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Re: Generation CAF
in reply to a message by Opal
DH: Florian Henry
DW: Maeve Kathleen DD1: Caroline Nina
DS1: James Lorcan
DD2: Matilda Elizabeth
DS2: Louis Oliver
DD3: Katharine Penelope------DD1: (same as above)
DH: James Ira WilliamDS: Samuel Robert
DS: Oisin Alexander
DD: Ava Megan------DS1: (same as above)
DW: Noriko IzumiDD: Naomi Midori------DD2: (same as above)
DH: Albert ThomasDS: Benjamin Levi
-Dgf: Evelyn Audrey
DS: David Raphael------DS2: (same as above)
DW: Liliana SimoneDD: Johanna Camille
DD: Vanessa Alicia
DD: Eva Susannah
DD: Aurora Stella------DD3: (same as above)
DH: Andrew Ian
DS: Owen Byron
DD: Sophia Elise
DS: Alexander NolanDdog: Luna Lark
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