Re: The ridiculous 1 family NTNB- Final round!
in reply to a message by NobodyOfConsequence
The Sidebottom-Squirrel-Clump family
DH: Riley Taylor "Taylor"? (55)
DW: Riley Taylor "Taylor"? (54)
DS: January Nitram (29) {hhhhhmmmmm}
-DW: Chloe Alexis (24)
--DD: Lilia Anastasia (3)
--DD: Maia Annelise (2)
DS: Feburary Leahcim “Febs” (29) {SwtNikki87/Helena/Roey}
-DW: Sarah Brielle (30)
DS: March Yelir (29) {Ninor}
-DW: Tegan Summer (26)
--DS: Questly Fable (3)
--DD: Xarrah Kaori (3)
--DD: Jedi Urora (3)
--DS: Chapter Hart (3)
--DS: Saber Koda (3)
DS: August Leumas (29) {Emilie}
-DW: Rose Anastasia (27)
DS: September Semaj “Temby” (29) {CB/Lady_Skywalker/gabriellagrace}
-Dfiance: Romie Tamara (25)
DS: October Nodnal (29) {Veronica}
-DW: Rose Petal (29)
--DD: Riley Elizabeth (4)
--DS: Samuel Ryan (1)
--DD: Jade Kaitlin (1)
--DD: Emma Taylor (1)
--DS: Jack Dustin (1)
DS: November Selrahc “Nove” (29) {christinaxo}
-DW: Elizabeth Willow (29)
--DD: Ahh, Turn It Off, Turn It Off Jane (8) {Lady_Skywalker}
--DS: Aaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhh William (8) {Atheistia}
--DD: Dagnabit Filler (8) {Stephanie}
--DD: Can-I-Have-A-Banana Rose (8) {gabriellagrace}
DS: Jalember Samoht “Jay” (29) {miss_smiley}
-Dgf: Jessica Kairi (24)
DD: April Heaven (29) {gabriellagrace}
-DH: Luca Alexander Field (32)
--DS: Bench McBenchknee(nb)
--DD: Pepper McPeppernose(nb)
--DS: Ash-Tray McAshtrayfunnybone(nb)
--DS: Candle McCandlehip(nb)
DD: May Sixela (29) {Lady_Skywalker}
-DH: Archer Michael Robinson (31)
DD: June Remmus (29) {Genevieve}
DD: July Haras (29) {Stephanie}
-DH: Jack Urban Clump-Squirrel-Sidebottom (30)
DD: December Ylil “Deccy” (29) {Davidica}
-DH: Ryan Dusty Dawson (33)
--DD: Strawberry Molly (5) {Stephanie}
--DD: Mayapple Brandy (5) {gabriellagrace}
--DD: Wineberry Coco "Winey" (5) {AnnaMarie}
--DD: Thornberry Brandy (5) {Atheistia}
--DD: Roseberry Rosie "Rosie-Rose" (5) {Atheistia}
--DS: Dingleberry Bailey (5) {molly}
--DS: Huckleberry Buster “Huck” (5) {Roey}
DD: Diklah To-Kill-A-Mockingbird “Lah-lah” (26) {rachel e}
DS: Ithai Oliver-Twist (26) {SwtNikki88}
-DW: Jacinta Chloe “Jac” (27)
--DS: Don't-Worry-Be-Happy James Howlett (8) {molly}
--DS: Your-Slogan-Here James-Logan (8) {Davidica}
--DS: I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own Peter Parker (8) {Lady_Skywalker}
--DD: Stop-Ye-Whining-Ye-Yellow-Bellied-Lily-Livered-Landlubber Sooooo-Not-Worth-It “Lily” (5) {Roey}
--DS: Get-Over-Here-Foul-Wench I-Feel-Twenty-Pounds-Lighter (5) {molly}
--DS: Argggh Me Harty Can I Haz a Cheeseberger (5) {gabriellagrace}
--DS: Yo-Ho-Ho-And-A-Bottle-Of-Rum Where's-The-Man-In-The-Moon “Rum” (5) {AnnaMarie}
DS: Meshach Star-Wars “Meesh” (26) {Lady_Skywalker}
-DW: Lauren Asha (27)
--DS: Thatcher Ryan (nb)
DS: Caiaphas Matrix “Cai” (26) {Atheistia/ Ninor}
-DW: Anne Regan (25)
DS: Nogah Jane-Eyre “Nog” (26) {Nyx}
