hair, Blue eyes, Invidual)
Shake Your Body Like A Bellydancer.
♥ Visit my profile, you know you want to ♥
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Modern suburban 3 bedroom 1 bathroom house
White Mini VanDW: Palmira Zoe
Career: Doctor
black curly hair, dark brown eyes, sportyDH: Gjon Silvanus
Career: Author
light brown wavy hair, dark blue eyes, sporty
DD: Edita Nyx - 11
white blonde straight hair, dark blue eyes, academicDS: Wayland David - 9
golden blonde curly hair, blue eyes, individualDS: Klaes Ragnar - 5
golden blonde straight hair, green eyes, individualhm... kids don't quiet fit the parents ;-)
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3 bedroom 2 bathroom house in a small, friendly town
One black Pick up truck and one silver BMWDW: Arabella Phoebe (47)
Curly Brown hair, Green eyes, individual (Author)
DH: Michael Henry (51)
Curly White Blonde hair, Dark brown eyes, individual (Owns a buisness)#1 DD: Rachel Kate (22)
Wavy Brown hair, Blue eyes, academic
#2 DD: Zoe Madeleine (21)
Straight Brown hair, Blue eyes, individual
#3 DD: Alannah Ruby (19)
Wavy Dark brown hair, Dark blue eyes, sporty
#4 DD: Lucy Charlotte (17)
Wavy Dark brown hair, Blue eyes, popular
#5 DD: Rebecca Paige (14)
Curly Golden Blonde hair, Blue eyes, popular
#6 DD: Ashley Jessica (13)
Straight Golden Blonde hair, Brown eyes, popular

This message was edited 12/20/2005, 1:23 AM

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2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment in the cityCar:
Maroon SubaruDW's Career:
Stay-at-home momDH's career:
DoctorNumber of births:
5Gender [repeat for each birth]:
twins boy/boy
girlDH: Jon Michael (Golden blonde/Straight/Blue/sporty)
DW: Juliet Morgan (Dark brown/wavy/Brown/individual)DD: Haley Jo (Golden blonde/Straight/Brown/individual)
DS: Jack Thomas (Dark brown/Straight/Blue/individual)
DS/DS: Daxen Blaine (Brown/curly/Blue/popular)
Dylan Romeo (Golden Blonde/Straight/Dark Blue/sporty)
DD: Liliana Antoinette (Dark brown/wavy/Blue/individual)
DD: Micah Dorothy (White blonde/curly/Hazel/sporty)Jon, Juliet, Haley, Jack, Dax, Dylan, Liana, Micah
**Disclaimer: None of the ideas above are mind. They are given to me by Luther and Fernando, the 10 inch space aliens living under my desk. In return they are given permission to eat any dust bunnies they may find.
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House: 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house in a small, friendly townCar: White Mini VanDW's Career: Secratary DH's career: AuthorNumber of births: 6DW: Josslyn Rae (wavy brown hair, dark blue eyes) Sporty
DH: Ephraim Allen (curly black hair, green eyes) AcademicDS/DS: Nigel Maximilian / Linus Christopher (straight brown hair, blue eyes) Sporty & Sporty
DD: Naomi Ruth (wavy black hair, dark blue eyes) Individualistic
DS: Samuel Alexander "Sam" (straight brown hair, hazel eyes) Sporty
DD: Elisabeth Sarah (wavy gold blonde hair, hazel eyes) Acedemic
DD: Susannah Lilian (straight black hair, hazel eyes) Individual
DD: Evelyn Julia (straight gold blonde hair, hazel eyes) Sporty
!!!!!: Morgaine, Arthur, Vivianne, Lancelot, and Guinevere
???????: William, Charles, Percival, Frederick, George, Ronald, & Ginevra

