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Re: Generation CAF
in reply to a message by Opal
DH: Henry William
DW: Bridget Kathleen DD1: Tabitha Naomi
DS1: Kieran James
DD2: Leora Elizabeth
DS2: Benjamin Oliver
DD3: Juliet Katharine ------DD1: Tabitha Naomi
DH: James William RichardDS: Nathan Lucas
DS: Eric Brian
DD: Lilias Kathleen Amy ------DS1: Kieran James
DW: Izumi Keiko "Izie" DD: Alannah Midori------DD2: Leora Elizabeth
DH: Charles Theodore DS: Levi Seth
-Dgf: Audrey Belle
DS: Ethan Caleb ------DS2: Benjamin Oliver
DW: Madeline RoseDD: Leah Hope
DD: Kayla Jade
DD: Mara Grace
DD: Elisa Verity ------DD3: Juliet Katharine
DH: Connor Andrew
DS: Maxwell Byron
DD: Cecilia Claire
DS: Nolan Alexander Ddog: Story
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