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Decided to snatch a few...
LN: PittName: John Luther
Age: 49
Occupation: office worker
Interests: sports, watching TV
Disabilities: NoneSO: Elizabeth Ann
Age: 42
Occupation: Stay at home mom
Interests: dancing, sewing
Disabilities: InfertileChildren: (biological or adopted; names, ages, interests, disabilities) NoneOthers living with you (who and what is their relation?): NonePets (name, species, ect.): NoneHometown: Springfield, Illinois
House type: Small house
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 1
Do you travel often? If yes, where to?: Nope.Languages spoken: English
Religion: Christian
Misc.:Adoptee(s): (see below for choices)
Number of children: [max 3 choices, number of kids may vary]
Nationality/Country of origin: USA
Language preference: English
Religion preference: ChristianFirst choice(s): 18 year old boy, 1 child (boy, 1), 5 year old boy, ADHD
Second choice(s): SET: 2 boys (4 year old twins)
Third choice(s): SET: 2 boys (ages 7 and newborn)

This message was edited 12/20/2008, 1:37 PM

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Welcome Joseph and Leo!You got: 18 year old boy, 1 child (boy, 1), 5 year old boy, ADHDJoseph Reuben is an 18-year-old boy from Chicago, Illinois. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He was kicked out of the house for getting a girl pregnant. He likes football and cars. He has a 1-year-old named Brayden Mike.Leo Marc is a 5-year-old boy from St. Paul, Minnesota. He has blond hair and blue eyes. He has no family. Leo likes trucks and dogs. He has ADHD.

This message was edited 12/20/2008, 1:51 PM

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