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Re: Generation CAF
in reply to a message by Opal
DH: William Calvin
DW: Maeve MaureenDD1: Nina Catherine
DS1: James Kieran
DD2: Matilda Cordelia
DS2: Oliver Henry
DD3: Iris Penelope
------DD1: Nina Catherine
DH: Thomas LawrenceDS: Lucas Cole "Luke"
DS: Ian Alexander
DD: Bridget Wynne
------DS1: James Kieran
DW: Izumi Keiko "Izzie"DD: Darby Emma
------DD2: Matilda Cordelia
DH: Charles Theodore "Charlie"DS: Daniel Noah
-Dgf: Belle Audrey "Bella"
DS: Elijah David "Eli"
------DS2: Oliver Henry
DW: Violetta RoseDD: Hope Johanna
DD: Abigail Ella
DD: Grace Eliza
DD: Stella Vivian
------DD3: Iris Penelope
DH: Colin ConnorDS: Isaac Owen
DD: Cecilia Fay
DS: Leighton BaileyDdog: True Story
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