Welcome Isaiah, Preston, and Chloe!
Isaiah is 7 years old and comes from Halifax, Nova Scotia. He loves to play hockey and baseball and gets along very well with others. He has no emotional, mental, or physical disabilities. He and his siblings were given up for adoption because their parents died in a car crash and they had no relatives who were willing to take them. Isaiah has been raised as a member of the United Church of Canada and is used to going to church every week. Besides playing sports, he loves dogs and road trips.
Preston is 5 years old and is Isaiah's brother. He is much quieter than Isaiah, but is a very warm, polite, and funny boy. He has no mental or emotional issues, but he has mild cerebral palsy which has garnered some teasing from the children in his old kindergarten class. He needs to know that he can still be loved even though his body isn't quite where others' are. He is extremely intelligent and his teacher in Halifax talked of bumping him up in school to join children of older ages. Preston loves playing with animals, reading, and would like to learn how to swim.
Chloe is 5 years old and is Preston's twin. She is emotionally, physically, and mentally sound. She loves to play with Barbie dolls and animals, playing dress-up, dancing, and singing. Chloe has always loved being the center of attention and was taking ballet lessons and voice lessons back in Halifax. She takes the opportunity to perform as much as possible. While going to church was not her favorite pastime, she has made many friends at her old Sunday School and wishes to contact them. She is excited to meet her new siblings and to make as many new friends as possible.
Please let us know how the kids are doing!