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Re: You say, you think
in reply to a message by Petra
"These are my twin boys, Robin and Graham."
You say: It's great to meet you. I like you boys' names.
You think: At least someone's got a little class around here."This is my son, Ciaran."
You say: Ciaran, I've always loved that name. Very nice!
You think: You can never go wrong with a name like Ciaran / Kieran / Kiran / Keren / etc..."This is my son, Desmond."
You say: Hi Desmond.
You think: Why am I thinking of Lost? It's a perfectly normal name!"This is my son, Dorian."
You say: Dorian? Like Oscar Wilde? Nice!
You think: But I think I like Darian slightly better. Hmm.."This is my daughter, Athena."
You say: Wow, that's a big name.
You think: And far too much to have to deal with."This is my daughter, Maura."
You say: Hi Maura. I used to have a good friend named Maura. It's a pretty name.
You think: Not my favourite, but not that bad either, I guess."This is my daughter, Viviana."
You say: Viviana, how classy!
You think: And trillion points to mom for not naming her Vivian instead. Viviana has more class and it was never considered a boy's name."This is my daughter, Adele."
You say: Adele? I really like that.
You think: Have since I was six or seven. And all these years I've preferred Adelaide, but still...
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