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Re: NTNB Round One.
in reply to a message by Evie.
Robbins Family.DH [25] Finlay Elliot Robbins [Finn]
DW [24] Chloe Isobel RobbinsDS: William Oliver RobbinsFinn & Chloe are newlyweds living in Newcastle, UK. Finn & Chloe are expecting their first child together - a baby boy!
They want his FN & MN to be classic/traditional****
Chambers Family.DH [28] Daniel Paul Chambers
DW [29] Lindsay Julia ChambersDS: Asher Benjamin ChambersDaniel & Lindsay have been trying for a baby for the past 18 months, and Lindsay is finally pregnant with a baby boy!
They want his FN to be uncommon and begin with A, and his MN to be common and begin with B****
Ramirez Family.DH [26] Ruben Pablo Ramirez
DW [23] Laura Rocio RamirezDD: Luciana Sofia RamirezRuben & Laura are a Mexican couple who live in Beverly Hills, California expecting their first child together - a baby girl!
They want her FN & MN to be Spanish****
King Family.DH [22] Joseph Alexander King [Joe]
DW [20] Megan Stephanie King DS / DD: Riley Matthew King/Kiley Megan KingJoe & Megan are young married couple expecting twins - boy & girl!
They want their FNs to rhyme, and their MNs to begin with the same letter****
Capshaw Family.DH [27] Andrew Eric Capshaw [Drew]
DW [30] Sarah Michelle Capshaw DD: Jessica Amy CapshawDrew & Sarah are expecting a baby girl together, their first child!
They want her FN & MN to be between 1-15 in the popular names in USA in the 1970s****
Rushworth Family.DH [23] Jason Thomas Rushworth [Jase]
DW [23] Jennifer Elizabeth Rushworth [Jenni]DD: Ireland Neve RushworthJase & Jenni are expecting their first child together - a baby girl!
They have always thought that their first names were boring, they don't want his for their future children.
They want her FN to be a place name, and her MN to be uncommon****
Smith-Bradford Family.Dbf [19] Ryan Cody Smith
Dgf [17] Lauren Amber BradfordDD: Calliope Madison Bradford-SmithRyan & Lauren are expecting a baby girl together, despite only being 19 & 17.
Lauren is addicted to Grey's Anatomy, and would like her daughter's FN to be a character or actor from that show, Ryan would like her MN to be between 1-5 in the popular names USA 2008****
Paxton Family.DH [29] Christopher Nicholas Paxton
DW [27] Elizabeth Amanda Paxton [Beth]DS: Dakota Sage PaxtonChristopher & Beth are expecting a baby boy together!
They want his FN & MN to be unisex****
Reynolds Family.DH [25] Lewis Michael Reynolds
DW [25] Eleanor Camille Reynolds [Elle]DS: Cruz Micah ReynoldsLewis & Elle have always liked their names, and thought they were cool, now they are expecting a son together!
They want his FN & MN to be very cool sounding ****
Newman Family.DH [24] Elliot James Newman
DW [21] Serena May NewmanDS: Kingson James McGregor NewmanElliot & Serena are expecting a baby boy together.
They want his FN & MN to be a celebrities kids name, but they want the whole combo [e.g. Story Elias - Jenna Elfman's son]
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