-Dgf: Elizabeth Gemma (22)
DS: Merari Titanic (26) {Rachel Dianne}
-DW: Shiloh Tamara (23)
DD: Miss Luke (22) {Atheistia}
DD: Female-Half-Of-The-World-Champion-Paris-Figure-Skating-Team Prudence “Champ” (22) {molly}
DD: Dungeon Mistress Fluffy “Missy” (22) {molly}
-DH: William Brandon Brown (24)
--DD: Atlanta Kara (2)
--DS: Cairo Alexander (2)
DD: Petty-Officer Magnanimous “Pet” (22) {Genevieve}
DD: Queen Banana Cream “Queeny” (22) {rachel e}
DS: Earl Junkie (22) {gabriellagrace}
DS: Captain Jack-Sparrow (22) {SwtNikki87}
-DW: Tylie Mariel (19)
DS: Archdeacon Chili Con Carne “Archie” (22) {Roey}
-Dfiance: Josie Winter (21)
DD: KnockKnock Grubs “Knocka” (16) {Davidica}
DD: Whos-There George Bush (16) {Ninor}
DD: U-8 Placenta (16) {Veronica}
DD: U-8-Who Cervelle De Veau “U-U” (16) {Veronica}
DD: Lionel-Get-You-Nowhere-You-Better-Tell-The-Truth Inedible-Underwear “Linny” (16) {molly}
DS: Ho-ho-Hee-hee-Ha-haaa Asparagus "Ho-Ho" (16) {Nyx}
-Dgf: Amalia Hollie (16)
DS: Resilience “Tube” (14) {Ninor}
DS: Sencere "Rohai" (14) {Roey}
DS: Valor “Phraseby” (14) {Lady_Skywalker}
DD: Clemency “Liam” (14) {Atheistia}
DD: Bookishness “Molly” (14) {molly}
DD: Imagine “Rachel” (14) {Rachel e}
DD: Purity “Bubblewrap” (14) {gabriellagrace}
DS: Rover Anakin “Rove” (9) {Ninor}
DS: Subaru Jacen (9) {Stephanie}
DS: Lincoln Jedi "Link" (9) {rachel e}
DS: Jaguar Skywalker “Jag” (9) {Ninor}
DS: Hyundai Raymus “Dai” (9) {Stephanie}
DS: Chrysler Lando (9) {Lady_Skywalker}
DS: Aston-Martin Sith (9) {Roey}
DS: Chevrolet Artoo-Detoo “Chevvy” (9) {Helena}
DS: Dodge Obi Wan (9) {rachel e}
DD: Mazda Padme (9) {Lady_Skywalker}
DD: Porsche Lightsaber (9) {molly}
DD: Cadillac Captain Juno Eclipse "Cadi" (9) {Atheistia}
DD: Infiniti San Hill “Indi”(9) {Rachel Dianne}
DD: Beemdoubleyou Force "BMW" (9) {Roey}
DD: Isuzu Tatooine (9) {molly}
DS: Eighteen-Twelve Can-I-Flirt-With-You “Teenie” (8) {Ninor}
DS: ElevenNinetyTwoAD May a thorn sit down amongst the roses (8) “El”{Davidica}
DS: Five-B.C. Okay-so-I-came-over-here-to-ask-you-to-dance-but-I'm-kind-of concerned-I-mean-we-could-hit-it-off-really-well-end-up-having-a-few drinks-next-thing-you-know-you're-giving-me-your-number-because-I'm too-shy-to-ask-for-it-I-finally-get-up-the-nerve-to-call-and-we-take in-a-movie-have-some-dinner-I-relax-you-relax-we-go-out-a-few-more times-get-to-know-each-other's-friends-spend-a-lot-of-time-together, then-finally-have-get-past-this-sexual-tension-and-really-develop-this intense-sex-life-that-is-truly-incredible-decide-our-relationship-is solid-and-stable-so-we-move-in-together-for-a-while-then-a-few months-later-get-married-I-get-a-promotion-you-get-a-promotion-we buy-a-bigger-house-You-really-want-kids-but-I-really-want-freedom, but-we-have-a-kid-anyway-only-to-find-that-I-am-resentful-the-sparks start-to-fade-and-to-rekindle-them-we-have-two-more-lovely-kids-but