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Re: Star.frog's Adoption Agency
UN: Rachel Shay
LN: Jennings YOU
Name: Janis Rochelle
Age: 38
Occupation: High School English Teacher
Disabilities: none
Hobbies: craft projects, knitting, reading, writing, cookingSO
Name: Larry Maximilian
Age: 41
Occupation: Pediatrician
Disabilities: none
Hobbies: museums, playing with the kids, football, reading, moviesCurrent children: (names, ages, disabilities)
Tirzah Margaret, 17 (expecting)
Parisa Seraphine, 15
Zakiah Honor, 13
Ashley Raphael, 11
Edward Morgan, 9
Alexander Jared, 8 "Alex" (adopted from Norah's Adoption Agency)
Susannah Rose, 4 (Jesse's twin, adopted from Norah's Adoption Agency)
Jesse Michael, 4 (Susannah Rose's twin, adopted from Norah's Adoption Agency)Others living with you: (names, ages, disabilities)
Jude Ambrose, 1 (Tirzah's son) Pets: none Housing
Type: suburban house
Location: Colorado suburb
Land owned: one acre
Bedrooms: 5
Bathrooms: 4
Other: xWhat is/are the household’s religion(s): non religious / non practicing / atheist
What language(s) do household members speak: English
Do you travel? If so, how often and where to: We take one vacation a year, usually not to the same place. ADOPTION
How many children would you like to adopt: up to 4
Gender(s): either
Age: (newborn-17) any
Nationality: American, English, Welsh, French, Russia, Australian, Chinese
Languages preference: English, or too young to talk
Religion preference: none
Multiples: (specify twins, triplets, quads) any
Will you accept:
--siblings: yes
--neighbors: yes
--friends: yes
--kids with pets (what kind and gender): no pets please
--children with disabilities (what kind and severity): mild emotional
--pregnant teen/teen mother: yes (see note)
--baby’s father/teen father: yes (see note)
Will you allow them to stay in contact with non-abusive parents/relatives? yes
Other: I will take mothers or fathers, but not both. Visiting will still be allowed, but adopting them makes them siblings to me, so it's weird.
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Congratulations!Anna Morgan and Stella"Ella"Lenore are 5-year-old twins from Seattle, WA. Anna likes drawing, painting and piano. Ella likes painting, dress-up and playing outside. Anna would like you to sign her up for piano lessons. Anna has brown eyes and hair and Ella has the same. They are both very exited to have a family!!

This message was edited 5/22/2008, 11:13 AM

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Thank you for the twins!We asked the girls if they'd like to change their names, and we mentioned that Edward's middle name was Morgan. Anna was surprised and said she didn't want a boy's name, so we changed her middle name to Evangeline. Ella kept her name, but after Zakiah mentioned that "Stella" means star, she started going by her full name (Though sometimes she'll go by Stella-Star, or Star-Ella). Susannah Rose and the twins bonded right away, being around the same age group and both being adopted. Instead of signing Anna up for piano, we're having Edward teach her, but if she gets very good, we'll sign her up for advanced lessons. Stella likes putting on fashion shows in the living room-- lately we've caught her trying to get Jude into a dress. Both of the girls are fascinated by Tirzah's pregnancy, and Stella's looking forward to having a new model. Thank you, again, for bringing these children into our lives.
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whoops -- 2 kids, not 4 :P
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