Ignore. (Unless you want to be entertained by a story) (again)
in reply to a message by B
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:38:52 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) once upon a time
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:39:00 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) there was a slimey catipillar
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:39:10 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and...
gluetusmaxamis (9:39:14 PM): and his name was Harry
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:39:54 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and his best friend was named Dick
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:40:01 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and he had another friend named Tyrell
gluetusmaxamis (9:40:21 PM): and they were both slugs
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:40:54 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and Tyrell forgot to take his Beano before he went to work at the hair salon (yes, Tyrell is gay)
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:41:11 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) so he was farting up a storm and he lost many customers
gluetusmaxamis (9:41:41 PM): but one customer, Alllie Buttmunch, liked the smell of farts
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:41:48 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and Dick too
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:41:55 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) well, Dick didn't actually care
gluetusmaxamis (9:42:02 PM): but Harry hated the smell
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:42:04 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) because for some reason, he had no sense of smell
gluetusmaxamis (9:42:24 PM): but he liked Allie Buttmunch, so he stayed in the hari salon gagging
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:43:04 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) Harry was all like "Yo, Allie cat, why dont we go get some grub!"
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:43:23 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and Allie was like "Why r u talking like that?"
gluetusmaxamis (9:43:37 PM): And Bert was like, "I LOVE CUPCAKES"
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:43:52 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) Who's Bert?
gluetusmaxamis (9:44:03 PM): and then they all stared at the seseame street character who came through the window
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:44:08 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) LMAO
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:45:14 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and then dick was like
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:45:21 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) "my butt hurts"
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:45:43 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and tyrell was like "YOUR BUTT hurts?!?! Mine hurts more, considering it's been involuntarily farting all day"
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:46:19 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and then allie was like "well, i think my butt hurts the most, because it just does"
gluetusmaxamis (9:46:27 PM): and then Bert said, "YOUR BUTT HURTS? I have a hand shoved up mine!!!"
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:46:47 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) "Ok, Bert, yours hurts the most." they all said in unison
gluetusmaxamis (9:47:03 PM): "Thank You" Bert replied
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:47:22 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) "You're welcome" replied Dick
gluetusmaxamis (9:47:43 PM): "I love you." bert whispered to Dick in a creepy way.
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:47:53 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) "Hey Dick, didn't you say that you were in Bert the other day?" said Tyrell
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:48:07 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) "Yeah....Bert, the CITY."
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:48:33 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) "Nah...I don't think that's what you meant when you said--"
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:48:59 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) "I LOVE YOU TOO BERT!" Dick exclaimed
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:49:10 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) opening his arms for a passionate hug from his lover
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:49:19 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) he couldnt resist his feelings for the puppet
gluetusmaxamis (9:49:26 PM): Bert hugged Dick back
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:49:35 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and Bert couldnt control his feelings for the romantic slug
gluetusmaxamis (9:49:56 PM): But Bert wasn't actually bert, he was...
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:50:03 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) RICHARD SIMMONS
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:50:13 PM): (toolazy2imu) xD
gluetusmaxamis (9:50:29 PM): And Dick suddenly back away and made a disgusted face
gluetusmaxamis (9:50:53 PM): "Ew, Richard simmons!!!!!" Alllie cried, running out of the salon
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:51:01 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) And then Harry said "Well, I'm off the the bathroom, I have to poop, I had a toquito this morning."
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:51:40 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) And then a random foot appeared in the shop
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:51:58 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and then he said "I'm thirsty"
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:52:02 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and then he dissapeared
gluetusmaxamis (9:52:12 PM): Richard Simmons began chashing Dick around the room waving around his hands and shouting, "COME ON WE NEED TO BURN SOME FAT YOU FATTY FAT BEAST!"
gluetusmaxamis (9:52:45 PM): And Tyrell stared at the place were the foot was
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:53:31 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) And Dick said "I thought I burned all the fat I had when I was..."
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:53:35 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) he stopped mid sentence
gluetusmaxamis (9:54:05 PM): And then amanda bynes came in screaming, "COURT DISSMISSED, BRING IN THE DANCING LOBSTERS!!"