now-I-work-too-much-to-keep-up-with-the-bills-have-no-time-for-you, you're-stressed-and-stop-taking-really-good-care-of-yourself-so-to get-past-our-slow-sex-life-and-my-declining-self-confidence-I-turn-to an-outside-affair-for-sexual-gratification-You-find-out-because-I'm careless-and-a-lousy-liar-you-throw-me-out-and-we have-to-explain-to-the-kids-why-mommy-and-daddy-are-splitting-up That's-just-too-sad-Think-about-the-children-For-God's-sake-if-you dance-with-me-and-we-hit-it-off-let's-just-keep-it-sexual-because-we both-know-where-it's-going (8) {Roey}
DD: Eighteen-Eighty-Nine If-I-Told-You-That-You-Had-A-Beautiful-Body-Would-You-Hold-It-Against-Me “89” (8) {Veronica}
DD: Sixteen Oh Three I Lost My Phone Number, Can I Have Yours (8) {Stephanie}
DS: Hyperlipidaemia Hyperlipidaemia Hyperlipidaemia My-Achy-Breaky-Heart Whoo-Mom-Was-Right-These-Humans-Really-Do-All-Look-The-Same-How-Are-We-Going-To-Probe-That-George-Bush-Guy-If-We-Can't-Figure-Out-Which-Human-Is-Him Big-Mac-Burger (9 months)
DD: My-Parents-Are-Bunnies Sixty "Bunny" (nb)
DD: Its-Business-Time Nine "Busi" (nb)
DD: Ma-And-Pa-Dont-Believe-In-Condoms Kids "Connie" (nb)
DD: The-Summer-Of-Love-Never-Ended We're "Summer" (nb)
DS: Do-It-Doggy-Style-So-We-Can-Both-Watch-The-Nature-Channel Finally "Dog"(nb)
DS: Product-of-Nymphomanics Done "Mannie" (nb)
DS: Not-Only-A-Football-Team-But-A-Whole-Damn-League About "Footy" (nb)
DS: Number-Sixty-Nine-Yeah-Baby Time "Numbo" (nb)
DH: Riley Taylor "Taylor"? (55)
DW: Riley Taylor "Taylor"? (54)
DS: January Nitram (29) {hhhhhmmmmm}
-DW: Chloe Alexis (24)
--DD: Lilia Anastasia (3)
--DD: Maia Annelise (2)
DS: Feburary Leahcim “Febs” (29) {SwtNikki87/Helena/Roey}
-DW: Sarah Brielle (30)
DS: March Yelir (29) {Ninor}
-DW: Tegan Summer (26)
--DS: Questly Fable (3)
--DD: Xarrah Kaori (3)
--DD: Jedi Urora (3)
--DS: Chapter Hart (3)
--DS: Saber Koda (3)
DS: August Leumas (29) {Emilie}
-DW: Rose Anastasia (27)
DS: September Semaj “Temby” (29) {CB/Lady_Skywalker/gabriellagrace}
-Dfiance: Romie Tamara (25)
DS: October Nodnal (29) {Veronica}
-DW: Rose Petal (29)
--DD: Riley Elizabeth (4)
--DS: Samuel Ryan (1)
--DD: Jade Kaitlin (1)
--DD: Emma Taylor (1)
--DS: Jack Dustin (1)
DS: November Selrahc “Nove” (29) {christinaxo}
-DW: Elizabeth Willow (29)
--DD: Ahh, Turn It Off, Turn It Off Jane (8) {Lady_Skywalker}
--DS: Aaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhh William (8) {Atheistia}
--DD: Dagnabit Filler (8) {Stephanie}
--DD: Can-I-Have-A-Banana Rose (8) {gabriellagrace}
DS: Jalember Samoht “Jay” (29) {miss_smiley}
-Dgf: Jessica Kairi (24)
DD: April Heaven (29) {gabriellagrace}
-DH: Luca Alexander Field (32)
--DS: Bench McBenchknee(nb)
--DD: Pepper McPeppernose(nb)
--DS: Ash-Tray McAshtrayfunnybone(nb)
--DS: Candle McCandlehip(nb)
DD: May Sixela (29) {Lady_Skywalker}
-DH: Archer Michael Robinson (31)
