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Re: CAF: Worst Names Edition
(I like a lot of these names!)DH: Westley Nolan Reese
DW: Tansy WintersweetDS1: Basil Tiberius
-DW: Alouette Odile
--DS: Lachlan Caspar
--DS/DD: Angus Bertram and Twila Plum
DD1: Clothilde Aster
-DH: Chaos Bogart
--DD: Lucretia Avalon
--DS/DD: Jericho Gray and Bohemia Clover
--DD: Ursula Fern
DS/DS: Ridley Sirius and Haiden Prosper
DD: Saturina Harriet
DD: Felicity Topanga
DS: Edgar Haiku
DS: Linden Jagger
DD/DS/DD: Artemisia Paige, Falcon Cobalt and Eglantine Fiona
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I also like a handful of them. I was just going off many posts and polls. I'm sure a lot of these are GPs for many!
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