Re: CAF - 20 Questions
in reply to a message by LadyBug18
1. DH's name (use the names next to your answer for FN & MN)
Which of these nutral colors do you like best? (Black - Gavin, Jose, Joram, Richard, Spencer, Pierre, Eric)
Eric Spencer
2. DW's name (use the names next to your answer for FN & MN)
Which of these beloved British writers? (William Shakespeare- Christine, Elysia, Gloria, Brigitte, Kora, Peggy, Rosie)
Christine Brigitte
3. First child (determinds gender)
Which element fascinates you? (Water - girl)
4. First child's name
Which planet would you most like to visit? (Mars - FN must be French, MN must be Russian)
Michelle Aleksandra
5. Second child (determinds gender)
Which school yard game did/do you enjoy playing? (Jump rope - Boy)
6. Second child's name
Which activity do you enjoy the most? (Swimming - FN Welsh, MN starts with a C)
Dylan Conner
7. Pet (dterminds kind, you decide gender and name)
Favorite type of desert? (Cake - Fish)
8. Multibles (twins/triplets, you decide genders)
Which is you favorite fabric? (Denim - triplets)
9. Multiples names
Which flavor icecream do you like most? (Chocolate - FNs unisex, MNs flowers or plants)
Carrie Rose / Laine Iris / Reese Lily
10. Next child (determinds gender)
What color are your eyes? (Brown - girl)
11. Next child's names
Your middle name begins with...(N-R - FN is Scottish, MN starts with D)
Lindsay Daniella
12. Other family member (another member living with the family)
How do you like your earings? (Dangly - DG-ma (Dear Grandma))
13. Other family member's name
Which insect makes you smile? (Butterfly - FN starts with T or F, MN is German)
Faith Anneliese
14. Second pet (you choose type)
Which movie genre do you most enjoy? (Drama - fish)
15. Second pet's name (you determind gender)
Which pastel color? (Pink - name(s) must be a place)
16. Adopted Child (determinds gender)
Which shape do you like most? (Circle - girl)
17. Adopted child's name
Which name do you like the least? (Eartha - FN must start with A, MN must be Swedish)
Ava Elisabeth
18. Adopted family member
Which is your natural hair color? (Brown - student boarder (male))
19. Adopted family member's name
Which unisex name do you like the most? (Aubrey - FN must be a form of Andrew, MN must be same as DH or DW)
Andres Spencer
20. Last pet (you choose name)
Which boys name do you dislike the most? (Ogden - dog)
DH: Eric Spencer
DW: Christine Brigitte
DD: Michelle Aleksandra
DS: Dylan Conner
DD/DD/DD: Carrie Rose / Laine Iris / Reese Lily
DD: Lindsay Daniella
DD: Ava Elisabeth
Grandmother: Faith Anneliese
Student Boarder: Andres Spencer
Pet Fish: Nemo / Venus
Pet Dog: Jack
Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Michelle Rene, Carrie Elisabeth Marie, Laine Ava Reese
Cade Preston, Grant William, Jude Hamilton
Which of these nutral colors do you like best? (Black - Gavin, Jose, Joram, Richard, Spencer, Pierre, Eric)
Eric Spencer
2. DW's name (use the names next to your answer for FN & MN)
Which of these beloved British writers? (William Shakespeare- Christine, Elysia, Gloria, Brigitte, Kora, Peggy, Rosie)
Christine Brigitte
3. First child (determinds gender)
Which element fascinates you? (Water - girl)
4. First child's name
Which planet would you most like to visit? (Mars - FN must be French, MN must be Russian)
Michelle Aleksandra
5. Second child (determinds gender)
Which school yard game did/do you enjoy playing? (Jump rope - Boy)
6. Second child's name
Which activity do you enjoy the most? (Swimming - FN Welsh, MN starts with a C)
Dylan Conner
7. Pet (dterminds kind, you decide gender and name)
Favorite type of desert? (Cake - Fish)
8. Multibles (twins/triplets, you decide genders)
Which is you favorite fabric? (Denim - triplets)
9. Multiples names
Which flavor icecream do you like most? (Chocolate - FNs unisex, MNs flowers or plants)
Carrie Rose / Laine Iris / Reese Lily
10. Next child (determinds gender)
What color are your eyes? (Brown - girl)
11. Next child's names
Your middle name begins with...(N-R - FN is Scottish, MN starts with D)
Lindsay Daniella
12. Other family member (another member living with the family)
How do you like your earings? (Dangly - DG-ma (Dear Grandma))
13. Other family member's name
Which insect makes you smile? (Butterfly - FN starts with T or F, MN is German)
Faith Anneliese
14. Second pet (you choose type)
Which movie genre do you most enjoy? (Drama - fish)
15. Second pet's name (you determind gender)
Which pastel color? (Pink - name(s) must be a place)
16. Adopted Child (determinds gender)
Which shape do you like most? (Circle - girl)
17. Adopted child's name
Which name do you like the least? (Eartha - FN must start with A, MN must be Swedish)
Ava Elisabeth
18. Adopted family member
Which is your natural hair color? (Brown - student boarder (male))
19. Adopted family member's name
Which unisex name do you like the most? (Aubrey - FN must be a form of Andrew, MN must be same as DH or DW)
Andres Spencer
20. Last pet (you choose name)
Which boys name do you dislike the most? (Ogden - dog)
DH: Eric Spencer
DW: Christine Brigitte
DD: Michelle Aleksandra
DS: Dylan Conner
DD/DD/DD: Carrie Rose / Laine Iris / Reese Lily
DD: Lindsay Daniella
DD: Ava Elisabeth
Grandmother: Faith Anneliese
Student Boarder: Andres Spencer
Pet Fish: Nemo / Venus
Pet Dog: Jack
Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Michelle Rene, Carrie Elisabeth Marie, Laine Ava Reese
Cade Preston, Grant William, Jude Hamilton