DD: June Remmus (29) {Genevieve}
DD: July Haras (29) {Stephanie}
-DH: Jack Urban Clump-Squirrel-Sidebottom (30)
DD: December Ylil “Deccy” (29) {Davidica}
-DH: Ryan Dusty Dawson (33)
--DD: Strawberry Molly (5) {Stephanie}
--DD: Mayapple Brandy (5) {gabriellagrace}
--DD: Wineberry Coco "Winey" (5) {AnnaMarie}
--DD: Thornberry Brandy (5) {Atheistia}
--DD: Roseberry Rosie "Rosie-Rose" (5) {Atheistia}
--DS: Dingleberry Bailey (5) {molly}
--DS: Huckleberry Buster “Huck” (5) {Roey}
DD: Diklah To-Kill-A-Mockingbird “Lah-lah” (26) {rachel e}
DS: Ithai Oliver-Twist (26) {SwtNikki88}
-DW: Jacinta Chloe “Jac” (27)
--DS: Don't-Worry-Be-Happy James Howlett (8) {molly}
--DS: Your-Slogan-Here James-Logan (8) {Davidica}
--DS: I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own Peter Parker (8) {Lady_Skywalker}
--DD: Stop-Ye-Whining-Ye-Yellow-Bellied-Lily-Livered-Landlubber Sooooo-Not-Worth-It “Lily” (5) {Roey}
--DS: Get-Over-Here-Foul-Wench I-Feel-Twenty-Pounds-Lighter (5) {molly}
--DS: Argggh Me Harty Can I Haz a Cheeseberger (5) {gabriellagrace}
--DS: Yo-Ho-Ho-And-A-Bottle-Of-Rum Where's-The-Man-In-The-Moon “Rum” (5) {AnnaMarie}
DS: Meshach Star-Wars “Meesh” (26) {Lady_Skywalker}
-DW: Lauren Asha (27)
--DS: Thatcher Ryan (nb)
DS: Caiaphas Matrix “Cai” (26) {Atheistia/ Ninor}
-DW: Anne Regan (25)
DS: Nogah Jane-Eyre “Nog” (26) {Nyx}
-Dgf: Elizabeth Gemma (22)
DS: Merari Titanic (26) {Rachel Dianne}
-DW: Shiloh Tamara (23)
DD: Miss Luke (22) {Atheistia}
DD: Female-Half-Of-The-World-Champion-Paris-Figure-Skating-Team Prudence “Champ” (22) {molly}
DD: Dungeon Mistress Fluffy “Missy” (22) {molly}
-DH: William Brandon Brown (24)
--DD: Atlanta Kara (2)
--DS: Cairo Alexander (2)
DD: Petty-Officer Magnanimous “Pet” (22) {Genevieve}
DD: Queen Banana Cream “Queeny” (22) {rachel e}
DS: Earl Junkie (22) {gabriellagrace}
DS: Captain Jack-Sparrow (22) {SwtNikki87}
-DW: Tylie Mariel (19)
DS: Archdeacon Chili Con Carne “Archie” (22) {Roey}
-Dfiance: Josie Winter (21)
DD: KnockKnock Grubs “Knocka” (16) {Davidica}
DD: Whos-There George Bush (16) {Ninor}
DD: U-8 Placenta (16) {Veronica}
DD: U-8-Who Cervelle De Veau “U-U” (16) {Veronica}
DD: Lionel-Get-You-Nowhere-You-Better-Tell-The-Truth Inedible-Underwear “Linny” (16) {molly}
DS: Ho-ho-Hee-hee-Ha-haaa Asparagus "Ho-Ho" (16) {Nyx}
-Dgf: Amalia Hollie (16)
DS: Resilience “Tube” (14) {Ninor}
DS: Sencere "Rohai" (14) {Roey}
DS: Valor “Phraseby” (14) {Lady_Skywalker}
DD: Clemency “Liam” (14) {Atheistia}
DD: Bookishness “Molly” (14) {molly}
DD: Imagine “Rachel” (14) {Rachel e}
DD: Purity “Bubblewrap” (14) {gabriellagrace}
DS: Rover Anakin “Rove” (9) {Ninor}
DS: Subaru Jacen (9) {Stephanie}
DS: Lincoln Jedi "Link" (9) {rachel e}
DS: Jaguar Skywalker “Jag” (9) {Ninor}
DS: Hyundai Raymus “Dai” (9) {Stephanie}
DS: Chrysler Lando (9) {Lady_Skywalker}
DS: Aston-Martin Sith (9) {Roey}