This message was edited 12/19/2005, 7:58 PM

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Modern suburban 3 bedroom 1 bathroom house
White Mini VanDW: Skye Morgan (Straight Brown Hair, Dark Blue Eyes, Doctor)
DH: Lucas Jarrod (Wavy White Blonde Hair, Hazel Eyes, Doctor)DD: Morgan Skye (Straight Dark Brown Hair, Dark Blue Eyes, Sporty)
DD: Summer Lucy (Wavy White Blonde Hair, Dark Blue Eyes, Popular)
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Anderson Family: House:
3 bedroom 2 bathroom house in a small, friendly townCar:
Two red Volxwagon BeetlesAmber Leigh Anderson's Career:
Stay at Home MomDavid "Dave" James Anderson's Career:
-First Time I got Stay at home dad, but realistically, both parents cannot stay at home, unless they have inherited A LOT of money from someone.. so... I rerolled.
-Second Time: LawyerNumber of births:
Gender [repeat for each birth]:
Boy: Brandon Paul (6)
Girl: Emily Amber (2)
Boy: Nicholas Rhett "Nick"(4 months)
Brown Hair - Curly
Brown Eyes
Dark Browm hair - straight
Green Eyes
Golden Blond - straight
Brown Eyes
Brown Hair - straight
Brown Eyes
Black Hair - curly
Dark Blue Eyes
SportyAnderson Family: Amber, Dave, Brandon, Emily, Nick---------------
The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not smashing it. (Arnold H. Glasow)
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House: Huge 5 bedroom 3 bathroom house on a farm
Car: One black Pick up truck and one silver BMWDW: Anna Sofia
Career: Doctor
Hair Color: Black
Hair Texture: Straight
Eye Color: Hazel
Personality: acedemicDH: Nikolaos Alexandros
Career: Secratary
Hair Color: Black
Hair Texture: wavy
Eye Color: Hazel
Personality: sportyDD: Larissa Anastasia
Hair Color: Black
Hair Texture: wavy
Eye Color: Brown
Personality: individual
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4,6: Modern suburban 3 bedroom 1 bathroom houseCar:
1,6: White Mini VanDW's Career:
1: DoctorDH's career:
1: DoctorNumber of births:
5= 2Gender [repeat for each birth]:
Boy and GirlAppearencesHair Color:
Black, Dark Brown, Golden Blond and BrownHair Texture:
Curly, Wavy, Strait and WavyEye Color:
Blue, Hazel, Dark Blue and BrownPersonalities:
Sporty, Popular, Popular and Individual
Check Out for thousands of custom glitterz and layouts
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House: 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house in a small, friendly town
Car: One black Pick up truck and one silver BMW
DW (Vivian Rose): curly black hair, dark brown eyes, individual, lawyer
DH (Scott Emerson) : straight golden blonde hair, brown eyes, academic, owns a buisness
Number of births: 2
DS/DD (Connor Finlay / Sophie Lenore): curly golden blonde hair, dark brown eyes, sporty / wavy brown hair, green eyes, popular
DD (Madeline Grace): straight white blonde hair, green eyes, popular
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House: Huge 5 bedroom 3 bathroom house on a farm
Car: White Mini VanDW: Lydia Elaine
Brown, straight hair; dark blue eyes
LawyerDH's: Gavin Ross
Dark brown, wavy hair; green eyes
AuthorDD: Anna Harper
Golden blonde, wavy hair; blue eyes; individualDD: Enid Naomi
White blonde, wavy hair; brown eyes; individualDD: Mara Vashti
Black, wavy hair; brown eyes; individualDD: Calla Ophelia
White blonde, curly hair; green eyes; sportyDD: Esther Elaine
Brown, straight hair; dark blue eyes; academicDS: Spencer Ashley
Golden blonde, curly hair; dark brown eyes; individual
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Huge 5 bedroom 3 bathroom house on a farm
Maroon SubaruDW Sarah Danielle 36
Career: Secratary
Straight white blonde hair, hazel eyesDH Donovan Jordan 39
Straight dark brown hair, brown eyesDD Brittany Diena 16
Wavy black hair, green eyes, sportyDD Shana Anne 15
Straight white blonde hair, blue eyes, sporty
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House: Huge 5 bedroom 3 bathroom house on a farm
Car: White Mini VanDW: Andrea Danielle [Stay-at-home mom, wavy dark brown hair, brown eyes, individual]
DH: Joshua Brian [Doctor, curly golden blonde hair, blue eyes, sporty]