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:54:19 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and then the giant dancing lobsters came in
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:54:29 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and richard simmons started dancing with them
gluetusmaxamis (9:54:42 PM): But then one of the lobsters got hungry
gluetusmaxamis (9:54:46 PM): and ate richard simmons
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:55:05 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and then tyrell farted near the fireplace
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:55:11 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and the whole world blew up
gluetusmaxamis (9:55:21 PM): Except for Amanda Bynes
gluetusmaxamis (9:55:26 PM): cus she's cool like that
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:56:19 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) THE END
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:39:00 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) there was a slimey catipillar
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:39:10 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and...
gluetusmaxamis (9:39:14 PM): and his name was Harry
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:39:54 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and his best friend was named Dick
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:40:01 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and he had another friend named Tyrell
gluetusmaxamis (9:40:21 PM): and they were both slugs
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:40:54 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and Tyrell forgot to take his Beano before he went to work at the hair salon (yes, Tyrell is gay)
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:41:11 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) so he was farting up a storm and he lost many customers
gluetusmaxamis (9:41:41 PM): but one customer, Alllie Buttmunch, liked the smell of farts
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:41:48 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and Dick too
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:41:55 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) well, Dick didn't actually care
gluetusmaxamis (9:42:02 PM): but Harry hated the smell
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:42:04 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) because for some reason, he had no sense of smell
gluetusmaxamis (9:42:24 PM): but he liked Allie Buttmunch, so he stayed in the hari salon gagging
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:43:04 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) Harry was all like "Yo, Allie cat, why dont we go get some grub!"
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:43:23 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and Allie was like "Why r u talking like that?"
gluetusmaxamis (9:43:37 PM): And Bert was like, "I LOVE CUPCAKES"
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:43:52 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) Who's Bert?
gluetusmaxamis (9:44:03 PM): and then they all stared at the seseame street character who came through the window
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:44:08 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) LMAO
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:45:14 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and then dick was like
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:45:21 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) "my butt hurts"
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:45:43 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and tyrell was like "YOUR BUTT hurts?!?! Mine hurts more, considering it's been involuntarily farting all day"
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:46:19 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and then allie was like "well, i think my butt hurts the most, because it just does"
gluetusmaxamis (9:46:27 PM): and then Bert said, "YOUR BUTT HURTS? I have a hand shoved up mine!!!"
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:46:47 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) "Ok, Bert, yours hurts the most." they all said in unison
gluetusmaxamis (9:47:03 PM): "Thank You" Bert replied
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:47:22 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) "You're welcome" replied Dick
gluetusmaxamis (9:47:43 PM): "I love you." bert whispered to Dick in a creepy way.
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:47:53 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) "Hey Dick, didn't you say that you were in Bert the other day?" said Tyrell
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:48:07 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) "Yeah....Bert, the CITY."
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:48:33 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) "Nah...I don't think that's what you meant when you said--"
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:48:59 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) "I LOVE YOU TOO BERT!" Dick exclaimed
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:49:10 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) opening his arms for a passionate hug from his lover
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:49:19 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) he couldnt resist his feelings for the puppet
gluetusmaxamis (9:49:26 PM): Bert hugged Dick back
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:49:35 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and Bert couldnt control his feelings for the romantic slug
gluetusmaxamis (9:49:56 PM): But Bert wasn't actually bert, he was...
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:50:03 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) RICHARD SIMMONS
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:50:13 PM): (toolazy2imu) xD
gluetusmaxamis (9:50:29 PM): And Dick suddenly back away and made a disgusted face
gluetusmaxamis (9:50:53 PM): "Ew, Richard simmons!!!!!" Alllie cried, running out of the salon
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:51:01 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) And then Harry said "Well, I'm off the the bathroom, I have to poop, I had a toquito this morning."
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:51:40 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) And then a random foot appeared in the shop
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:51:58 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and then he said "I'm thirsty"
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:52:02 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and then he dissapeared
gluetusmaxamis (9:52:12 PM): Richard Simmons began chashing Dick around the room waving around his hands and shouting, "COME ON WE NEED TO BURN SOME FAT YOU FATTY FAT BEAST!"
gluetusmaxamis (9:52:45 PM): And Tyrell stared at the place were the foot was
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:53:31 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) And Dick said "I thought I burned all the fat I had when I was..."
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:53:35 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) he stopped mid sentence
gluetusmaxamis (9:54:05 PM): And then amanda bynes came in screaming, "COURT DISSMISSED, BRING IN THE DANCING LOBSTERS!!"
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:54:19 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and then the giant dancing lobsters came in
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:54:29 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and richard simmons started dancing with them
gluetusmaxamis (9:54:42 PM): But then one of the lobsters got hungry
gluetusmaxamis (9:54:46 PM): and ate richard simmons
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:55:05 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and then tyrell farted near the fireplace
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:55:11 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) and the whole world blew up
gluetusmaxamis (9:55:21 PM): Except for Amanda Bynes
gluetusmaxamis (9:55:26 PM): cus she's cool like that
[Sauseege Sandpapers] (9:56:19 PM): (sims2grl4eva204) THE END