DS: Chevrolet Artoo-Detoo “Chevvy” (9) {Helena}
DS: Dodge Obi Wan (9) {rachel e}
DD: Mazda Padme (9) {Lady_Skywalker}
DD: Porsche Lightsaber (9) {molly}
DD: Cadillac Captain Juno Eclipse "Cadi" (9) {Atheistia}
DD: Infiniti San Hill “Indi”(9) {Rachel Dianne}
DD: Beemdoubleyou Force "BMW" (9) {Roey}
DD: Isuzu Tatooine (9) {molly}
DS: Eighteen-Twelve Can-I-Flirt-With-You “Teenie” (8) {Ninor}
DS: ElevenNinetyTwoAD May a thorn sit down amongst the roses (8) “El”{Davidica}
DS: Five-B.C. Okay-so-I-came-over-here-to-ask-you-to-dance-but-I'm-kind-of concerned-I-mean-we-could-hit-it-off-really-well-end-up-having-a-few drinks-next-thing-you-know-you're-giving-me-your-number-because-I'm too-shy-to-ask-for-it-I-finally-get-up-the-nerve-to-call-and-we-take in-a-movie-have-some-dinner-I-relax-you-relax-we-go-out-a-few-more times-get-to-know-each-other's-friends-spend-a-lot-of-time-together, then-finally-have-get-past-this-sexual-tension-and-really-develop-this intense-sex-life-that-is-truly-incredible-decide-our-relationship-is solid-and-stable-so-we-move-in-together-for-a-while-then-a-few months-later-get-married-I-get-a-promotion-you-get-a-promotion-we buy-a-bigger-house-You-really-want-kids-but-I-really-want-freedom, but-we-have-a-kid-anyway-only-to-find-that-I-am-resentful-the-sparks start-to-fade-and-to-rekindle-them-we-have-two-more-lovely-kids-but now-I-work-too-much-to-keep-up-with-the-bills-have-no-time-for-you, you're-stressed-and-stop-taking-really-good-care-of-yourself-so-to get-past-our-slow-sex-life-and-my-declining-self-confidence-I-turn-to an-outside-affair-for-sexual-gratification-You-find-out-because-I'm careless-and-a-lousy-liar-you-throw-me-out-and-we have-to-explain-to-the-kids-why-mommy-and-daddy-are-splitting-up That's-just-too-sad-Think-about-the-children-For-God's-sake-if-you dance-with-me-and-we-hit-it-off-let's-just-keep-it-sexual-because-we both-know-where-it's-going (8) {Roey}
DD: Eighteen-Eighty-Nine If-I-Told-You-That-You-Had-A-Beautiful-Body-Would-You-Hold-It-Against-Me “89” (8) {Veronica}
DD: Sixteen Oh Three I Lost My Phone Number, Can I Have Yours (8) {Stephanie}
DS: Hyperlipidaemia Hyperlipidaemia Hyperlipidaemia My-Achy-Breaky-Heart Whoo-Mom-Was-Right-These-Humans-Really-Do-All-Look-The-Same-How-Are-We-Going-To-Probe-That-George-Bush-Guy-If-We-Can't-Figure-Out-Which-Human-Is-Him Big-Mac-Burger (9 months)
DD: My-Parents-Are-Bunnies Sixty "Bunny" (nb)
DD: Its-Business-Time Nine "Busi" (nb)
DD: Ma-And-Pa-Dont-Believe-In-Condoms Kids "Connie" (nb)
DD: The-Summer-Of-Love-Never-Ended We're "Summer" (nb)
DS: Do-It-Doggy-Style-So-We-Can-Both-Watch-The-Nature-Channel Finally "Dog"(nb)
DS: Product-of-Nymphomanics Done "Mannie" (nb)
DS: Not-Only-A-Football-Team-But-A-Whole-Damn-League About "Footy" (nb)
DS: Number-Sixty-Nine-Yeah-Baby Time "Numbo" (nb)
This message was edited 10/16/2009, 3:07 AM