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Re: Generation CAF
in reply to a message by Opal
DH: Calvin Isaac
DW: Maeve Kathleen DD1: Caroline Catherine
DS1: Colin Jeffrey
DD2: Cordelia Leora "Delia"
DS2: Louis Henry "Louie"
DD3: Juliet Audrey------DD1: (same as above)
DH: Thomas WilliamDS: Cole Nathan
DS: Ian Alexander
DD: Ava Kathleen------DS1: (same as above)
DW: Izumi Sakurako DD: Emma Midori------DD2: (same as above)
DH: Theodore Charles "Theo" DS: Seth Benjamin
-Dgf: Audrey Evelyn
DS: Raphael Nathaniel------DS2: (same as above)
DW: Rose MadelineDD: Camille Eve
DD: Lauren Ella
DD: Grace Isabelle
DD: Aurora Stella------DD3: (same as above)
DH: Eamon Colin
DS: Owen Auden
DD: Claire Cecilia
DS: Kieran BaileyDdog: Abby
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