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Re: caf
LN: Kelly
DH: Cillian Finley
DW: Kenna JeanDD1: Alannah Niamh
DS1: Killian Lucas
DD2/DS2: Aislinn Fiona / Aiden Finlay------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LN: Harper
DW: Alannah Niamh
DH: Carson SamuelDD: Delilah Jacqueline
DS: Derek Alexander
DD: Darcy Isabelle-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Killian Lucas
DW: Camilla GeorgiaDD: Elsie Rose, Imogen Hazel
DD: Emmeline Grace
DS/DS: Phineas Henry / Oscar Felix-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LN: Johnson
DW: Aislinn Fiona
DH: Alexander WinterDS: August Hudson
DS: Beckett Henry
DS: Gabriel Sullivan
DH: Aiden Finlay
DW: Rachel Rose
(The first family was chosen mostly based on some of my own characters with the last name Kelley in a story that I write. Very nice. =D )
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