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Re: Nyx' One-Round Only NTNB
in reply to a message by Nyx
The Peace FamilyDH: Warren Noble Peace "Adept Arsenic" (projects pyrotechnics & emit poison)
DW: True Jubilee (Love) Peace "The Scarlet Psychic" (telepathic)DS: Ronan Pelagius Peace "Kai Cerulean" (water/sea creatures)
DS: Gabriel Valentine Peace "The Crimson Kid" (strength/speed)
DD: Meadow Demeter Peace "Mighty Myrtle" (plants)
DD: Lenore Avis Peace "Raven Rosewood" (animals)
DS/DD: Alphaeus Hemming Peace "Morpheus Midnight" / Ariel Akira Peace "The Silver Spirit" (shape-shifting / Phasing/Ghosting)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Royal FamilyDKing: Ignatius Crispian Alaric Felix Royal "Iggy The Wise"
DQueen: Euphemia Idony Boudicca Avila (Duchess) Royal "Effie the Beautiful"DPrincess: Amaryllis Dionisia Hildegard Candida Royal "Amy the Eloquent"
DPrincess: Mariposa Royse Solveig Adela Royal "Mari the Indolent"
DPrincess: Genevieve Aalis Priscilla Celestine Royal "Genny the Wild"
DPrincess: Valentina Melisende Helene Frances Royal "Tina the Fastidious"
DPrince: Barnabus Dmitrei Anatolius John Royal "Barney the Boisterous"
DPrincess: Aggie Cateline Godiva Teresa Royal "Aggie the Tranquil"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Socialite-Celebrity FamilyDH: Talmage Jory Celebrity
DW: Océane Cressida Socialite-CelebrityDS: Carver Ezekiel Socialite-Celebrity
DS: Allegro Gideon Socialite-Celebrity
DS: Sinclair Cosmo Socialite-Celebrity
AD: Spike Drystan Socialite-Celebrity
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