Number of births: 6
DD: Arabella Rose [wavy black hair, dark blue eyes, individual]
DD/DD: Felicity Heather [straight red hair, blue eyes, popular] & Duncan Josiah [straight red hair, blue eyes, sporty]
DD: Miranda Violet [curly dark brown hair, hazel eyes, sporty]
DD: Cecily Abigail [wavy dark brown hair, dark blue eyes, individual]
DS: Jared Bryce [straight golden blonde hair, brown eyes, sporty]
DS: Keegan Tanner [straight brown hair, hazel eyes, acedemic]
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Have yourself a buggy little Christmas! I've adopted 26 ! and 4 @, see my profile
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Irene & Thomas
Lawrence, Alexandra, Marcel, Jeremiah, Dahlia, WhittakerHouse: Huge 5 bedroom 3 bathroom farmhouse
Car: 2 red Volkswagen beetlesDW = Irene Alexandra
Stay at home mom
Brown, curly hair
Dark blue eyes
Academic personalityDH = Thomas James
White blonde, curly hair
Hazel eyes
Individual personalityBirth #1 = Thomas Lawrence (goes by Lawrence)
Black, wavy hair
Blue eyes
Individual personalityBirth #2 = Alexandra Soledad
Golden blonde, wavy hair
Dark blue eyes
Academic personalityBirth #3 = Marcel Rafferty
Brown, wavy hair
Hazel eyes
Individual personalityBirth #4 = Jeremiah George
White blonde, curly hair
Dark brown eyes
Popular personalityBirth #5 = Dahlia Cecily
Dark brown, curly hair
Hazel eyes
Academic personalityBirth #6 = Whittaker Charles
Black, wavy hair
Dark brown eyes
Popular personality
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House: 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house in a small, friendly town
Car: Maroon SubaruDH: Sebastian Miles (Brown Straight Hair, Hazel eyes, Sporty, Author)
DW: Charlotte Lauren (Brown Curly Hair, Hazel Eyes, Acedemic, Owns A Buisness)DD: Beatrice Esmeralda (Dark Brown Curly Hair, Hazel Eyes, Sporty)
DD: Alannah Juliet (Dark Brown Straight Hair, Blue, Popular)
DD: Natalie Katherine (Black curly Hair, Brown Eyes, Individual)Check Out for thousands of custom glitterz and layouts
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I like these games. 1. We live in a huge 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom house on a farm.
2. We have an old maroon subaru station wagon to transport everyone.
3. I (the wife) am a doctor.
4. My husband is a stay-at-home dad who tinkers around with farming.
5. We have four kids. (3 births)
6. We have twin boys, and two daughters.Me--DW--Lydia Grace (not my real name)
7. Golden Blond hair
8. long and straight
9. blue eyes
10. I am a popular person and well-respected doctor.My husband--DH--William Alexander "Wil" (I'm not married in RL)
7. Black hair
8. short and straight
9. dark brown eyes
10. He is a sporty kind of man who loves to play football, soccer, and baseball.The older twin--DS--Silas Clark--8
7. Golden Blond hair
8. short and straight
9. dark blue eyes
10. He is a solitary individual who likes being by himself or with Sam.The younger twin--DS--Samuel Christian "Sam"--8
7. brown hair
8. short and wavy hair
9. dark blue eyes
10. He is a solitary individual who likes being by himself or with Silas.Our older daughter--DD--Paige Montana "Paigey"--7
7. White Blond hair
8. long and straight
9. dark brown eyes
10. She is an individual who is very creative and needs an outlet for her imagination.Our younger daughter--DD--Delaney Elisabeth "Lainey"--5
7. Brown hair
8. long curly hair
9. brown eyes
10. She takes after her father and loves all kinds of sports, especially those involving livestock.
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3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house in a small, friendly townCars:
One black Pick up truck and one silver BMW
DH: Aidan James, 35--Own's a business
Brown, Straigh hair (shaved), Brown eyes, Sporty
DW: Melanie Hope "Mel", 34--Doctor
Blonde, curly hair, Blue eyes, academicDS: Trey Anderson, 8
Golden Blonde, straight, green eyes, popular
DD: Savannah Grace, 6
White Blonde, straight, dark blue, academic
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We live in a modern suburban 3 bedroom 1 bathroom house. We have two red Volkswagon beetles. I'm a lawyer, my husband is a doctor.DD: Margaret Lucinda "Daisy" (Straight Golden Blonde Hair, Hazel Eyes, Sporty)
DD/DS: Mary Anne Elizabeth and George Thomas "Molly and Georgie" (Wavy Brown Hair, Blue Eyes, Individual) and (Straight Dark Brown Hair, Dark Brown Eyes, Academic)
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House: Modern suburban 3 bedroom 1 bathroom house
Car: White Mini Van
DW: Olivia Grace (Author)
Golden blond wavy hair with brown eyes & sporty
DH: Jackson Charles (Lawyer)
Light brown curly hair with hazel eyes & sporty
DD: Savanah Payton
Black curly hair with hazel eyes & sporty
DS: Dominic Ryder
Dark brown straight hair with hazel eyes & sportyI guess they're a very sporty family :P
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3 bedroom 2 bathroom house in a small, friendly townCar:
White Mini VanRuby Leonor's Career:
Secratary Jaxon Harvey's career:
Stay-at-home DadNumber of births:
2Imogen Talia & James Spencer (nn Jamie)RUBY
Hair Color:
Light BrownHair Texture:
WavyEye Colour:
Hair Colour:
BrownHair Texture:
StraightEye Colour:
Hair Colour:
RedHair Texture:
CurlyEye Colour:
Hair Colour:
BrownHair Texture:
CurlyEye Color:
Dark BluePersonalities:
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Example:Modern suburban 3 bedroom 1 bathroom house
Maroon SubaruDW: Carla Opal -31
Career: Stay-at-home mom
Golden Blonde, Staright, GreenDH: John Caleb -33
Career: Owns a buisness
Brown, Straight, BlueDD: Juliet Ava Ann -5
Golden Blonde, Curly, Green, IndividualDD: Olivia Charlotte -3
White Blonde, Straight, Blue, SportyDD: Isabelle Rhiannon -1 month
White Blonde, Straight, Dark Blue, Individual
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