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Re: Generation CAF
in reply to a message by Opal
DH: Robert Calvin
DW: Bridget Maeve DD1: Sara Naomi
DS1: Benjamin Colin
DD2: Bethany Rowena
DS2: Roger Louis
DD3: Margaret Eve ------DD1: Sara Naomi
DH: Thomas William DS: Cole Hunter
DS: Brandon Eric
DD: Ava Bridget------DS1: Benjamin Colin
DW: Keiko ShioriDD: Emma Kasumi------DD2: Bethany Rowena
DH: Michael JeffreyDS: Aaron Levi
-Dgf: Kristin Joleen
DS: Caleb Elijah------DS2: Roger Louis
DW: Simone GabriellaDD: Emily Johanna
DD: Lauren Jade
DD: Grace Madeline
DD: Hannah Vivian------DD3: Margaret Eve
DH: Brian Vaughn
DS: Owen Maxwell
DD: Sophia Claire
DS: Braden AlexanderDdog: Luna
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