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Congrats with Rules:
Below I am going to list the people who have yet to catch up and what they need to do to catch up. If you are not here than you are caught up. I will post round five at 8:00 my time (its 4:00 now) and anyone that still hasnt caught up will not be included.Seda*
Round four baby Annika Brianne needs a nn. That was one of the rules. You are welcome to change the name if you cant think of a nn you would like but you still have to follow round four rules.Ariel19
Round three babies DS/DS: need to be named and then Ill give you rould four which you still have to do. Do not forget to go back and use the round three rules to name your round three babies.Elegantly Wasted
ROund four baby Astrid Viktoria needs a nn. That was one of the rules. You are welcome to change the name if you cant think of a nn you would like but you still have to follow round four rules. Bex
ROund four baby Arabella Jacqueline needs a nn. That was one of the rules. You are welcome to change the name if you cant think of a nn you would like but you still have to follow round four rules.Caroline
Round two baby DS: needs to be named and then I will give you the round three and then the round four. Make sure to go back and follow the round two rules!Bea109
Round two baby DS: needs to be named and then I will give you the round three and then the round four. Make sure to go back and follow the round two rules!Inde_andy1491
ROund four baby Annie Charlotte needs a nn. That was one of the rules. You are welcome to change the name if you cant think of a nn you would like but you still have to follow round four rules.Smiley
The name you chose for rould four baby Brandon Alexander Harrison did not follow the rule of first names starting with AIDE or N. Youll have to rename this baby following the rules.Calambroneltalia
ROund four baby Annabella Rhonda needs a nn. That was one of the rules. You are welcome to change the name if you cant think of a nn you would like but you still have to follow round four rules.Lulu
Round two baby DS: needs to be named and then I will give you the round three and then the round four. Make sure to go back and follow the round two rules!
Nikki :)Proud Mama! See My Profile!
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sorry I forgot that partBella
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Ethan doesnt have a nn. That was one of the rules.Nikki :)Proud Mama! See My Profile!
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ROund four baby Arabella Jacqueline needs a nn. That was one of the rules. You are welcome to change the name if you cant think of a nn you would like but you still have to follow round four rules.Arabella Jacqueline "Ari"~~~~~~~~~~ Bex ~~~~~~~~~~~
Professor Snape: Read it.
Harry: "Messrs. Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, offer their compliments to Professor Snape and..."
Professor Snape: Go on.
Harry: "... and request that he keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business."
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Benjamin Theodore/Jeremiah Thomas
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Round FourDD:
Dont forget the rules.Nikki :)Proud Mama! See My Profile!
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Eleanor nn Norah Toria ~ Victoria is my mothers name.
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DS: Finn Erichso sorry! I was thinking that this was your last congrats, which I WASN'T in!
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Round ThreeDS/DS: Nikki :)Proud Mama! See My Profile!
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Round 2Bea109
Round two baby DS: Keegan AndrewReady for Round 3! Sorry I haven't been keeping up! :)

This message was edited 11/11/2005, 4:36 PM

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Round two baby DS: Keegan Andrew
DD/DS: Nicole Elisabeth / Nathan JeremiahI chose same letter for the first names and Biblical names for their middle names!Ready for Round 4!
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DD:Nikki :)Proud Mama! See My Profile!
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Round ThreeDD/DS:Nikki :)Proud Mama! See My Profile!
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Annika Brianne will be "Anka" for short.Thanks!-Seda*
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This message was edited 11/11/2005, 1:25 PM

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All right your good to go for the next round!Nikki :)Proud Mama! See My Profile!
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Rules for those who need them:
Nikki :)Proud Mama! See My Profile!
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See the next one.Nikki :)Proud Mama! See My Profile!
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Round Two:
1. ALL names must be in the database.
2. First names must have a double letter (ex. Emma, Keegan, Kelly...)
3. All middle names must start with a vowel
4. If you want a second middle name it must start with a Z, E, U or S.
5. From now on all nicknames must be posted like this: Michael Anderson "Mike" or I will not get them.
6. From now on all changes must be pointed out to me... Im not going to notice them on my own.Round Three:
1. Every name (including nn's) must be in the database
2. This round is twin round (unless you said you didnt want them). For this round your twins must follow two of these themes(first names one theme and middle names another): biblical, same letter, flowers, colors, characters from a popular tv show, food names, virtue names. If you want to use another theme it must be preaproved by me before you post the names. If you DO NOT have twins the single child must follow the themes anyways but you do not have the option of creating your own theme.
You must tell me what theme you are using!Round Four:
1. Every name (first, middle and nicknames) MUST me in the database.
2. All first names must start with A,I,D,E or N and must have a nn.
3. All middle names must be the same as or a varient of YOUR mother or father's name. PLEASE MAKE SURE TO TELL ME WHAT YOUR MOTHER OR FATHER'S NAME IS)
Nikki :)Proud Mama! See My Profile!
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I'll use Biblical...DS/DS: Caleb Ethan / Elijah Jacob
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An finally to catch you up....Round Four
DD:Nikki :)Proud Mama! See My Profile!
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Evelyn Grace "Eva" I can't remember parents names!!!!
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