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Re: Generation CAF
in reply to a message by Opal
DH: Henry Issac
DW: Elizabeth Abigail Bridget DD1: Naomi Priscilla Mary
DS1: Kieran James
DD2: Anna Elizabeth Matilda
DS2: Oliver Louis Henry
DD3: Juliet Victoria Penelope ------DD1: (same as above)
DH: Thomas James DS: Samuel Lucas
DS: Rowan Alexander
DD: Ava Lilias Bridget------DS1: (same as above)
DW: Masuyo Noriko DD: Emma Julia ------DD2: (same as above)
DH: Charles Thomas DS: Noah Daniel Levi
-Dgf: Evelyn Juliette
DS: Ethan Joseph David ------DS2: (same as above)
DW: Liliana Madeline RoseDD: Emily Rebecca Elise
DD: Alicia Lauren
DD: Eliza Madeline Hannah
DD: Chloe Vivian Stella------DD3: (same as above)
DH: Declan Connor Eamon
DS: Owen Isaac
DD: Sophia Violet Elise
DS: Alexander KieranDdog: Evie
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